362 lines
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362 lines
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_flow_chart/flutter_flow_chart.dart';
import 'package:font_awesome_flutter/font_awesome_flutter.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/core/models/workspace_local.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/core/services/perms_service.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/core/services/specialized_services/workflow_service.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/main.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/compute.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/data.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/processing.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/resources.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/storage.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/resources/workflow.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/response.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/models/workflow.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/pages/abstract_page.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/pages/shared.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/dialog/shallow_creation.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/forms/resource_forms.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/forms/scheduler_forms.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/forms/storage_processing_link_forms.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/items/item_row.dart';
import 'package:oc_front/widgets/inputs/shallow_dropdown_input.dart';
Dashboard dash = Dashboard(name: "");
class WorkflowFactory implements AbstractFactory {
@override GlobalKey getKey() { return key; }
@override String? getSearch() { return ""; }
@override void back(BuildContext context) { }
static GlobalKey<WorkflowPageWidgetState> key = GlobalKey<WorkflowPageWidgetState>();
@override bool searchFill() { return false; }
@override Widget factory(GoRouterState state, List<String> args) {
String? id;
try { id = state.pathParameters[args.first];
} catch (e) { /**/ }
return WorkflowPageWidget(id: id);
@override void search(BuildContext context, bool special) { }
bool getAll = true;
// ignore: must_be_immutable
class WorkflowPageWidget extends StatefulWidget {
String? id;
WorkflowPageWidget ({ this.id }) : super(key: WorkflowFactory.key);
@override WorkflowPageWidgetState createState() => WorkflowPageWidgetState();
static void search(BuildContext context) { }
static Widget factory() { return WorkflowPageWidget(); }
class WorkflowPageWidgetState extends State<WorkflowPageWidget> {
final WorflowService _service = WorflowService();
Widget itemBuild(Object item) {
var e = item as AbstractItem;
return Tooltip( message: item.name ?? "",
child: e.logo != null ? Image.network(e.logo ?? "", fit: BoxFit.fill)
: Image.network('https://get-picto.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/logo-instagram-png.webp',
fit: BoxFit.fill));
Widget itemTooltipBuild(Object item) {
var e = item as AbstractItem;
return Container(color: Colors.white, child: ItemRowWidget(low: true, contextWidth: 290, item: e));
Widget getArrowForms(ArrowPainter? arrow) {
if (arrow == null) { return Container(); }
var from = dash.getElement(arrow.fromID);
var to = dash.getElement(arrow.toID);
if ((from?.element?.getType() == "storage" && to?.element?.getType() == "processing")
|| (from?.element?.getType() == "processing" && to?.element?.getType() == "storage")) {
return StorageProcessingLinkFormsWidget( dash: dash, item: arrow);
return Container();
List<Widget> getForms(FlowData? obj, String id) {
var objAbs = obj as AbstractItem?;
if (objAbs == null) { return []; }
List<Widget> res = [ ResourceFormsWidget(item: objAbs, dash: dash, elementID: id) ];
return [ Wrap(
alignment: WrapAlignment.center,
children: [
Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10), width: 250, height: 60,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey, width: 1))),
child: const Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [
Text("ELEMENT INFO", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), textAlign: TextAlign.center),
Text("<general>", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12), textAlign: TextAlign.center),
]) ];
Widget? getTopRight(FlowData? obj) {
var objAbs = obj as AbstractItem?;
if (objAbs == null) { return null; }
if (objAbs.topic == "compute") {
var instance = objAbs as ComputeItem;
if (instance.infrastructureEnum != null) {
