packaged every model

This commit is contained in:
pb 2024-07-17 18:02:30 +02:00
parent 2684703da5
commit 2eb74da9d2
16 changed files with 731 additions and 0 deletions

datacenter/datacenter.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package datacenter
import oclib "oc-lib"
type Datacenter struct {
oclib.AbstractResource `json:"resource" required:"true"`
Owner string `json:"owner" required:"true"`
BookingPrice int `json:"booking_price" required:"true"`
CPU DatacenterCpuModel `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
RAM DatacenterMemoryModel `json:"ram,omitempty"`
GPU []DatacenterGpuModel `json:"gpu,omitempty"`
type DatacenterCpuModel struct {
Cores uint `json:"cores,omitempty"` //TODO: validate
Architecture string `json:"architecture,omitempty"` //TOOD: enum
Shared bool `json:"shared,omitempty"`
MinimumMemory uint `json:"minimum_memory,omitempty"`
Platform string `json:"platform,omitempty"`
type DatacenterMemoryModel struct {
Size uint `json:"size,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
Ecc bool `json:"ecc,omitempty"`
type DatacenterGpuModel struct {
CudaCores uint `json:"cuda_cores,omitempty"`
Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`
Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
TensorCores uint `json:"tensor_cores,omitempty"`
func (d *Datacenter) GetType() oclib.ResourceType{
return oclib.DATACENTER

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package datacenter
import (
logs "oc-lib/logs"
type DatacenterMongoAccessor struct{}
func (dca *DatacenterMongoAccessor) StoreOne(datacenter Datacenter) string {
id, err := mongo.StoreOne(datacenter, "datacenter")
if err != nil {
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib", "")
l.Error().Msg("Could not store " + datacenter.Name + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return ""
return id
func (dca *DatacenterMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) Datacenter {
var datacenter Datacenter
res_mongo, err := mongo.LoadOne(id, "datacenter")
if err != nil {
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib", "")
l.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return Datacenter{}
return datacenter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package datacenter
import (
oclib "oc-lib"
func TestStoreOneDatacenter(t *testing.T){
dc := Datacenter{Owner: "toto", BookingPrice: 123,
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testDatacenter",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
dcma := DatacenterMongoAccessor{}
id := dcma.StoreOne(dc)
assert.NotEmpty(t, id)
func TestLoadOneDatacenter(t *testing.T){
dc := Datacenter{Owner: "toto", BookingPrice: 123,
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testDatacenter",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
dcma := DatacenterMongoAccessor{}
id := dcma.StoreOne(dc)
new_dc := dcma.LoadOne(id)
assert.Equal(t,dc, new_dc)

link/link.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package link
type Link struct {
Source string
Destination string

logs/logger.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package logs
import (
var logger zerolog.Logger
// logs.CreateLogger
// Create a new logger
// Parameters:
// - appname: string : the name of the application using oclib
// - url: string : the url of a loki logger, console log only if ""
// Returns:
// - zerolog.Logger : the logger that will log for the library and the app
func CreateLogger(appname string, url string) zerolog.Logger {
if url != "" {
labels := map[string]string{
"app": "app",
"code": "go",
"platform": runtime.GOOS,
lokiWriter := NewLokiWriter(url, labels)
consoleWriter := zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stdout, TimeFormat: time.RFC3339}
multiWriter := zerolog.MultiLevelWriter(consoleWriter, lokiWriter)
logger = zerolog.New(multiWriter).With().Timestamp().Logger()
} else {
logger = zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().Timestamp().Logger()
return logger

