var Gantt = (function () { 'use strict'; const YEAR = 'year'; const MONTH = 'month'; const DAY = 'day'; const HOUR = 'hour'; const MINUTE = 'minute'; const SECOND = 'second'; const MILLISECOND = 'millisecond'; const month_names = { en: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ], es: [ 'Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre' ], ru: [ 'Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь' ], ptBr: [ 'Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro' ], fr: [ 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre' ], tr: [ 'Ocak', 'Şubat', 'Mart', 'Nisan', 'Mayıs', 'Haziran', 'Temmuz', 'Ağustos', 'Eylül', 'Ekim', 'Kasım', 'Aralık' ], zh: [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月' ] }; var date_utils = { parse(date, date_separator = '-', time_separator = /[.:]/) { if (date instanceof Date) { return date; } if (typeof date === 'string') { let date_parts, time_parts; const parts = date.split(' '); date_parts = parts[0] .split(date_separator) .map(val => parseInt(val, 10)); time_parts = parts[1] && parts[1].split(time_separator); // month is 0 indexed date_parts[1] = date_parts[1] - 1; let vals = date_parts; if (time_parts && time_parts.length) { if (time_parts.length == 4) { time_parts[3] = '0.' + time_parts[3]; time_parts[3] = parseFloat(time_parts[3]) * 1000; } vals = vals.concat(time_parts); } return new Date(...vals); } }, to_string(date, with_time = false) { if (!(date instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError('Invalid argument type'); } const vals = this.get_date_values(date).map((val, i) => { if (i === 1) { // add 1 for month val = val + 1; } if (i === 6) { return padStart(val + '', 3, '0'); } return padStart(val + '', 2, '0'); }); const date_string = `${vals[0]}-${vals[1]}-${vals[2]}`; const time_string = `${vals[3]}:${vals[4]}:${vals[5]}.${vals[6]}`; return date_string + (with_time ? ' ' + time_string : ''); }, format(date, format_string = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS', lang = 'en') { const values = this.get_date_values(date).map(d => padStart(d, 2, 0)); const format_map = { YYYY: values[0], MM: padStart(+values[1] + 1, 2, 0), DD: values[2], HH: values[3], mm: values[4], ss: values[5], SSS:values[6], D: values[2], MMMM: month_names[lang][+values[1]], MMM: month_names[lang][+values[1]] }; let str = format_string; const formatted_values = []; Object.keys(format_map) .sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length) // big string first .forEach(key => { if (str.includes(key)) { str = str.replace(key, `$${formatted_values.length}`); formatted_values.push(format_map[key]); } }); formatted_values.forEach((value, i) => { str = str.replace(`$${i}`, value); }); return str; }, diff(date_a, date_b, scale = DAY) { let milliseconds, seconds, hours, minutes, days, months, years; milliseconds = date_a - date_b; seconds = milliseconds / 1000; minutes = seconds / 60; hours = minutes / 60; days = hours / 24; months = days / 30; years = months / 12; if (!scale.endsWith('s')) { scale += 's'; } return Math.floor( { milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years }[scale] ); }, today() { const vals = this.get_date_values(new Date()).slice(0, 3); return new Date(...vals); }, now() { return new Date(); }, add(date, qty, scale) { qty = parseInt(qty, 10); const vals = [ date.getFullYear() + (scale === YEAR ? qty : 0), date.getMonth() + (scale === MONTH ? qty : 0), date.getDate() + (scale === DAY ? qty : 0), date.getHours() + (scale === HOUR ? qty : 0), date.getMinutes() + (scale === MINUTE ? qty : 0), date.getSeconds() + (scale === SECOND ? qty : 0), date.getMilliseconds() + (scale === MILLISECOND ? qty : 0) ]; return new Date(...vals); }, start_of(date, scale) { const scores = { [YEAR]: 6, [MONTH]: 5, [DAY]: 4, [HOUR]: 3, [MINUTE]: 2, [SECOND]: 1, [MILLISECOND]: 0 }; function should_reset(_scale) { const max_score = scores[scale]; return scores[_scale] <= max_score; } const vals = [ date.getFullYear(), should_reset(YEAR) ? 0 : date.getMonth(), should_reset(MONTH) ? 1 : date.getDate(), should_reset(DAY) ? 0 : date.getHours(), should_reset(HOUR) ? 0 : date.getMinutes(), should_reset(MINUTE) ? 0 : date.getSeconds(), should_reset(SECOND) ? 0 : date.getMilliseconds() ]; return new Date(...vals); }, clone(date) { return new Date(...this.get_date_values(date)); }, get_date_values(date) { return [ date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds() ]; }, get_days_in_month(date) { const no_of_days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; const month = date.getMonth(); if (month !== 1) { return no_of_days[month]; } // Feb const year = date.getFullYear(); if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) { return 29; } return 28; } }; // function padStart(str, targetLength, padString) { str = str + ''; targetLength = targetLength >> 0; padString = String(typeof padString !