SourcePosition`bson:"source" json:"source" validate:"required"`// Source is the source graphical position of the link
DestinationPosition`bson:"destination" json:"destination" validate:"required"`// Destination is the destination graphical position of the link
Style*GraphLinkStyle`bson:"style,omitempty" json:"style,omitempty"`// Style is the graphical style of the link
StorageLinkInfos[]StorageProcessingGraphLink`bson:"storage_link_infos,omitempty" json:"storage_link_infos,omitempty"`// StorageLinkInfo is the storage link info
DashWidthfloat64`bson:"dash_width" json:"dash_width"`// DashWidth is the graphical dash width of the link
DashSpacefloat64`bson:"dash_space" json:"dash_space"`// DashSpace is the graphical dash space of the link
EndArrowPosition`bson:"end_arrow" json:"end_arrow"`// EndArrow is the graphical end arrow of the link
StartArrowPosition`bson:"start_arrow" json:"start_arrow"`// StartArrow is the graphical start arrow of the link
ArrowStyleint64`bson:"arrow_style" json:"arrow_style"`// ArrowStyle is the graphical arrow style of the link (enum foundable in UI)
ArrowDirectionint64`bson:"arrow_direction" json:"arrow_direction"`// ArrowDirection is the graphical arrow direction of the link (enum foundable in UI)
StartArrowWidthfloat64`bson:"start_arrow_width" json:"start_arrow_width"`// StartArrowWidth is the graphical start arrow width of the link
EndArrowWidthfloat64`bson:"end_arrow_width" json:"end_arrow_width"`// EndArrowWidth is the graphical end arrow width of the link
// Position is a struct that represents a graphical position
IDstring`json:"id" bson:"id"`// ID reprents ItemID (optionnal)
Xfloat64`json:"x" bson:"x" validate:"required"`// X is the graphical x position
Yfloat64`json:"y" bson:"y" validate:"required"`// Y is the graphical y position