@startuml top to bottom direction component front as "oc-front" #MistyRose component api as "oc-api" #BlueViolet component auth as "oc-auth" #BlueViolet component catalog as "oc-catalog" #MistyRose component workspace as "oc-workspace" #MistyRose component workflow as "oc-workflow" #MistyRose component calendarIn as "oc-calendar-in" #MistyRose component calendarOut as "oc-calendar-out" #MistyRose component stat as "oc-status" #MistyRose component disco as "oc-discovery" #MistyRose component agg as "oc-aggregator" #MistyRose component scheduler as "oc-scheduler" #LightYellow component monitor as "oc-monitor" #LightYellow database rd as "Nats" #Green database zn as "Zinc" #Green database loki as "Loki" #Green database mongo as "MongoDB" #Green database nats as "Nats" #Green front -- api api -- auth : auth user api -- catalog : local search api -- workspace : store user data api -- workflow api -- calendarIn api -- calendarOut api -- stat catalog -- disco catalog -- agg scheduler -- monitor scheduler -- catalog rd -- scheduler loki -- monitor catalog -- mongo : store resources available for users workspace -- mongo : store resources allocated to a workspace workflow -- mongo : store workflow calendarOut -- mongo : store booking informations for this dc @enduml