== 'undefined' ? padString : ' '); if (str.length > targetLength) { return String(str); } else { targetLength = targetLength - str.length; if (targetLength > padString.length) { padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length); } return padString.slice(0, targetLength) + String(str); } } function $(expr, con) { return typeof expr === 'string' ? (con || document).querySelector(expr) : expr || null; } function createSVG(tag, attrs) { const elem = document.createElementNS('', tag); for (let attr in attrs) { if (attr === 'append_to') { const parent = attrs.append_to; parent.appendChild(elem); } else if (attr === 'innerHTML') { elem.innerHTML = attrs.innerHTML; } else { elem.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); } } return elem; } function animateSVG(svgElement, attr, from, to) { const animatedSvgElement = getAnimationElement(svgElement, attr, from, to); if (animatedSvgElement === svgElement) { // triggered 2nd time programmatically // trigger artificial click event const event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('click', true, true); event.eventName = 'click'; animatedSvgElement.dispatchEvent(event); } } function getAnimationElement( svgElement, attr, from, to, dur = '0.4s', begin = '0.1s' ) { const animEl = svgElement.querySelector('animate'); if (animEl) { $.attr(animEl, { attributeName: attr, from, to, dur, begin: 'click + ' + begin // artificial click }); return svgElement; } const animateElement = createSVG('animate', { attributeName: attr, from, to, dur, begin, calcMode: 'spline', values: from + ';' + to, keyTimes: '0; 1', keySplines: cubic_bezier('ease-out') }); svgElement.appendChild(animateElement); return svgElement; } function cubic_bezier(name) { return { ease: '.25 .1 .25 1', linear: '0 0 1 1', 'ease-in': '.42 0 1 1', 'ease-out': '0 0 .58 1', 'ease-in-out': '.42 0 .58 1' }[name]; } $.on = (element, event, selector, callback) => { if (!callback) { callback = selector; $.bind(element, event, callback); } else { $.delegate(element, event, selector, callback); } }; $.off = (element, event, handler) => { element.removeEventListener(event, handler); }; $.bind = (element, event, callback) => { event.split(/\s+/).forEach(function(event) { element.addEventListener(event, callback); }); }; $.delegate = (element, event, selector, callback) => { element.addEventListener(event, function(e) { const delegatedTarget =; if (delegatedTarget) { e.delegatedTarget = delegatedTarget;, e, delegatedTarget); } }); }; $.closest = (selector, element) => { if (!element) return null; if (element.matches(selector)) { return element; } return $.closest(selector, element.parentNode); }; $.attr = (element, attr, value) => { if (!value && typeof attr === 'string') { return element.getAttribute(attr); } if (typeof attr === 'object') { for (let key in attr) { $.attr(element, key, attr[key]); } return; } element.setAttribute(attr, value); }; class Bar { constructor(gantt, task) { this.set_defaults(gantt, task); this.prepare(); this.draw(); this.bind(); } set_defaults(gantt, task) { this.action_completed = false; this.gantt = gantt; this.task = task; } prepare() { this.prepare_values(); this.prepare_helpers(); } prepare_values() { this.invalid = this.task.invalid; this.height = this.gantt.options.bar_height; this.x = this.compute_x(); this.y = this.compute_y(); this.corner_radius = this.gantt.options.bar_corner_radius; this.duration = date_utils.diff(this.task._end, this.task._start, 'hour') / this.gantt.options.step; this.width = this.gantt.options.column_width * this.duration; this.progress_width = this.gantt.options.column_width * this.duration * (this.task.progress / 100) || 0; = createSVG('g', { class: 'bar-wrapper ' + (this.task.custom_class || ''), 'data-id': }); this.bar_group = createSVG('g', { class: 'bar-group', append_to: }); this.handle_group = createSVG('g', { class: 'handle-group', append_to: }); } prepare_helpers() { SVGElement.prototype.getX = function() { return +this.getAttribute('x'); }; SVGElement.prototype.getY = function() { return +this.getAttribute('y'); }; SVGElement.prototype.getWidth = function() { return +this.getAttribute('width'); }; SVGElement.prototype.getHeight = function() { return +this.getAttribute('height'); }; SVGElement.prototype.getEndX = function() { return this.getX() + this.getWidth(); }; } draw() { this.draw_bar(); this.draw_progress_bar(); this.draw_label(); this.draw_resize_handles(); } draw_bar() { this.$bar = createSVG('rect', { x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.width, height: this.height, rx: this.corner_radius, ry: this.corner_radius, class: 'bar', append_to: this.bar_group }); animateSVG(this.$bar, 'width', 0, this.width); if (this.invalid) { this.$bar.classList.add('bar-invalid'); } } draw_progress_bar() { if (this.invalid) return; this.$bar_progress = createSVG('rect', { x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.progress_width, height: this.height, rx: this.corner_radius, ry: this.corner_radius, class: 'bar-progress', append_to: this.bar_group }); animateSVG(this.