package auth_connectors
import (
var (
// errInvalidCredentials is an error that happens when a user's password is invalid.
errInvalidCredentials = fmt.Errorf("invalid credentials")
// errConnectionTimeout is an error that happens when no one LDAP endpoint responds.
errConnectionTimeout = fmt.Errorf("connection timeout")
// errMissedUsername is an error that happens
errMissedUsername = errors.New("username is missed")
// errUnknownUsername is an error that happens
errUnknownUsername = errors.New("unknown username")
type conn interface {
Bind(bindDN, password string) error
SearchRoles(attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error)
SearchUser(user string, attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error)
SearchUserRoles(user string, attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error)
Close() error
type connector interface {
Connect(ctx context.Context, addr string) (conn, error)
// Config is a LDAP configuration.
type Config struct {
Endpoints []string `envconfig:"endpoints" required:"true" desc:"a LDAP's server URLs as \"
BindDN string `envconfig:"binddn" desc:"a LDAP bind DN"`
BindPass string `envconfig:"bindpw" json:"-" desc:"a LDAP bind password"`
BaseDN string `envconfig:"basedn" required:"true" desc:"a LDAP base DN for searching users"`
AttrClaims map[string]string `envconfig:"attr_claims" default:"name:name,sn:family_name,givenName:given_name,mail:email" desc:"a mapping of LDAP attributes to OpenID connect claims"`
RoleBaseDN string `envconfig:"role_basedn" required:"true" desc:"a LDAP base DN for searching roles"`
RoleAttr string `envconfig:"role_attr" default:"description" desc:"a LDAP group's attribute that contains a role's name"`
RoleClaim string `envconfig:"role_claim" default:"" desc:"a name of an OpenID Connect claim that contains user roles"`
CacheSize int `envconfig:"cache_size" default:"512" desc:"a user info cache's size in KiB"`
CacheTTL time.Duration `envconfig:"cache_ttl" default:"30m" desc:"a user info cache TTL"`
IsTLS bool `envconfig:"is_tls" default:"false" desc:"should LDAP connection be established via TLS"`
FlatRoleClaims bool `envconfig:"flat_role_claims" desc:"add roles claim as single list"`
// New creates a new LDAP client.
func New() *Client {
cnf := Config{
Endpoints: strings.Split(conf.GetConfig().LDAPEndpoints, ","),
BindDN: conf.GetConfig().LDAPBindDN,
BindPass: conf.GetConfig().LDAPBindPW,
BaseDN: conf.GetConfig().LDAPBaseDN,
RoleBaseDN: conf.GetConfig().LDAPRoleBaseDN,
return &Client{
Config: cnf,
connector: &ldapConnector{BaseDN: cnf.BaseDN, RoleBaseDN: cnf.RoleBaseDN, IsTLS: cnf.IsTLS},
cache: freecache.NewCache(cnf.CacheSize * 1024),
type Client struct {
connector connector
cache *freecache.Cache
func (cli *Client) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, username string, password string) (bool, error) {
if username == "" || password == "" {
return false, nil
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
cn, ok := <-cli.connect(ctx)
if !ok {
return false, errConnectionTimeout
defer cn.Close()
// Find a user DN by his or her username.
details, err := cli.findBasicUserDetails(cn, username, []string{"dn"})
if err != nil {
return false, err
if details == nil {
return false, nil
a := details["dn"]
if err := cn.Bind(a[0], password); err != nil {
if err == errInvalidCredentials {
return false, nil
return false, err
// Clear the claims' cache because of possible re-authentication. We don't want stale claims after re-login.
if ok := cli.cache.Del([]byte(username)); ok {
log := rlog.FromContext(ctx)
log.Debug("Cleared user's OIDC claims in the cache")
return true, nil
func (cli *Client) GetRoles(ctx context.Context) (map[string]LDAPRoles, error) {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
cn, ok := <-cli.connect(ctx)
if !ok {
return map[string]LDAPRoles{}, errConnectionTimeout
defer cn.Close()
// Find a user DN by his or her username.
return cli.findRoles(cn, "dn", "member", "uniqueMember")
// Claim is the FindOIDCClaims result struct
type LDAPClaim struct {
Code string // the root claim name
Name string // the claim name
Value interface{} // the value
type LDAPRoles struct {
Members map[string][]string
// FindOIDCClaims finds all OIDC claims for a user.
func (cli *Client) FindOIDCClaims(ctx context.Context, username string) ([]LDAPClaim, error) {
if username == "" {
return nil, errMissedUsername
log := rlog.FromContext(ctx).Sugar()
// Retrieving from LDAP is slow. So, we try to get claims for the given username from the cache.
switch cdata, err := cli.cache.Get([]byte(username)); err {
case nil:
var claims []LDAPClaim
if err = json.Unmarshal(cdata, &claims); err != nil {
log.Info("Failed to unmarshal user's OIDC claims", zap.Error(err), "data", cdata)
return nil, err
log.Debugw("Retrieved user's OIDC claims from the cache", "claims", claims)
return claims, nil
case freecache.ErrNotFound:
log.Debug("User's OIDC claims is not found in the cache")
log.Infow("Failed to retrieve user's OIDC claims from the cache", zap.Error(err))
// Try to make multiple TCP connections to the LDAP server for getting claims.