mongo/mongo.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package mongo
import (
var (
mngoClient *mongo.Client
mngoDB *mongo.Database
MngoCtx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
logger zerolog.Logger
existingCollections []string
ResourceMap map[string]interface{}
func init() {
// var baseConfig string
var err error
var conf map[string]string
var MongoURL string
var DBname string
ResourceMap = make(map[string]interface{})
logger := logs.CreateLogger("oclib","")
db_conf, err := os.ReadFile("tests/oclib_conf.json")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Could not find configuration file")
if len(os.Getenv("DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT")) == 0 {
MongoURL = conf["DB_URL_LOCAL"]
} else {
MongoURL = conf["DB_URL_DOCKER"]
DBname = conf["DCNAME"] + "-" + conf["DBPOINT"]
logger.Info().Msg("Connecting to" + MongoURL)
MngoCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
logger.Info().Msg("Connecting mongo client to db " + DBname)
logger.Info().Msg("Database is READY")
func createClient(MongoURL string){
var err error
// Allows us to use marshal and unmarshall with results of FindOne() and others
bsonOpts := &options.BSONOptions {
UseJSONStructTags: true,
NilSliceAsEmpty: true,
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(MongoURL).SetBSONOptions(bsonOpts)
mngoClient, err = mongo.Connect(MngoCtx,clientOptions)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Mongodb NewClient " + MongoURL + ":" + "err" )
// Ping the primary
if mngoClient, err = mongo.Connect(MngoCtx, clientOptions); err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Mongodb connect " + MongoURL + ":" + "err" )
if err = mngoClient.Ping(MngoCtx, nil); err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Mongodb ping " + MongoURL + ":" + "err" )
func prepareDB(dc_name string, db_point string) {
var err error
DBname := dc_name + "-" + db_point
mngoDB = mngoClient.Database(DBname)
list_collection := [...]string{"data","processing","storage","datacenter","workspace","schedule","workflow"}
existingCollections, err = mngoDB.ListCollectionNames(MngoCtx, bson.D{})
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Error contacting MongoDB\n" + err.Error())
collectionMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, name := range existingCollections {
collectionMap[name] = true
// Only do the collection definition process if it doesn't already exists
// we add the collection to the collection map from mongo/mongo_utils to provide faster access to the collection
for _, collection_name := range(list_collection){
new_collection := mngoDB.Collection(collection_name)
if _, exists := collectionMap[collection_name]; !exists {
createCollection(collection_name, new_collection)
} else{
CollectionMap[collection_name] = new_collection
// Creates the collection with index specified in mongo/mongo_collections
// or use the basic collection creation function
func createCollection(collection_name string, new_collection *mongo.Collection) {
var err error
CollectionMap[collection_name] = new_collection
_, exists := IndexesMap[collection_name];
if exists{
if _, err = new_collection.Indexes().CreateMany(MngoCtx, IndexesMap[collection_name]); err != nil {
var cmdErr mongo.CommandError
if errors.As(err, &cmdErr) && cmdErr.Code != 85 {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Error creating indexes for " + collection_name + " collection : \n" + err.Error())
} else if !errors.As(err, &cmdErr) {
logger.Fatal().Msg("Unexpected error: " + err.Error())
} else {
mngoDB.CreateCollection(MngoCtx, collection_name)
func StoreOne(obj interface{}, collection_name string) (string, error) {
targetDBCollection := CollectionMap[collection_name]
MngoCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
result, err := targetDBCollection.InsertOne(MngoCtx,obj)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Msg("Couldn't insert resource: " + err.Error())
return "", err
return result.InsertedID.(primitive.ObjectID).Hex(), nil
func LoadOne(id string, collection_name string) ( res *mongo.SingleResult , err error){
// new_obj := ResourceMap[collection_name]
// var doc bson.D
filter := bson.M{"_id": GetObjIDFromString(id)}
targetDBCollection := CollectionMap[collection_name]
MngoCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
res = targetDBCollection.FindOne(MngoCtx, filter)
if res.Err() != nil {
logger.Error().Msg("Couldn't find resource " + id + ". Error : " + res.Err().Error())
err = res.Err()
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetObjIDFromString(id string) interface{} {
objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err == nil {
return objectID
return id

processing/processing.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package processing
import oclib "oc-lib"
type Processing struct {
oclib.AbstractResource `json:"resource" required:"true"`
Container string `json:"container,omitempty"` // We could create a specific class for container, that could check if the name exists/is available
Repository string `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Indicate where to find the container image => Could add a struct handling authentication to the repo
Command string `json:"command,omitempty"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments,omitempty"`
Environment []map[string]string `json:"environment,omitempty"` // a key/value struct is what ressembles the most a NAME=VALUE struct
ExecutionRequirements ExecutionRequirementsModel `json:"execution_requirements,omitempty"`
Price uint `json:"price,omitempty"`
License string `json:"license,omitempty"`
type ExecutionRequirementsModel struct {
CPUs uint `json:"cp_us,omitempty"`
GPUs uint `json:"gp_us,omitempty"`
RAM uint `json:"ram,omitempty"`
Parallel bool `json:"parallel,omitempty"`
ScalingModel uint `json:"scaling_model,omitempty"`
DiskIO string `json:"disk_io,omitempty"`
func (p *Processing) GetType() oclib.ResourceType{
return oclib.PROCESSING