$bar_progress, 'width', 0, this.progress_width); } draw_label() { createSVG('text', { x: this.x + this.width / 2, y: this.y + this.height / 2, innerHTML:, class: 'bar-label', append_to: this.bar_group }); // labels get BBox in the next tick requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update_label_position()); } draw_resize_handles() { if (this.invalid) return; const bar = this.$bar; const handle_width = 8; createSVG('rect', { x: bar.getX() + bar.getWidth() - 9, y: bar.getY() + 1, width: handle_width, height: this.height - 2, rx: this.corner_radius, ry: this.corner_radius, class: 'handle right', append_to: this.handle_group }); createSVG('rect', { x: bar.getX() + 1, y: bar.getY() + 1, width: handle_width, height: this.height - 2, rx: this.corner_radius, ry: this.corner_radius, class: 'handle left', append_to: this.handle_group }); if (this.task.progress && this.task.progress < 100) { this.$handle_progress = createSVG('polygon', { points: this.get_progress_polygon_points().join(','), class: 'handle progress', append_to: this.handle_group }); } } get_progress_polygon_points() { const bar_progress = this.$bar_progress; return [ bar_progress.getEndX() - 5, bar_progress.getY() + bar_progress.getHeight(), bar_progress.getEndX() + 5, bar_progress.getY() + bar_progress.getHeight(), bar_progress.getEndX(), bar_progress.getY() + bar_progress.getHeight() - 8.66 ]; } bind() { if (this.invalid) return; this.setup_click_event(); } setup_click_event() { $.on(, 'focus ' + this.gantt.options.popup_trigger, e => { if (this.action_completed) { // just finished a move action, wait for a few seconds return; } this.show_popup(); this.gantt.unselect_all();'active'); }); $.on(, 'dblclick', e => { if (this.action_completed) { // just finished a move action, wait for a few seconds return; } this.gantt.trigger_event('click', [this.task]); }); } show_popup() { if (this.gantt.bar_being_dragged) return; const start_date = date_utils.format(this.task._start, 'MMM D', this.gantt.options.language); const end_date = date_utils.format( date_utils.add(this.task._end, -1, 'second'), 'MMM D', this.gantt.options.language ); const subtitle = start_date + ' - ' + end_date; this.gantt.show_popup({ target_element: this.$bar, title:, subtitle: subtitle, task: this.task, }); } update_bar_position({ x = null, width = null }) { const bar = this.$bar; if (x) { // get all x values of parent task const xs = => { return this.gantt.get_bar(dep).$bar.getX(); }); // child task must not go before parent const valid_x = xs.reduce((prev, curr) => { return x >= curr; }, x); if (!valid_x) { width = null; return; } this.update_attr(bar, 'x', x); } if (width && width >= this.gantt.options.column_width) { this.update_attr(bar, 'width', width); } this.update_label_position(); this.update_handle_position(); this.update_progressbar_position(); this.update_arrow_position(); } date_changed() { let changed = false; const { new_start_date, new_end_date } = this.compute_start_end_date(); if (Number(this.task._start) !== Number(new_start_date)) { changed = true; this.task._start = new_start_date; } if (Number(this.task._end) !== Number(new_end_date)) { changed = true; this.task._end = new_end_date; } if (!changed) return; this.gantt.trigger_event('date_change', [ this.task, new_start_date, date_utils.add(new_end_date, -1, 'second') ]); } progress_changed() { const new_progress = this.compute_progress(); this.task.progress = new_progress; this.gantt.trigger_event('progress_change', [this.task, new_progress]); } set_action_completed() { this.action_completed = true; setTimeout(() => (this.action_completed = false), 1000); } compute_start_end_date() { const bar = this.$bar; const x_in_units = bar.getX() / this.gantt.options.column_width; const new_start_date = date_utils.add( this.gantt.gantt_start, x_in_units * this.gantt.options.step, 'hour' ); const width_in_units = bar.getWidth() / this.gantt.options.column_width; const new_end_date = date_utils.add( new_start_date, width_in_units * this.gantt.options.step, 'hour' ); return { new_start_date, new_end_date }; } compute_progress() { const progress = this.$bar_progress.getWidth() / this.$bar.getWidth() * 100; return parseInt(progress, 10); } compute_x() { const { step, column_width } = this.gantt.options; const task_start = this.task._start; const gantt_start = this.gantt.gantt_start; const diff = date_utils.diff(task_start, gantt_start, 'hour'); let x = diff / step * column_width; if (this.gantt.view_is('Month')) { const diff = date_utils.diff(task_start, gantt_start, 'day'); x = diff * column_width / 30; } return x; } compute_y() { return ( this.gantt.options.header_height + this.gantt.options.padding + this.task._index * (this.height + this.gantt.options.padding) ); } get_snap_position(dx) { let odx = dx, rem, position; if (this.gantt.view_is('Week')) { rem = dx % (this.gantt.options.column_width / 7); position = odx - rem + (rem < this.gantt.options.column_width / 14 ? 