2024-04-15 11:43:07 +02:00

225 lines
6.0 KiB

package models
import (
structtomap ""
type ExecutionRequirementsModel struct {
CPUs uint `json:"cpus" required:"true"`
GPUs uint `json:"gpus" description:"Amount of GPUs needed"`
RAM uint `json:"ram" required:"true" description:"Units in MB"`
// We should check closely how to deal with storage, since they are independent models
// but also part of a DataCenter
// Storage uint `json:"storage" description:"Units in MB"`
Parallel bool `json:"parallel"`
ScalingModel uint `json:"scaling_model"`
DiskIO string `json:"disk_io"`
type RepositoryModel struct {
Credentials string `json:"credentials"`
Url string `json:"url"`
type ComputingNEWModel struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" required:"true" validate:"required" description:"Name of the computing"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty" required:"true"`
ShortDescription string `json:"short_description,omitempty" required:"true" validate:"required"`
Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty" required:"true" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" required:"true"`
Owner string `json:"owner,omitempty"`
License string `json:"license,omitempty"`
Price uint `json:"price,omitempty"`
ExecutionRequirements ExecutionRequirementsModel `json:"execution_requirements,omitempty"`
Dinputs []string `json:"dinputs,omitempty"` // Possibly redundant with Links object in oc-schedule
Doutputs []string `json:"doutputs,omitempty"` // Possibly redundant with Links objects in oc-schedule
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
Command string `json:"command,omitempty"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments,omitempty"`
Environment []string `json:"environment,omitempty"`
Ports []string `json:"ports,omitempty"`
// CustomDeployment string `json:"custom_deployment,omitempty"`
// Repository RepositoryModel `json:"repository,omitempty"`
type ComputingModel struct {
ID string `json:"ID" bson:"_id" required:"true" example:"5099803df3f4948bd2f98391"`
ComputingNEWModel `bson:",inline"`
func (model ComputingModel) getRtype() rtype.Rtype {
return rtype.COMPUTING
func (model ComputingModel) getName() string {
return model.Name
// A user can have multiple workload project with the same model. We must distinguish what is
// the model and what is the user object
type ComputingObject struct {
ReferenceID primitive.ObjectID `json:"referenceID" description:"Computing model ID"`
Inputs []string `json:"inputs"`
Outputs []string `json:"outputs"`
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
Command string `json:"command,omitempty"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments,omitempty"`
Environment []string `json:"environment,omitempty"`
Ports []string `json:"ports,omitempty"`
DataCenterID string `json:"datacenterID" description:"Datacenter where the computing will be executed"`
func (obj ComputingObject) getHost() *string {
return nil // Host is DC only attribute
func (obj *ComputingObject) setReference(rID primitive.ObjectID) {
obj.ReferenceID = rID
func (obj ComputingObject) getReference() primitive.ObjectID {
return obj.ReferenceID
func (obj ComputingObject) getRtype() rtype.Rtype {
return rtype.COMPUTING
func (obj ComputingObject) getModel() (ret ResourceModel, err error) {
var ret2 ComputingModel
res := services.MngoCollComputing.FindOne(services.MngoCtx,
primitive.M{"_id": obj.ReferenceID},
if err = res.Err(); err != nil {
err = res.Decode(&ret2)
return ret2, err
func (obj ComputingObject) getName() (name *string) {
aa, err := obj.getModel()
if err != nil {
name2 := aa.getName()
return &name2
func (obj ComputingObject) isLinked(rObjID string) LinkingState {
if contains(obj.Inputs, rObjID) {
return INPUT
if contains(obj.Outputs, rObjID) {
return OUTPUT
return NO_LINK
func (obj *ComputingObject) addLink(direction LinkingState, rID string) {
switch direction {
case INPUT:
obj.Inputs = append(obj.Inputs, rID)
case OUTPUT:
obj.Outputs = append(obj.Outputs, rID)
func GetOneComputing(ID string) (object *ComputingModel, err error) {
obj, err := getOneResourceByID(ID, rtype.COMPUTING)
if err != nil {
return object, err
object = obj.(*ComputingModel)
return object, err
func GetMultipleComputing(IDs []string) (object *[]ComputingModel, err error) {
objArray, err := getMultipleResourceByIDs(IDs, rtype.COMPUTING)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
object = objArray.(*[]ComputingModel)
return object, err
func PostOneComputing(obj ComputingNEWModel) (ID string, err error) {
return postOneResource(obj, rtype.COMPUTING)
func (obj *ComputingObject) AddUserInput(inputs []xml.Attr){
logs.Alert("AddUserInput() is going to throw some alerts while mxGraph GUI is not updated to adapt the inputs to the componant")
// So far only a few input to handle so a switch with a case for each type of attribute
// is enough, to prevent too much complexity
for _, j := range(inputs){
setting, _ := structtomap.Convert(j)
// fmt.Println(strings.ToLower(setting["Name"]))
name := setting["Name"].(xml.Name).Local
value := setting["Value"]
switch name {
case "command":
obj.Command = value.(string)
case "args":
empty, sliced_arguments := getSliceSettings(value.(string))
if (!empty){
obj.Arguments = sliced_arguments
case "env" :
empty, sliced_arguments := getSliceSettings(value.(string))
if (!empty){
obj.Environment = sliced_arguments
logs.Alert(fmt.Printf("%s is not an attribute of computing componants", name))
func getSliceSettings(string_to_parse string)(empty bool, sliced_string []string){
if len(string_to_parse) == 0 {
return true, nil
empty = false
sliced_string = strings.Split(string_to_parse," ")