// Accept the first one, and cancel others.
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
cn, ok := <-cli.connect(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, errConnectionTimeout
defer cn.Close()
// We need to find LDAP attribute's names for all required claims.
attrs := []string{"dn"}
for k := range cli.AttrClaims {
attrs = append(attrs, k)
// Find the attributes in the LDAP server.
details, err := cli.findBasicUserDetails(cn, username, attrs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if details == nil {
return nil, errUnknownUsername
log.Infow("Retrieved user's info from LDAP", "details", details)
// Transform the retrieved attributes to corresponding claims.
claims := make([]LDAPClaim, 0, len(details))
for attr, v := range details {
if claim, ok := cli.AttrClaims[attr]; ok {
claims = append(claims, LDAPClaim{claim, claim, v})
// User's roles is stored in LDAP as groups. We find all groups in a role's DN
// that include the user as a member.
entries, err := cn.SearchUserRoles(fmt.Sprintf("%s", details["dn"]), "dn", cli.RoleAttr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roles := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, entry := range entries {
roleDNs, ok := entry["dn"]
if !ok || len(roleDNs) == 0 {
log.Infow("No required LDAP attribute for a role", "ldapAttribute", "dn", "entry", entry)
roleDN := roleDNs[0]
if entry[cli.RoleAttr] == nil {
log.Infow("No required LDAP attribute for a role", "ldapAttribute", cli.RoleAttr, "roleDN", roleDN)
// Ensure that a role's DN is inside of the role's base DN.
// It's sufficient to compare the DN's suffix with the base DN.
n, k := len(roleDN), len(cli.RoleBaseDN)
if n < k || !strings.EqualFold(roleDN[n-k:], cli.RoleBaseDN) {
panic("You should never see that")
// The DN without the role's base DN must contain a CN and OU
// where the CN is for uniqueness only, and the OU is an application id.
path := strings.Split(roleDN[:n-k-1], ",")
if len(path) != 2 {
log.Infow("A role's DN without the role's base DN must contain two nodes only",
"roleBaseDN", cli.RoleBaseDN, "roleDN", roleDN)
appID := path[1][len("OU="):]
var appRoles []interface{}
if v := roles[appID]; v != nil {
appRoles = v.([]interface{})
appRoles = append(appRoles, entry[cli.RoleAttr])
roles[appID] = appRoles
claims = append(claims, LDAPClaim{cli.RoleClaim, cli.RoleClaim, roles})
if cli.FlatRoleClaims {
for appID, appRoles := range roles {
claims = append(claims, LDAPClaim{cli.RoleClaim, cli.RoleClaim + "/" + appID, appRoles})
// Save the claims in the cache for future queries.
cdata, err := json.Marshal(claims)
if err != nil {
log.Infow("Failed to marshal user's OIDC claims for caching", zap.Error(err), "claims", claims)
if err = cli.cache.Set([]byte(username), cdata, int(cli.CacheTTL.Seconds())); err != nil {
log.Infow("Failed to store user's OIDC claims into the cache", zap.Error(err), "claims", claims)
return claims, nil
func (cli *Client) connect(ctx context.Context) <-chan conn {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
ch = make(chan conn)
for _, addr := range cli.Endpoints {
go func(addr string) {
defer wg.Done()
cn, err := cli.connector.Connect(ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to create a LDAP connection", "address", addr)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("a LDAP connection is cancelled", "address", addr)
case ch <- cn:
go func() {
return ch
func (cli *Client) findRoles(cn conn, attrs ...string) (map[string]LDAPRoles, error) {
if cli.BindDN != "" {
// We need to login to a LDAP server with a service account for retrieving user data.
if err := cn.Bind(cli.BindDN, cli.BindPass); err != nil {
return map[string]LDAPRoles{}, errors.New(err.Error() + " : failed to login to a LDAP woth a service account")
entries, err := cn.SearchRoles(attrs...)
fmt.Println("entries", entries)
if err != nil {
return map[string]LDAPRoles{}, err
claims := map[string]LDAPRoles{}
for _, entry := range entries {
roleDNs, ok := entry["dn"]
if !ok || len(roleDNs) == 0 {
roleDN := roleDNs[0]
// Ensure that a role's DN is inside of the role's base DN.