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package processing
import (
type ProcessingMongoAccessor struct{
func (pma *ProcessingMongoAccessor) StoreOne(processing Processing) string {
id, err := mongo.StoreOne(processing,"processing")
if err != nil{
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib","")
l.Error().Msg("Could not store " + processing.Name + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return ""
return id
func (pma *ProcessingMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) Processing {
var processing Processing
res_mongo, err := mongo.LoadOne(id,"processing")
if err != nil{
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib","")
l.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return Processing{}
return processing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package processing
import (
oclib "oc-lib"
func TestStoreOneProcessing(t *testing.T){
p := Processing{ Container: "totoCont",
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testData",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
sma := ProcessingMongoAccessor{}
id := sma.StoreOne(p)
assert.NotEmpty(t, id)
func TestLoadOneProcessing(t *testing.T){
p := Processing{ Container: "totoCont",
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testData",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
sma := ProcessingMongoAccessor{}
id := sma.StoreOne(p)
new_s := sma.LoadOne(id)
assert.Equal(t,p, new_s)

storage/storage.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package storage
import oclib "oc-lib"
type URL struct {
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Path string `json:"path"`
type Storage struct {
oclib.AbstractResource `json:"resource" required:"true" bson:"resource"`
Capacity uint `json:"capacity,omitempty"`
Url URL `json:"url,omitempty"` // Will allow to select between several protocols
Encryption bool `json:"encryption,omitempty"`
Redundancy string `json:"redundancy,omitempty"`
Throughput string `json:"throughput,omitempty"`
BookingPrice uint `json:"booking_price,omitempty"`
func (s *Storage) GetType() oclib.ResourceType {
return oclib.STORAGE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package storage
import (
type StorageMongoAccessor struct{
func (schedulema *StorageMongoAccessor) StoreOne(storage Storage) string {
id, err := mongo.StoreOne(storage,"storage")
if err != nil{
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib","")
l.Error().Msg("Could not store " + storage.Name + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return ""
return id
func (schedulema *StorageMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) Storage {
var storage Storage
res_mongo, err := mongo.LoadOne(id,"storage")
if err != nil{
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib","")
l.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return Storage{}
return storage

storage/storage_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package storage
import (
oclib "oc-lib"
func TestStoreOneStorage(t *testing.T){
s := Storage{ Capacity: 123, Url: URL{Protocol: "http",Path: ""} ,
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testData",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
sma := StorageMongoAccessor{}
id := sma.StoreOne(s)
assert.NotEmpty(t, id)
func TestLoadOneStorage(t *testing.T){
s := Storage{ Capacity: 123, Url: URL{Protocol: "http",Path: ""} ,
AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testData",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
sma := StorageMongoAccessor{}
id := sma.StoreOne(s)
new_s := sma.LoadOne(id)
assert.Equal(t,s, new_s)

workflow/workflow.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package oclib
import (
oclib "oc-lib"
type Workflow struct {
oclib.AbstractResource `json:"abstract_resource" required:"true"`
Datas map[string]data.Data `json:"datas,omitempty"`
Storages map[string]storage.Storage `json:"storages,omitempty"`
Processing map[string]processing.Processing `json:"processing,omitempty"`
Datacenters map[string]datacenter.Datacenter `json:"datacenters,omitempty"`
Links map[string]link.Link `json:"links,omitempty"`
Schedule WorkflowSchedule `json:"schedule,omitempty"`
func (w *Workflow) isDCLink(link link.Link) bool {
if _, exists := w.Datacenters[link.Destination]; exists {
return true
} else if _, exists := w.Datacenters[link.Source]; exists {
return true
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package oclib
import (
type WorkflowMongoAccessor struct{}
func (wfa *WorkflowMongoAccessor) StoreOne(workflow Workflow) string {
id, err := mongo.StoreOne(workflow, "workflow")
if err != nil {
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib", "")
l.Error().Msg("Could not store " + workflow.Name + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return ""
return id
func (wfa *WorkflowMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) Workflow {
var workflow Workflow
res_mongo, err := mongo.LoadOne(id, "workflow")
if err != nil {
l := logs.CreateLogger("oclib", "")
l.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return Workflow{}
return workflow

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package oclib
import "time"
type WorkflowSchedule struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Start time.Time
End time.Time
Cron string
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) GetAllDates() (timetable []time.Time){
// Return all the execution time generated by the Cron

workflow/workflow_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package oclib
import (
oclib "oc-lib"
func TestStoreOneWorkflow(t *testing.T){
w := Workflow{AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testWorkflow",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
wma := WorkflowMongoAccessor{}
id := wma.StoreOne(w)
assert.NotEmpty(t, id)
func TestLoadOneWorkflow(t *testing.T){
w := Workflow{AbstractResource: oclib.AbstractResource{
Uuid: "123",
Name: "testWorkflow",
Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
Logo : "",
Owner: "toto",
OwnerLogo: "totoLogo",
SourceUrl: "",
wma := WorkflowMongoAccessor{}
id := wma.StoreOne(w)
new_w := wma.LoadOne(id)
assert.Equal(t,w, new_w)