0 : this.gantt.options.column_width / 7); } else if (this.gantt.view_is('Month')) { rem = dx % (this.gantt.options.column_width / 30); position = odx - rem + (rem < this.gantt.options.column_width / 60 ? 0 : this.gantt.options.column_width / 30); } else { rem = dx % this.gantt.options.column_width; position = odx - rem + (rem < this.gantt.options.column_width / 2 ? 0 : this.gantt.options.column_width); } return position; } update_attr(element, attr, value) { value = +value; if (!isNaN(value)) { element.setAttribute(attr, value); } return element; } update_progressbar_position() { this.$bar_progress.setAttribute('x', this.$bar.getX()); this.$bar_progress.setAttribute( 'width', this.$bar.getWidth() * (this.task.progress / 100) ); } update_label_position() { const bar = this.$bar, label ='.bar-label'); if (label.getBBox().width > bar.getWidth()) { label.classList.add('big'); label.setAttribute('x', bar.getX() + bar.getWidth() + 5); } else { label.classList.remove('big'); label.setAttribute('x', bar.getX() + bar.getWidth() / 2); } } update_handle_position() { const bar = this.$bar; this.handle_group .querySelector('.handle.left') .setAttribute('x', bar.getX() + 1); this.handle_group .querySelector('.handle.right') .setAttribute('x', bar.getEndX() - 9); const handle ='.handle.progress'); handle && handle.setAttribute('points', this.get_progress_polygon_points()); } update_arrow_position() { this.arrows = this.arrows || []; for (let arrow of this.arrows) { arrow.update(); } } } class Arrow { constructor(gantt, from_task, to_task) { this.gantt = gantt; this.from_task = from_task; this.to_task = to_task; this.calculate_path(); this.draw(); } calculate_path() { let start_x = this.from_task.$bar.getX() + this.from_task.$bar.getWidth() / 2; const condition = () => this.to_task.$bar.getX() < start_x + this.gantt.options.padding && start_x > this.from_task.$bar.getX() + this.gantt.options.padding; while (condition()) { start_x -= 10; } const start_y = this.gantt.options.header_height + this.gantt.options.bar_height + (this.gantt.options.padding + this.gantt.options.bar_height) * this.from_task.task._index + this.gantt.options.padding; const end_x = this.to_task.$bar.getX() - this.gantt.options.padding / 2; const end_y = this.gantt.options.header_height + this.gantt.options.bar_height / 2 + (this.gantt.options.padding + this.gantt.options.bar_height) * this.to_task.task._index + this.gantt.options.padding; const from_is_below_to = this.from_task.task._index > this.to_task.task._index; const curve = this.gantt.options.arrow_curve; const clockwise = from_is_below_to ? 1 : 0; const curve_y = from_is_below_to ? -curve : curve; const offset = from_is_below_to ? end_y + this.gantt.options.arrow_curve : end_y - this.gantt.options.arrow_curve; this.path = ` M ${start_x} ${start_y} V ${offset} a ${curve} ${curve} 0 0 ${clockwise} ${curve} ${curve_y} L ${end_x} ${end_y} m -5 -5 l 5 5 l -5 5`; if ( this.to_task.$bar.getX() < this.from_task.$bar.getX() + this.gantt.options.padding ) { const down_1 = this.gantt.options.padding / 2 - curve; const down_2 = this.to_task.$bar.getY() + this.to_task.$bar.getHeight() / 2 - curve_y; const left = this.to_task.$bar.getX() - this.gantt.options.padding; this.path = ` M ${start_x} ${start_y} v ${down_1} a ${curve} ${curve} 0 0 1 -${curve} ${curve} H ${left} a ${curve} ${curve} 0 0 ${clockwise} -${curve} ${curve_y} V ${down_2} a ${curve} ${curve} 0 0 ${clockwise} ${curve} ${curve_y} L ${end_x} ${end_y} m -5 -5 l 5 5 l -5 5`; } } draw() { this.element = createSVG('path', { d: this.path, 'data-from':, 'data-to': }); } update() { this.calculate_path(); this.element.setAttribute('d', this.path); } } class Popup { constructor(parent, custom_html) { this.parent = parent; this.custom_html = custom_html; this.make(); } make() { this.parent.innerHTML = `
`; this.hide(); this.title = this.parent.querySelector('.title'); this.subtitle = this.parent.querySelector('.subtitle'); this.pointer = this.parent.querySelector('.pointer'); } show(options) { if (!options.target_element) { throw new Error('target_element is required to show popup'); } if (!options.position) { options.position = 'left'; } const target_element = options.target_element; if (this.custom_html) { let html = this.custom_html(options.task); html += '
'; this.parent.innerHTML = html; this.pointer = this.parent.querySelector('.pointer'); } else { // set data this.title.innerHTML = options.title; this.subtitle.innerHTML = options.subtitle; = this.parent.clientWidth + 'px'; } // set position let position_meta; if (target_element instanceof HTMLElement) { position_meta = target_element.getBoundingClientRect(); } else if (target_element instanceof SVGElement) { position_meta = options.target_element.getBBox(); } if (options.position === 'left') { = position_meta.x + (position_meta.width + 10) + 'px'; = position_meta.y + 'px'; = 'rotateZ(90deg)'; = '-7px'; = '2px'; } // show = 1; } hide() { = 0; } } const VIEW_MODE = { QUARTER_DAY: 'Quarter Day', HALF_DAY: 'Half Day', DAY: 'Day', WEEK: 'Week', MONTH: 'Month', YEAR: 'Year' }; class