2023-08-26 22:04:56 +02:00

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Copyright (c) 2006-2013, JGraph Ltd
Orthogonal example for mxGraph. This example demonstrates the use
of port constraints and orthogonal edge styles and handlers.
<title>Orthogonal example for mxGraph</title>
<!-- Sets the basepath for the library if not in same directory -->
<script type="text/javascript">
mxBasePath = '../src';
<!-- Loads and initializes the library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../src/js/mxClient.js"></script>
<!-- Example code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Program starts here. Creates a sample graph in the
// DOM node with the specified ID. This function is invoked
// from the onLoad event handler of the document (see below).
function main(container)
// Checks if the browser is supported
if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported())
// Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
// Enables guides
mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true;
// Alt disables guides
mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt);
// Enables snapping waypoints to terminals
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
// Enables orthogonal connect preview in IE
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway = false;
// Creates the graph inside the given container
var graph = new mxGraph(container);
graph.disconnectOnMove = false;
graph.foldingEnabled = false;
graph.cellsResizable = false;
graph.extendParents = false;
// Implements perimeter-less connection points as fixed points (computed before the edge style).
graph.view.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function(edge, terminal, source, constraint)
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint.apply(this, arguments);
var pts = edge.absolutePoints;
var pt = pts[(source) ? 0 : pts.length - 1];
if (terminal != null && pt == null && this.getPerimeterFunction(terminal) == null)
edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(this.getRoutingCenterX(terminal),
this.getRoutingCenterY(terminal)), source)
// Changes the default edge style
graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle()['edgeStyle'] = 'orthogonalEdgeStyle';
delete graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle()['endArrow'];
// Implements the connect preview
graph.connectionHandler.createEdgeState = function(me)
var edge = graph.createEdge(null, null, null, null, null);
return new mxCellState(this.graph.view, edge, this.graph.getCellStyle(edge));
// Uncomment the following if you want the container
// to fit the size of the graph
// Enables rubberband selection
new mxRubberband(graph);
// Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This
// is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0).
var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
// Adds cells to the model in a single step
var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', 40, 40, 40, 30);
var v11 = graph.insertVertex(v1, null, '', 0.5, 0, 10, 40,
'portConstraint=northsouth;', true);
v11.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-5, -5);
var v12 = graph.insertVertex(v1, null, '', 0, 0.5, 10, 10,
'portConstraint=west;shape=triangle;direction=west;perimeter=none;' +
'routingCenterX=-0.5;routingCenterY=0;', true);
v12.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -5);
var v13 = graph.insertVertex(v1, null, '', 1, 0.5, 10, 10,
'portConstraint=east;shape=triangle;direction=east;perimeter=none;' +
'routingCenterX=0.5;routingCenterY=0;', true);
v13.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -5);
var v2 = graph.addCell(graph.getModel().cloneCell(v1));
v2.geometry.x = 200;
v2.geometry.y = 60;
var v3 = graph.addCell(graph.getModel().cloneCell(v1));
v3.geometry.x = 40;
v3.geometry.y = 150;
var v4 = graph.addCell(graph.getModel().cloneCell(v1));
v4.geometry.x = 200;
v4.geometry.y = 170;
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', v1.getChildAt(2), v2.getChildAt(1));
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', v2.getChildAt(2), v3.getChildAt(1));
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', v3.getChildAt(2), v4.getChildAt(1));
// Updates the display
<!-- Page passes the container for the graph to the program -->
<body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))">
<!-- Creates a container for the graph with a grid wallpaper -->
<div id="graphContainer"