# OC Catalog ## OpenCloud Catalog API Uses the Beego framework To install the Beego bee command : go install github.com/beego/bee/v2@master To build and run : go mod tidy bee run -downdoc=true -gendoc=true ## Full deploy Deploy with docker: `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.backend.yml up --build` and populate DB (or other scripts) with: `docker exec -it oc-catalog_oc-catalog_1 ./scripts/populate_models.sh ./scripts/demo.json` or out of docker `./scripts/populate_models.sh ./scripts/demo.json` ## Dev Start DB with `docker-compose up -d` and run the API with `bee run -downdoc=true -gendoc=true` ## Multinode Deploy `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.backend.yml -f docker-compose.multi.yml up --build` Populate `./scripts/multinode.sh ./scripts/demo.json`