if (instance.infrastructureEnum == 0) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.docker, size: 16);
} else if (instance.infrastructureEnum == 1) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.lifeRing, size: 16);
} else if (instance.infrastructureEnum == 2) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.cubes, size: 16);
} else if (instance.infrastructureEnum == 3) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.hardDrive, size: 16);
} else if (instance.infrastructureEnum == 4) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.v, size: 16);
return null;
Widget? getBottomLeftBadge(FlowData? obj) {
var objAbs = obj as AbstractItem?;
if (objAbs == null) { return null; }
if (objAbs.topic == "processing" ) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.gear, size: 16);
} else if (objAbs.topic == "data" ) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.file, size: 16);
} else if (objAbs.topic == "storage" ) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.database, size: 16);
} else if (objAbs.topic == "compute" ) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.microchip, size: 16);
} else if (objAbs.topic == "workflows" ) {
return Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.diagramProject, size: 16);
return null;
List<Widget> getDashInfoForms() {
return [
SchedulerFormsWidget(item: dash),
Future<void> loadDash(String selected) async {
dash.shouldSave = false;
dash.name = "";
var name = "";
if (selected.split("~").length > 1) {
name = selected.split("~")[1];
dash.id = selected.split("~")[0];
} else {
name = selected;
await _service.get(context, dash.id ?? "").then((value) async {
if (value.data != null) {
// ignore: use_build_context_synchronously
await WorkspaceLocal.init(context, false);
WorkspaceLocal.changeWorkspaceByName("${value.data?.name ?? ""}_workspace");
dash.deserialize(value.data!.toDashboard(), false);
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
dash.name = name;
dash.shouldSave = true;
dash.selectedMenuKey.currentState?.setState(() { });
Future<void> saveDash(String? id, BuildContext? context) async {
if (id == null || !dash.isOpened || !dash.shouldSave || !PermsService.getPerm(Perms.WORKFLOW_EDIT)) { return; }
var datas = dash.elements.where( (e) => e.element?.serialize()["type"] == "data");
var compute = dash.elements.where( (e) => e.element?.serialize()["type"] == "compute");
var storage = dash.elements.where( (e) => e.element?.serialize()["type"] == "storage");
var processing = dash.elements.where( (e) => e.element?.serialize()["type"] == "processing");
var workflows = dash.elements.where( (e) => e.element?.serialize()["type"] == "workflow");
var updateW = Workflow(
name: dash.name,
graph: Graph(),
data: datas.map((e) => e.id).toSet().toList(),
compute: compute.map((e) => e.id).toSet().toList(),
storage: storage.map((e) => e.id).toSet().toList(),
processing: processing.map((e) => e.id).toSet().toList(),
workflows: workflows.map((e) => e.id).toSet().toList(),
for (var item in (updateW.graph?.items.values ?? [] as List<GraphItem>)) {
if (item.position == null) { continue; }
item.position?.x = (item.position?.x ?? 0) + (item.width! / 2) + 7.5;
item.position?.y = (item.position?.y ?? 0) + (item.height! / 2) + 7.5;
for (var i in (updateW.graph?.links ?? [] as List<GraphLink>).where((element) => id == element.source?.id)) {
i.source?.x = (i.source?.x ?? 0) + (item.width! / 2) + 7.5;
i.source?.y = (i.source?.y ?? 0) + (item.width! / 2) + 7.5;
for (var i in (updateW.graph?.links ?? [] as List<GraphLink>).where((element) => id == element.destination?.id)) {
i.destination?.x = (i.destination?.x ?? 0) + (item.width! / 2) + 7.5;
i.destination?.y = (i.destination?.y ?? 0) + (item.width! / 2) + 7.5;
updateW.graph?.zoom = dash.getZoomFactor();
_service.put(null, id, updateW.serialize(), {}).then( (e) async {
dash.applyInfos(updateW.graph?.getEnvToUpdate() ?? {}, updateW.toDashboard());
if (dash.addChange) {
dash.addChange = false;
// ignore: use_build_context_synchronously
await WorkspaceLocal.init(context, false);
dash.selectedLeftMenuKey.currentState?.setState(() { });
FlowData? transformToData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
if (data["type"] == "data") { return DataItem().deserialize(data); }
if (data["type"] == "compute") { return ComputeItem().deserialize(data); }
if (data["type"] == "storage") { return StorageItem().deserialize(data); }
if (data["type"] == "processing") { return ProcessingItem().deserialize(data); }
if (data["type"] == "workflows") { return WorkflowItem().deserialize(data); }
