package controllers import ( "" beego "" ) // StorageController operations about storage type StorageController struct { beego.Controller } // @Title Get // @Description find storage by ID // @Param ID path string true "the ID you want to get" // @Success 200 {object} models.StorageModel // @Failure 403 ID is empty // @router /:ID [get] func (o *StorageController) GetOneStorage(ID string) { if ID != "" { ob, err := models.GetOneStorage(ID) if err != nil { o.Data["json"] = err.Error() } else { o.Data["json"] = ob } } o.ServeJSON() } // @Title Get multiple storages by IDs // @Description Return Storage objects if found in the DB. Not found IDs will be ignored // @Param IDs path []string true "List of storage IDs" // @Success 200 {object} []models.ComputingModel // @Failure 403 IDs are empty // @router /multi/:IDs [get] func (o *StorageController) GetMultipleStorage(IDs []string) { if len(IDs) != 0 { ob, err := models.GetMultipleStorage(IDs) if err != nil { o.Ctx.Output.SetStatus(500) } else { o.Data["json"] = ob } } else { o.Ctx.Output.SetStatus(403) } o.ServeJSON() } // @Title Create Storage // @Description submit storage object // @Param body body models.StorageNEWModel true "The object content" // @Success 200 {string} models.StorageModel // @Failure 403 Missing body or fields // @router / [post] func (o *StorageController) PostStorage(body models.StorageNEWModel) { err := validate.Struct(body) // validationErrors := err.(validator.ValidationErrors) if err != nil { o.Data["json"] = err.Error() o.Ctx.Output.Status = 403 o.ServeJSON() return } ID, err := models.PostOneStorage(body) if err != nil { o.Ctx.Output.SetStatus(500) return } o.Data["json"] = map[string]string{"ID": ID} o.ServeJSON() }