// It's sufficient to compare the DN's suffix with the base DN.
n, k := len(roleDN), len(cli.RoleBaseDN)
if n < k || !strings.EqualFold(roleDN[n-k:], cli.RoleBaseDN) {
panic("You should never see that")
// The DN without the role's base DN must contain a CN and OU
// where the CN is for uniqueness only, and the OU is an application id.
path := strings.Split(roleDN[:n-k-1], ",")
if len(path) != 2 {
appID := path[1][len("OU="):]
if _, ok := claims[appID]; !ok {
claims[appID] = LDAPRoles{
Members: map[string][]string{},
role := path[0][len("cn="):]
if claims[appID].Members[role] == nil {
claims[appID].Members[role] = []string{}
fmt.Println("entry", entry)
memberDNs, ok := entry["member"]
for _, memberDN := range memberDNs {
if !ok || memberDN == "" {
path = strings.Split(memberDN[:n-k-1], ",")
if len(path) < 1 {
member := strings.Split(path[0][len("uid="):], ",")
claims[appID].Members[role] = append(claims[appID].Members[role], member[0])
memberDNs, ok = entry["uniqueMember"]
for _, memberDN := range memberDNs {
if !ok || memberDN == "" {
path = strings.Split(memberDN[:n-k-1], ",")
if len(path) < 1 {
member := strings.Split(path[0][len("uid="):], ",")
claims[appID].Members[role] = append(claims[appID].Members[role], member[0])
return claims, nil
// findBasicUserDetails finds user's LDAP attributes that were specified. It returns nil if no such user.
func (cli *Client) findBasicUserDetails(cn conn, username string, attrs []string) (map[string][]string, error) {
if cli.BindDN != "" {
// We need to login to a LDAP server with a service account for retrieving user data.
if err := cn.Bind(cli.BindDN, cli.BindPass); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New(err.Error() + " : failed to login to a LDAP woth a service account")
entries, err := cn.SearchUser(username, attrs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(entries) != 1 {
// We didn't find the user.
return nil, nil
var (
entry = entries[0]
details = make(map[string][]string)
for _, attr := range attrs {
if v, ok := entry[attr]; ok {
details[attr] = v
return details, nil
type ldapConnector struct {
BaseDN string
RoleBaseDN string
IsTLS bool
func (c *ldapConnector) Connect(ctx context.Context, addr string) (conn, error) {
d := net.Dialer{Timeout: ldap.DefaultTimeout}
tcpcn, err := d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.IsTLS {
tlscn, err := tls.DialWithDialer(&d, "tcp", addr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tcpcn = tlscn
ldapcn := ldap.NewConn(tcpcn, c.IsTLS)
return &ldapConn{Conn: ldapcn, BaseDN: c.BaseDN, RoleBaseDN: c.RoleBaseDN}, nil
type ldapConn struct {
BaseDN string
RoleBaseDN string
func (c *ldapConn) Bind(bindDN, password string) error {
err := c.Conn.Bind(bindDN, password)
if ldapErr, ok := err.(*ldap.Error); ok && ldapErr.ResultCode == ldap.LDAPResultInvalidCredentials {
return errInvalidCredentials
return err
func (c *ldapConn) SearchUser(user string, attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf(
"(|(uid=%[1]s)(mail=%[1]s)(userPrincipalName=%[1]s)(sAMAccountName=%[1]s)))", user)
return c.searchEntries(c.BaseDN, query, attrs)
func (c *ldapConn) SearchUserRoles(user string, attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("(|"+
")", user)
return c.searchEntries(c.RoleBaseDN, query, attrs)
func (c *ldapConn) SearchRoles(attrs ...string) ([]map[string][]string, error) {
query := "(|(&(|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=groupOfNames)(objectClass=groupofnames))))"
return c.searchEntries(c.RoleBaseDN, query, attrs)
// searchEntries executes a LDAP query, and returns a result as entries where each entry is mapping of LDAP attributes.
func (c *ldapConn) searchEntries(baseDN, query string, attrs []string) ([]map[string][]string, error) {
req := ldap.NewSearchRequest(baseDN, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, query, attrs, nil)
res, err := c.Search(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var entries []map[string][]string
for _, v := range res.Entries {
entry := map[string][]string{"dn": []string{v.DN}}
for _, attr := range v.Attributes {
// We need the first value only for the named attribute.
entry[attr.Name] = attr.Values
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries, nil