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2023-08-26 22:04:56 +02:00
Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
Scrollbars example for mxGraph. This example demonstrates using
a scrollable table with different sections in a cell label.
<title>Scrollbars example for mxGraph</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
table.title {
border-color: black;
border-collapse: collapse;
cursor: move;
height: 26px;
border-bottom-style: none;
color: black;
table.title th {
font-size: 10pt;
font-family: Verdana;
white-space: nowrap;
background: lightgray;
font-weight: bold;
table.erd {
font-size: 10pt;
font-family: Verdana;
border-color: black;
border-collapse: collapse;
overflow: auto;
cursor: move;
white-space: nowrap;
table.erd td {
border-color: black;
text-align: left;
color: black;
button {
<!-- Sets the basepath for the library if not in same directory -->
<script type="text/javascript">
mxBasePath = '../src';
<!-- Loads and initializes the library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../src/js/mxClient.js"></script>
<!-- Example code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Program starts here. Creates a sample graph in the
// DOM node with the specified ID. This function is invoked
// from the onLoad event handler of the document (see below).
function main(container)
// Checks if the browser is supported
if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported())
// Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
// Must be disabled to compute positions inside the DOM tree of the cell label.
mxGraphView.prototype.optimizeVmlReflows = false;
// If connect preview is not moved away then getCellAt is used to detect the cell under
// the mouse if the mouse is over the preview shape in IE (no event transparency), ie.
// the built-in hit-detection of the HTML document will not be used in this case. This is
// not a problem here since the preview moves away from the mouse as soon as it connects
// to any given table row. This is because the edge connects to the outside of the row and
// is aligned to the grid during the preview.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway = false;
// Disables foreignObjects
mxClient.NO_FO = true;
// Enables move preview in HTML to appear on top
mxGraphHandler.prototype.htmlPreview = true;
// Enables connect icons to appear on top of HTML
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.moveIconFront = true;
// Defines an icon for creating new connections in the connection handler.
// This will automatically disable the highlighting of the source vertex.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage = new mxImage('images/connector.gif', 16, 16);
// Support for certain CSS styles in quirks mode
if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
new mxDivResizer(container);
// Disables the context menu
// Overrides target perimeter point for connection previews
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function(state, me)
// Determines the y-coordinate of the target perimeter point
// by using the currentRowNode assigned in updateRow
var y = me.getY();
if (this.currentRowNode != null)
y = getRowY(state, this.currentRowNode);
// Checks on which side of the terminal to leave
var x = state.x;
if (this.previous.getCenterX() > state.getCenterX())
x += state.width;
return new mxPoint(x, y);
// Overrides source perimeter point for connection previews
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function(state, next, me)
var y = me.getY();
if (this.sourceRowNode != null)
y = getRowY(state, this.sourceRowNode);
// Checks on which side of the terminal to leave
var x = state.x;
if (next.x > state.getCenterX())
x += state.width;
return new mxPoint(x, y);
// Disables connections to invalid rows
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function(cell)
return this.currentRowNode != null;
// Creates the graph inside the given container
var graph = new mxGraph(container);
// Uses the entity perimeter (below) as default
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP;
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] =
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW] = true;
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = '#DDEAFF';
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = '#A9C4EB';
delete graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR];
// Used for HTML labels that use up the complete vertex space (see
// graph.cellRenderer.redrawLabel below for syncing the size)
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] = 'fill';
// Uses the entity edge style as default
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] =
