package routers import ( "strings" "" "" beego "" "" ) //TODO: This file should never exist. Solve the bugs and avoid using this // [ id id2 id3 ] // id,id2,id3 // Some Beego bugs? that we want to fix func initUglyFixes() { var FixParameterArrays = func(ctx *context.Context) { for k, v := range ctx.Input.Params() { if strings.HasPrefix(v, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(v, "]") { logs.Warn("BUGFIX: Fixing array interpretation. Should not be done like this") newParam := strings.NewReplacer("[", "", " ", ",", "]", "").Replace(v) ctx.Input.SetParam(k, newParam) } } } beego.InsertFilter("/*/multi/:IDs", beego.BeforeExec, FixParameterArrays, beego.WithReturnOnOutput(true)) // FIXME: We should define CORS properly (maybe more permissive in dev mode?) beego.InsertFilter("*", beego.BeforeStatic, cors.Allow(&cors.Options{ AllowAllOrigins: true, AllowMethods: []string{ "HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", }, })) }