Gantt { constructor(wrapper, tasks, options) { this.setup_wrapper(wrapper); this.setup_options(options); this.setup_tasks(tasks); // initialize with default view mode this.change_view_mode(); this.bind_events(); } setup_wrapper(element) { let svg_element, wrapper_element; // CSS Selector is passed if (typeof element === 'string') { element = document.querySelector(element); } // get the SVGElement if (element instanceof HTMLElement) { wrapper_element = element; svg_element = element.querySelector('svg'); } else if (element instanceof SVGElement) { svg_element = element; } else { throw new TypeError( 'Frappé Gantt only supports usage of a string CSS selector,' + " HTML DOM element or SVG DOM element for the 'element' parameter" ); } // svg element if (!svg_element) { // create it this.$svg = createSVG('svg', { append_to: wrapper_element, class: 'gantt' }); } else { this.$svg = svg_element; this.$svg.classList.add('gantt'); } // wrapper element this.$container = document.createElement('div'); this.$container.classList.add('gantt-container'); const parent_element = this.$svg.parentElement; parent_element.appendChild(this.$container); this.$container.appendChild(this.$svg); // popup wrapper this.popup_wrapper = document.createElement('div'); this.popup_wrapper.classList.add('popup-wrapper'); this.$container.appendChild(this.popup_wrapper); } setup_options(options) { const default_options = { header_height: 50, column_width: 30, step: 24, view_modes: [...Object.values(VIEW_MODE)], bar_height: 20, bar_corner_radius: 3, arrow_curve: 5, padding: 18, view_mode: 'Day', date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', popup_trigger: 'click', custom_popup_html: null, language: 'en' }; this.options = Object.assign({}, default_options, options); } setup_tasks(tasks) { // prepare tasks this.tasks =, i) => { // convert to Date objects task._start = date_utils.parse(task.start); task._end = date_utils.parse(task.end); // make task invalid if duration too large if (date_utils.diff(task._end, task._start, 'year') > 10) { task.end = null; } // cache index task._index = i; // invalid dates if (!task.start && !task.end) { const today =; task._start = today; task._end = date_utils.add(today, 2, 'day'); } if (!task.start && task.end) { task._start = date_utils.add(task._end, -2, 'day'); } if (task.start && !task.end) { task._end = date_utils.add(task._start, 2, 'day'); } // if hours is not set, assume the last day is full day // e.g: 2018-09-09 becomes 2018-09-09 23:59:59 const task_end_values = date_utils.get_date_values(task._end); if (task_end_values.slice(3).every(d => d === 0)) { task._end = date_utils.add(task._end, 24, 'hour'); } // invalid flag if (!task.start || !task.end) { task.invalid = true; } // dependencies if (typeof task.dependencies === 'string' || !task.dependencies) { let deps = []; if (task.dependencies) { deps = task.dependencies .split(',') .map(d => d.trim()) .filter(d => d); } task.dependencies = deps; } // uids if (! { = generate_id(task); } return task; }); this.setup_dependencies(); } setup_dependencies() { this.dependency_map = {}; for (let t of this.tasks) { for (let d of t.dependencies) { this.dependency_map[d] = this.dependency_map[d] || []; this.dependency_map[d].push(; } } } refresh(tasks) { this.setup_tasks(tasks); this.change_view_mode(); } change_view_mode(mode = this.options.view_mode) { this.update_view_scale(mode); this.setup_dates(); this.render(); // fire viewmode_change event this.trigger_event('view_change', [mode]); } update_view_scale(view_mode) { this.options.view_mode = view_mode; if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.DAY) { this.options.step = 24; this.options.column_width = 38; } else if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.HALF_DAY) { this.options.step = 24 / 2; this.options.column_width = 38; } else if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.QUARTER_DAY) { this.options.step = 24 / 4; this.options.column_width = 38; } else if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.WEEK) { this.options.step = 24 * 7; this.options.column_width = 140; } else if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.MONTH) { this.options.step = 24 * 30; this.options.column_width = 120; } else if (view_mode === VIEW_MODE.YEAR) { this.options.step = 24 * 365; this.options.column_width = 120; } } setup_dates() { this.setup_gantt_dates(); this.setup_date_values(); } setup_gantt_dates() { this.gantt_start = this.gantt_end = null; for (let task of this.tasks) { // set global start and end date if (!this.gantt_start || task._start < this.gantt_start) { this.gantt_start = task._start; } if (!this.gantt_end || task._end > this.gantt_end) { this.gantt_end = task._end; } } this.gantt_start = date_utils.start_of(this.gantt_start, 'day'); this.gantt_end = date_utils.start_of(this.gantt_end, 'day'); // add date padding on both sides if (this.view_is([VIEW_MODE.QUARTER_DAY, VIEW_MODE.HALF_DAY])) { this.gantt_start = date_utils.add(this.gantt_start, -7, 