#!/usr/bin/bash # Must specify a JSON with a following structure: ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8087" if [[ $K8S_ENVIRONMENT ]]; then ENDPOINT="http://beta.opencloud.com/catalog" fi if [[ $DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT ]]; then ENDPOINT="http://oc-catalog:8087" fi if [[ $DOCKER_ENDPOINT ]]; then ENDPOINT="$DOCKER_ENDPOINT" fi [[ -z $1 ]] && { echo "Must specify a json path"; exit 1; } [[ ! -f $1 ]] && { echo "$1 is not a file"; exit 1; } cat "$1" | jq empty || { echo "$1 is not a valid JSON"; exit 1; } ######## while read row; do TRGT_ENDPOINT=$(echo $row | jq -r '.api') while read item; do echo `echo $item | jq -r '.name'` to $ENDPOINT${TRGT_ENDPOINT} answer=$(curl --fail "$ENDPOINT${TRGT_ENDPOINT}" \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "$item") echo $answer if [[ $? -ne 0 || "$answer" == *""* ]]; then exit 1 fi done < <(echo "$row" | jq -c '.content[]') done < <(jq -c '.[]' $1) echo echo echo echo "All models submitted correctly!"