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = 'black';
graph.stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle()[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = 'black';
// Allows new connections to be made but do not allow existing
// connections to be changed for the sake of simplicity of this
// example
graph.centerZoom = false;
// Override folding to allow for tables
graph.isCellFoldable = function(cell, collapse)
return this.getModel().isVertex(cell);
// Overrides connectable state
graph.isCellConnectable = function(cell)
return !this.isCellCollapsed(cell);
// Enables HTML markup in all labels
// Scroll events should not start moving the vertex
graph.cellRenderer.isLabelEvent = function(state, evt)
var source = mxEvent.getSource(evt);
return state.text != null && source != state.text.node &&
source != state.text.node.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
// Adds scrollbars to the outermost div and keeps the
// DIV position and size the same as the vertex
var oldRedrawLabel = graph.cellRenderer.redrawLabel;
graph.cellRenderer.redrawLabel = function(state)
oldRedrawLabel.apply(this, arguments); // "supercall"
var graph = state.view.graph;
var model = graph.model;
if (model.isVertex(state.cell) && state.text != null)
// Scrollbars are on the div
var s = graph.view.scale; = 'hidden';
var div = state.text.node.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
if (div != null)
// Adds height of the title table cell
var oh = 26; = 'block'; = oh + 'px'; = Math.max(1, Math.round(state.width / s)) + 'px'; = Math.max(1, Math.round((state.height / s) - oh)) + 'px';
// Installs the handler for updating connected edges
if (div.scrollHandler == null)
div.scrollHandler = true;
var updateEdges = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
var edgeCount = model.getEdgeCount(state.cell);
// Only updates edges to avoid update in DOM order
// for text label which would reset the scrollbar
for (var i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
var edge = model.getEdgeAt(state.cell, i);
graph.view.invalidate(edge, true, false);
mxEvent.addListener(div, 'scroll', updateEdges);
mxEvent.addListener(div, 'mouseup', updateEdges);
// Adds a new function to update the currentRow based on the given event
// and return the DOM node for that row
graph.connectionHandler.updateRow = function(target)
while (target != null && target.nodeName != 'TR')
target = target.parentNode;
this.currentRow = null;
// Checks if we're dealing with a row in the correct table
if (target != null && target.parentNode.parentNode.className == 'erd')
// Stores the current row number in a property so that it can
// be retrieved to create the preview and final edge
var rowNumber = 0;
var current = target.parentNode.firstChild;
while (target != current && current != null)
current = current.nextSibling;
this.currentRow = rowNumber + 1;
target = null;
return target;
// Adds placement of the connect icon based on the mouse event target (row)
graph.connectionHandler.updateIcons = function(state, icons, me)
var target = me.getSource();
target = this.updateRow(target);
if (target != null && this.currentRow != null)
var div = target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var s = state.view.scale;
icons[0] = 'visible';
icons[0].bounds.x = state.x + target.offsetLeft + Math.min(state.width,
target.offsetWidth * s) - this.icons[0].bounds.width - 2;
icons[0].bounds.y = state.y - this.icons[0].bounds.height / 2 + (target.offsetTop +
target.offsetHeight / 2 - div.scrollTop + div.offsetTop) * s;
this.currentRowNode = target;
icons[0] = 'hidden';
// Updates the targetRow in the preview edge State
var oldMouseMove = graph.connectionHandler.mouseMove;
graph.connectionHandler.mouseMove = function(sender, me)
if (this.edgeState != null)
this.currentRowNode = this.updateRow(me.getSource());
if (this.currentRow != null)
this.edgeState.cell.value.setAttribute('targetRow', this.currentRow);
this.edgeState.cell.value.setAttribute('targetRow', '0');
// Destroys icon to prevent event redirection via image in IE
oldMouseMove.apply(this, arguments);
// Creates the edge state that may be used for preview
graph.connectionHandler.createEdgeState = function(me)
var relation = doc.createElement('Relation');
relation.setAttribute('sourceRow', this.currentRow || '0');
relation.setAttribute('targetRow', '0');
var edge = this.createEdge(relation);
var style = this.graph.getCellStyle(edge);
var state = new mxCellState(this.graph.view, edge, style);
// Stores the source row in the handler
this.sourceRowNode = this.currentRowNode;
return state;
// Overrides getLabel to return empty labels for edges and
// short markup for collapsed cells.