'day'); this.gantt_end = date_utils.add(this.gantt_end, 7, 'day'); } else if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.MONTH)) { this.gantt_start = date_utils.start_of(this.gantt_start, 'year'); this.gantt_end = date_utils.add(this.gantt_end, 1, 'year'); } else if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.YEAR)) { this.gantt_start = date_utils.add(this.gantt_start, -2, 'year'); this.gantt_end = date_utils.add(this.gantt_end, 2, 'year'); } else { this.gantt_start = date_utils.add(this.gantt_start, -1, 'month'); this.gantt_end = date_utils.add(this.gantt_end, 1, 'month'); } } setup_date_values() { this.dates = []; let cur_date = null; while (cur_date === null || cur_date < this.gantt_end) { if (!cur_date) { cur_date = date_utils.clone(this.gantt_start); } else { if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.YEAR)) { cur_date = date_utils.add(cur_date, 1, 'year'); } else if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.MONTH)) { cur_date = date_utils.add(cur_date, 1, 'month'); } else { cur_date = date_utils.add( cur_date, this.options.step, 'hour' ); } } this.dates.push(cur_date); } } bind_events() { this.bind_grid_click(); this.bind_bar_events(); } render() { this.clear(); this.setup_layers(); this.make_grid(); this.make_dates(); this.make_bars(); this.make_arrows(); this.map_arrows_on_bars(); this.set_width(); this.set_scroll_position(); } setup_layers() { this.layers = {}; const layers = ['grid', 'date', 'arrow', 'progress', 'bar', 'details']; // make group layers for (let layer of layers) { this.layers[layer] = createSVG('g', { class: layer, append_to: this.$svg }); } } make_grid() { this.make_grid_background(); this.make_grid_rows(); this.make_grid_header(); this.make_grid_ticks(); this.make_grid_highlights(); } make_grid_background() { const grid_width = this.dates.length * this.options.column_width; const grid_height = this.options.header_height + this.options.padding + (this.options.bar_height + this.options.padding) * this.tasks.length; createSVG('rect', { x: 0, y: 0, width: grid_width, height: grid_height, class: 'grid-background', append_to: this.layers.grid }); $.attr(this.$svg, { height: grid_height + this.options.padding + 100, width: '100%' }); } make_grid_rows() { const rows_layer = createSVG('g', { append_to: this.layers.grid }); const lines_layer = createSVG('g', { append_to: this.layers.grid }); const row_width = this.dates.length * this.options.column_width; const row_height = this.options.bar_height + this.options.padding; let row_y = this.options.header_height + this.options.padding / 2; for (let task of this.tasks) { createSVG('rect', { x: 0, y: row_y, width: row_width, height: row_height, class: 'grid-row', append_to: rows_layer }); createSVG('line', { x1: 0, y1: row_y + row_height, x2: row_width, y2: row_y + row_height, class: 'row-line', append_to: lines_layer }); row_y += this.options.bar_height + this.options.padding; } } make_grid_header() { const header_width = this.dates.length * this.options.column_width; const header_height = this.options.header_height + 10; createSVG('rect', { x: 0, y: 0, width: header_width, height: header_height, class: 'grid-header', append_to: this.layers.grid }); } make_grid_ticks() { let tick_x = 0; let tick_y = this.options.header_height + this.options.padding / 2; let tick_height = (this.options.bar_height + this.options.padding) * this.tasks.length; for (let date of this.dates) { let tick_class = 'tick'; // thick tick for monday if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.DAY) && date.getDate() === 1) { tick_class += ' thick'; } // thick tick for first week if ( this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.WEEK) && date.getDate() >= 1 && date.getDate() < 8 ) { tick_class += ' thick'; } // thick ticks for quarters if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.MONTH) && (date.getMonth() + 1) % 3 === 0) { tick_class += ' thick'; } createSVG('path', { d: `M ${tick_x} ${tick_y} v ${tick_height}`, class: tick_class, append_to: this.layers.grid }); if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.MONTH)) { tick_x += date_utils.get_days_in_month(date) * this.options.column_width / 30; } else { tick_x += this.options.column_width; } } } make_grid_highlights() { // highlight today's date if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.DAY)) { const x = date_utils.diff(, this.gantt_start, 'hour') / this.options.step * this.options.column_width; const y = 0; const width = this.options.column_width; const height = (this.options.bar_height + this.options.padding) * this.tasks.length + this.options.header_height + this.options.padding / 2; createSVG('rect', { x, y, width, height, class: 'today-highlight', append_to: this.layers.grid }); } } make_dates() { for (let date of this.get_dates_to_draw()) { createSVG('text', { x: date.lower_x, y: date.lower_y, innerHTML: date.lower_text, class: 'lower-text', append_to: }); if (date.upper_text) { const $upper_text = createSVG('text', { x: date.upper_x, y: date.upper_y, innerHTML: date.upper_text, class: 'upper-text', append_to: }); // remove out-of-bound dates if ( $upper_text.getBBox().x2 > this.layers.grid.getBBox().width ) { $upper_text.remove(); } } } } get_dates_to_draw() { let last_date = null; const dates =, i) => { const d = this.get_date_info(date, last_date, i); last_date = date; return d; }); return dates; } get_date_info(date, last_date, i) { if (!last_date) { last_date = date_utils.add(date, 1, 'year'); } const date_text = { 'Quarter Day_lower': date_utils.format( date, 'HH', this.options.language ), 'Half Day_lower': date_utils.format( date, 'HH', this.options.language ), Day_lower: date.getDate() !