return null;
Widget onDashboardMenu(Dashboard dash) {
return Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 50),
decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border( left: BorderSide( color: Colors.white ))),
child: ShallowDropdownInputWidget(
filled: lightColor,
hintColor: Colors.grey.shade200,
color: Colors.white,
prefixIcon: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 10), child: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart, color: Colors.grey.shade200)),
current: WorkspaceLocal.current,
width: 300,
all: () async => WorkspaceLocal.getWorkspacesShallow(),
type: CollaborativeAreaType.workspace,
change: (String? change) {
canLoad: (p0) => true,
load: (p0) async {
dash.isInfo = !dash.isInfo;
dash.flutterChartKey.currentState?.setState(() { });
tooltipLoad: "open workspace manager",
iconLoad: dash.isInfo ? Icons.remove_red_eye_outlined : Icons.remove_red_eye,
Widget onDashboardAlertOpened(BuildContext context, Dashboard dash) {
return ShallowCreationDialogWidget(
canClose: () => dash.isOpened,
context: context,
load: (p0) async {
dash.isOpened = true;
if (dash.load != null) {
await dash.load!(p0);
dash.inDialog = false;
create: PermsService.getPerm(Perms.WORKFLOW_CREATE) ? (p0) async => await _service.post(context, p0, {}).then( (value) async {
dash.id = value.data?.getID() ?? "";
dash.name = value.data?.getName() ?? "";
dash.inDialog = false;
await WorkspaceLocal.init(context, true);
dash.isOpened = true;
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
) : null,
maptoDropdown: (e) => DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: "${e.id}~${e.name}",
child: Text(e.name),
type: CollaborativeAreaType.workflow,
all: () async {
List<Shallow> res = [];
await _service.all(context).then(
(e) {
if (e.data != null) {
res = e.data!.values.map((e) => Shallow(id: e["id"] ?? "", name: e["name"] ?? "")).toList();
return res;
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
dash.load = loadDash;
dash.save = saveDash;
dash.dashColor = lightColor;
dash.midDashColor = midColor;
dash.transformToData = transformToData;
dash.infoItemWidget = getForms;
dash.infoLinkWidget = getArrowForms;
dash.infoWidget = getDashInfoForms;
dash.widthOffset = 50;
dash.arrowStyleRules = [
(dash) {
for (var arrow in dash.arrows) {
try {
var from = dash.elements.firstWhere((element) => arrow.fromID.split("_")[0] == element.id).element;
var to = dash.elements.firstWhere((element) => arrow.toID.split("_")[0] == element.id).element;
if ((from is ProcessingItem && to is ComputeItem) || (to is ProcessingItem && from is ComputeItem)) {
arrow.params.color = Colors.orange;
arrow.params.dashSpace = 2;
arrow.params.dashWidth = 2;
} else if ((from is ProcessingItem && to is StorageItem) || (to is ProcessingItem && from is StorageItem)) {
arrow.params.color = redColor;
arrow.params.dashSpace = 2;
arrow.params.dashWidth = 2;
} else if ((from is ProcessingItem && to is DataItem) || (to is ProcessingItem && from is DataItem)) {
arrow.params.color = Colors.blue;
arrow.params.dashSpace = 2;
arrow.params.dashWidth = 2;
} else {
arrow.params.color = Colors.black;
arrow.params.dashSpace = 0;
arrow.params.dashWidth = 0;
} catch (e) {
arrow.params.color = Colors.black;
arrow.params.dashSpace = 0;
arrow.params.dashWidth = 0;
return dash.arrows;
dash.saveRules = [
(dash) {
dash.error = null;
return true;
return FlowChart<AbstractItem>(
key: dash.flutterChartKey,
itemLeftBottomBadges: getBottomLeftBadge,
itemrightTopBadges: getTopRight,
onDashboardAlertOpened: onDashboardAlertOpened,
dashboard: dash,
current: widget.id,
itemWidget: itemBuild,
menuWidget: onDashboardMenu,
categories: const ["processing", "data", "compute", "storage", "workflows"],
draggableItemBuilder: (cat) => WorkspaceLocal.byTopic(cat, false),
itemWidgetTooltip: itemTooltipBuild,
innerMenuWidth: 350,
width: getMainWidth(context),
height: getMainHeight(context),
onNewConnection: (p1, p2) { },
onDashboardTapped: (context, position) { },
onScaleUpdate: (newScale) { },
onDashboardSecondaryTapped: (context, position) { },
onDashboardLongTapped: (context, position) { },
onDashboardSecondaryLongTapped: (context, position) { },
onElementLongPressed: (context, position, element) { },
onElementSecondaryLongTapped: (context, position, element) { },
onElementPressed: (context, position, element) { },
onElementSecondaryTapped: (context, position, element) { },
onHandlerPressed: (context, position, handler, element) { },
onHandlerLongPressed: (context, position, handler, element) { },
onPivotSecondaryPressed: (context, pivot) { },
} |