graph.getLabel = function(cell)
if (this.getModel().isVertex(cell))
if (this.isCellCollapsed(cell))
return '<table style="overflow:hidden;" width="100%" height="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" class="title" style="height:100%;">' +
'<tr><th>Customers</th></tr>' +
return '<table style="overflow:hidden;" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" class="title">' +
'<tr><th colspan="2">Customers</th></tr>' +
'<div style="overflow:auto;cursor:default;">'+
'<table width="100%" height="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" class="erd">' +
'<tr><td>' +
'<img align="center" src="images/key.png"/>' +
'<img align="center" src="images/plus.png"/>' +
'</td><td>' +
'<u>customerId</u></td></tr><tr><td></td><td>number</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td></td><td>firstName</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>lastName</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td></td><td>streetAddress</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>city</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td></td><td>state</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>zip</td></tr>' +
return '';
// User objects (data) for the individual cells
var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
// Same should be used to create the XML node for the table
// description and the rows (most probably as child nodes)
var relation = doc.createElement('Relation');
relation.setAttribute('sourceRow', '4');
relation.setAttribute('targetRow', '6');
// Enables rubberband selection
new mxRubberband(graph);
// Enables key handling (eg. escape)
new mxKeyHandler(graph);
// Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This
// is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0).
var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
// Adds cells to the model in a single step
var width = 160;
var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', 20, 20, width, 0);
var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', 400, 150, width, 0);
var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, relation, v1, v2);
// Updates the height of the cell (override width
// for table width is set to 100%)
v1.geometry.width = width;
v1.geometry.alternateBounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, width, 27);
// Updates the height of the cell (override width
// for table width is set to 100%)
v2.geometry.width = width;
v2.geometry.alternateBounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, width, 27);
// Updates the display
var btn1 = mxUtils.button('+', function()
}); = '20px';
document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('-', function()
// Implements a special perimeter for table rows inside the table markup
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function(edge, start, end, source)
var next = this.getNextPoint(edge, end, source);
var div = start.text.node.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var x = start.x;
var y = start.getCenterY();
// Checks on which side of the terminal to leave
if (next.x > x + start.width / 2)
x += start.width;
if (div != null)
y = start.getCenterY() - div.scrollTop;
if (mxUtils.isNode(edge.cell.value) && !this.graph.isCellCollapsed(start.cell))
var attr = (source) ? 'sourceRow' : 'targetRow';
var row = parseInt(edge.cell.value.getAttribute(attr));
// HTML labels contain an outer table which is built-in
var table = div.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
var trs = table.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var tr = trs[Math.min(trs.length - 1, row - 1)];
// Gets vertical center of source or target row
if (tr != null)
y = getRowY(start, tr);
// Keeps vertical coordinate inside start
var offsetTop = parseInt( * start.view.scale;
y = Math.min(start.y + start.height, Math.max(start.y + offsetTop, y));
// Updates the vertical position of the nearest point if we're not
// dealing with a connection preview, in which case either the
// edgeState or the absolutePoints are null
if (edge != null && edge.absolutePoints != null)
next.y = y;
edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(x, y), source);
// Routes multiple incoming edges along common waypoints if
// the edges have a common target row
if (source && mxUtils.isNode(edge.cell.value) && start != null && end != null)
var edges = this.graph.getEdgesBetween(start.cell, end.cell, true);
var tmp = [];
// Filters the edges with the same source row
var row = edge.cell.value.getAttribute('targetRow');
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
if (mxUtils.isNode(edges[i].value) &&
edges[i].value.getAttribute('targetRow') == row)
edges = tmp;
if (edges.length > 1 && edge.cell == edges[edges.length - 1])
// Finds the vertical center
var states = [];
var y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
states[i] = this.getState(edges[i]);
y += states[i].absolutePoints[0].y;
y /= edges.length;
for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++)
var x = states[i].absolutePoints[1].x;
if (states[i].absolutePoints.length < 5)
states[i].absolutePoints.splice(2, 0, new mxPoint(x, y));
states[i].absolutePoints[2] = new mxPoint(x, y);
// Must redraw the previous edges with the changed point
if (i < states.length - 1)
// Defines global helper function to get y-coordinate for a given cell state and row
var getRowY = function(state, tr)
var s = state.view.scale;
var div = tr.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var offsetTop = parseInt(;
var y = state.y + (tr.offsetTop + tr.offsetHeight / 2 - div.scrollTop + offsetTop) * s;
y = Math.min(state.y + state.height, Math.max(state.y + offsetTop * s, y));
return y;
<!-- Page passes the container for the graph to the program -->
<body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))">
<!-- Creates a container for the graph with a grid wallpaper. Width, height and cursor in the style are for IE only -->
<div id="graphContainer"