== last_date.getDate() ? date_utils.format(date, 'D', this.options.language) : '', Week_lower: date.getMonth() !== last_date.getMonth() ? date_utils.format(date, 'D MMM', this.options.language) : date_utils.format(date, 'D', this.options.language), Month_lower: date_utils.format(date, 'MMMM', this.options.language), Year_lower: date_utils.format(date, 'YYYY', this.options.language), 'Quarter Day_upper': date.getDate() !== last_date.getDate() ? date_utils.format(date, 'D MMM', this.options.language) : '', 'Half Day_upper': date.getDate() !== last_date.getDate() ? date.getMonth() !== last_date.getMonth() ? date_utils.format(date, 'D MMM', this.options.language) : date_utils.format(date, 'D', this.options.language) : '', Day_upper: date.getMonth() !== last_date.getMonth() ? date_utils.format(date, 'MMMM', this.options.language) : '', Week_upper: date.getMonth() !== last_date.getMonth() ? date_utils.format(date, 'MMMM', this.options.language) : '', Month_upper: date.getFullYear() !== last_date.getFullYear() ? date_utils.format(date, 'YYYY', this.options.language) : '', Year_upper: date.getFullYear() !== last_date.getFullYear() ? date_utils.format(date, 'YYYY', this.options.language) : '' }; const base_pos = { x: i * this.options.column_width, lower_y: this.options.header_height, upper_y: this.options.header_height - 25 }; const x_pos = { 'Quarter Day_lower': this.options.column_width * 4 / 2, 'Quarter Day_upper': 0, 'Half Day_lower': this.options.column_width * 2 / 2, 'Half Day_upper': 0, Day_lower: this.options.column_width / 2, Day_upper: this.options.column_width * 30 / 2, Week_lower: 0, Week_upper: this.options.column_width * 4 / 2, Month_lower: this.options.column_width / 2, Month_upper: this.options.column_width * 12 / 2, Year_lower: this.options.column_width / 2, Year_upper: this.options.column_width * 30 / 2 }; return { upper_text: date_text[`${this.options.view_mode}_upper`], lower_text: date_text[`${this.options.view_mode}_lower`], upper_x: base_pos.x + x_pos[`${this.options.view_mode}_upper`], upper_y: base_pos.upper_y, lower_x: base_pos.x + x_pos[`${this.options.view_mode}_lower`], lower_y: base_pos.lower_y }; } make_bars() { this.bars = => { const bar = new Bar(this, task);; return bar; }); } make_arrows() { this.arrows = []; for (let task of this.tasks) { let arrows = []; arrows = task.dependencies .map(task_id => { const dependency = this.get_task(task_id); if (!dependency) return; const arrow = new Arrow( this, this.bars[dependency._index], // from_task this.bars[task._index] // to_task ); this.layers.arrow.appendChild(arrow.element); return arrow; }) .filter(Boolean); // filter falsy values this.arrows = this.arrows.concat(arrows); } } map_arrows_on_bars() { for (let bar of this.bars) { bar.arrows = this.arrows.filter(arrow => { return ( === || === ); }); } } set_width() { const cur_width = this.$svg.getBoundingClientRect().width; const actual_width = this.$svg .querySelector('.grid .grid-row') .getAttribute('width'); if (cur_width < actual_width) { this.$svg.setAttribute('width', actual_width); } } set_scroll_position() { const parent_element = this.$svg.parentElement; if (!parent_element) return; const hours_before_first_task = date_utils.diff( this.get_oldest_starting_date(), this.gantt_start, 'hour' ); const scroll_pos = hours_before_first_task / this.options.step * this.options.column_width - this.options.column_width; parent_element.scrollLeft = scroll_pos; } bind_grid_click() { $.on( this.$svg, this.options.popup_trigger, '.grid-row, .grid-header', () => { this.unselect_all(); this.hide_popup(); } ); } bind_bar_events() { let is_dragging = false; let x_on_start = 0; let y_on_start = 0; let is_resizing_left = false; let is_resizing_right = false; let parent_bar_id = null; let bars = []; // instanceof Bar this.bar_being_dragged = null; function action_in_progress() { return is_dragging || is_resizing_left || is_resizing_right; } $.on(this.$svg, 'mousedown', '.bar-wrapper, .handle', (e, element) => { const bar_wrapper = $.closest('.bar-wrapper', element); if (element.classList.contains('left')) { is_resizing_left = true; } else if (element.classList.contains('right')) { is_resizing_right = true; } else if (element.classList.contains('bar-wrapper')) { is_dragging = true; } bar_wrapper.classList.add('active'); x_on_start = e.offsetX; y_on_start = e.offsetY; parent_bar_id = bar_wrapper.getAttribute('data-id'); const ids = [ parent_bar_id, ...this.get_all_dependent_tasks(parent_bar_id) ]; bars = => this.get_bar(id)); this.bar_being_dragged = parent_bar_id; bars.forEach(bar => { const $bar = bar.