@startmindmap * OC for DTF ** colors ***[#yellow] iteration 1 in progress ***[#lightyellow] (OK) iteration 1 task finished *** planned to be developped, might be (OK) if schedule allows it ***[#lightblue] not in DTF scope yet ***[#orange] iteration 2 ***[#lightgreen] Thales proposed scopes ** OC-Catalog ***[#orange] authentication => RBAC ***[#orange] algo metadata ingress, res min max) *** (OK) new resource type : workflow ***[#lightyellow] (OK) split catalog - workspace - workflow ***[#lightblue] algo metadata input output description ***[#lightblue] algo input/output rules *** admin interface for catalog admin, roles definition ***[#lightgreen] catalog indexing and search ** OC-Scheduler / OC-Monitor ? ***[#lightyellow] (OK) automatically starting workflows *** (OK) monitoring workflows ***[#orange] workflow to service generation (deployment yaml) *** workflow to other targets (slurm) ** OC-Search => Front ***[#lightblue] algo input/output description ***[#lightblue] algo input/output rules check ***[#lightyellow] (OK) refactor ui in flutter *** (OK) New resource type : workflow *** Algo metadata (ingress, res min max) *** (OK) workflows monitoring *** (OK) Schedule view *** Datacenter view **[#lightblue] OC-Identity : Distributed OpenID+ server ***[#yellow] Evaluate OpenId codebases *** Implement OpenCloud extension **[#lightgreen] OC-Deploy ***[#lightyellow] (OK) repo ***[#yellow] deploy OC services ***[#orange] deploy demo instance *** manage local cluster *** partner sandboxing ***[#lightblue] network sandboxing ***[#lightblue] network output cheks **[#lightgreen] OC-Datacenter @endmindmap