$bar; $bar.ox = $bar.getX(); $bar.oy = $bar.getY(); $bar.owidth = $bar.getWidth(); $bar.finaldx = 0; }); }); $.on(this.$svg, 'mousemove', e => { if (!action_in_progress()) return; const dx = e.offsetX - x_on_start; const dy = e.offsetY - y_on_start; bars.forEach(bar => { const $bar = bar.$bar; $bar.finaldx = this.get_snap_position(dx); if (is_resizing_left) { if (parent_bar_id === { bar.update_bar_position({ x: $bar.ox + $bar.finaldx, width: $bar.owidth - $bar.finaldx }); } else { bar.update_bar_position({ x: $bar.ox + $bar.finaldx }); } } else if (is_resizing_right) { if (parent_bar_id === { bar.update_bar_position({ width: $bar.owidth + $bar.finaldx }); } } else if (is_dragging) { bar.update_bar_position({ x: $bar.ox + $bar.finaldx }); } }); }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', e => { if (is_dragging || is_resizing_left || is_resizing_right) { bars.forEach(bar =>'active')); } is_dragging = false; is_resizing_left = false; is_resizing_right = false; }); $.on(this.$svg, 'mouseup', e => { this.bar_being_dragged = null; bars.forEach(bar => { const $bar = bar.$bar; if (!$bar.finaldx) return; bar.date_changed(); bar.set_action_completed(); }); }); this.bind_bar_progress(); } bind_bar_progress() { let x_on_start = 0; let y_on_start = 0; let is_resizing = null; let bar = null; let $bar_progress = null; let $bar = null; $.on(this.$svg, 'mousedown', '.handle.progress', (e, handle) => { is_resizing = true; x_on_start = e.offsetX; y_on_start = e.offsetY; const $bar_wrapper = $.closest('.bar-wrapper', handle); const id = $bar_wrapper.getAttribute('data-id'); bar = this.get_bar(id); $bar_progress = bar.$bar_progress; $bar = bar.$bar; $bar_progress.finaldx = 0; $bar_progress.owidth = $bar_progress.getWidth(); $bar_progress.min_dx = -$bar_progress.getWidth(); $bar_progress.max_dx = $bar.getWidth() - $bar_progress.getWidth(); }); $.on(this.$svg, 'mousemove', e => { if (!is_resizing) return; let dx = e.offsetX - x_on_start; let dy = e.offsetY - y_on_start; if (dx > $bar_progress.max_dx) { dx = $bar_progress.max_dx; } if (dx < $bar_progress.min_dx) { dx = $bar_progress.min_dx; } const $handle = bar.$handle_progress; $.attr($bar_progress, 'width', $bar_progress.owidth + dx); $.attr($handle, 'points', bar.get_progress_polygon_points()); $bar_progress.finaldx = dx; }); $.on(this.$svg, 'mouseup', () => { is_resizing = false; if (!($bar_progress && $bar_progress.finaldx)) return; bar.progress_changed(); bar.set_action_completed(); }); } get_all_dependent_tasks(task_id) { let out = []; let to_process = [task_id]; while (to_process.length) { const deps = to_process.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc = acc.concat(this.dependency_map[curr]); return acc; }, []); out = out.concat(deps); to_process = deps.filter(d => !to_process.includes(d)); } return out.filter(Boolean); } get_snap_position(dx) { let odx = dx, rem, position; if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.WEEK)) { rem = dx % (this.options.column_width / 7); position = odx - rem + (rem < this.options.column_width / 14 ? 0 : this.options.column_width / 7); } else if (this.view_is(VIEW_MODE.MONTH)) { rem = dx % (this.options.column_width / 30); position = odx - rem + (rem < this.options.column_width / 60 ? 0 : this.options.column_width / 30); } else { rem = dx % this.options.column_width; position = odx - rem + (rem < this.options.column_width / 2 ? 0 : this.options.column_width); } return position; } unselect_all() { [...this.$svg.querySelectorAll('.bar-wrapper')].forEach(el => { el.classList.remove('active'); }); } view_is(modes) { if (typeof modes === 'string') { return this.options.view_mode === modes; } if (Array.isArray(modes)) { return modes.some(mode => this.options.view_mode === mode); } return false; } get_task(id) { return this.tasks.find(task => { return === id; }); } get_bar(id) { return this.bars.find(bar => { return === id; }); } show_popup(options) { if (!this.popup) { this.popup = new Popup( this.popup_wrapper, this.options.custom_popup_html ); }; } hide_popup() { this.popup && this.popup.hide(); } trigger_event(event, args) { if (this.options['on_' + event]) { this.options['on_' + event].apply(null, args); } } /** * Gets the oldest starting date from the list of tasks * * @returns Date * @memberof Gantt */ get_oldest_starting_date() { return this.tasks .map(task => task._start) .reduce( (prev_date, cur_date) => cur_date <= prev_date ? cur_date : prev_date ); } /** * Clear all elements from the parent svg element * * @memberof Gantt */ clear() { this.$svg.innerHTML = ''; } } Gantt.VIEW_MODE = VIEW_MODE; function generate_id(task) { return ( + '_' + Math.random() .toString(36) .slice(2, 12) ); } return Gantt; }());