Compare commits


3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
be3b09b683 set up unfonctionnal rework, TODO -> pricing separation 2024-12-17 10:42:00 +01:00
7696f065f8 modelling 2024-12-16 12:17:20 +01:00
02d1e93c78 massive draft for payment process (UNCOMPLETE) 2024-12-12 16:25:47 +01:00
59 changed files with 3361 additions and 1186 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ abstract Resource{
+icon: string
+description: string
+graphic: GraphicElement
+element: DataResource/ProcessingResource/StorageResource/Workflow/DatacenterResource
+element: DataResource/ProcessingResource/StorageResource/Workflow/ComputeResource
class DataResource {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class StorageResource {
+capacity: int
class DatacenterResource {
class ComputeResource {
+UUID: int
+name: string
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class UserWorkflows {
class DatacenterWorkflows {
+UUID: int
+datacenter: DatacenterResource
+compute: ComputeResource
+workflows: Workflow[]
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ DatacenterWorkflows "1" o-- "0..*" Workflow
Resource<|-- DataResource
Resource<|-- ProcessingResource
Resource<|-- StorageResource
Resource<|-- DatacenterResource
Resource<|-- ComputeResource
Resource<|-- Workflow
ResourceSet "1" o-- "0..*" Ressource

doc/order_model.puml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
class AbstractObject {
ID string
Name string
IsDraft bool // is consider as a draft
UpdateDate date
LastPeerWriter string
CreatorID string
AccessMode int // public or private
AbstractObject ^-- AbstractResource
AbstractObject ^-- Order
AbstractObject ^-- Booking
AbstractObject ^-- BuyingStatus
AbstractObject ^-- WorkflowExecution
AbstractObject ^-- Workflow
class AbstractResource {
Logo string
Description string
ShortDescription string
Owners []string
UsageRestrictions string
VerifyAuth(request) bool
AbstractResource "1 " --* "many " InstanceITF
AbstractCustomizedResource "1 " --* "1 " InstanceITF
AbstractResource ^-- ComputeResource
AbstractResource ^-- DataResource
AbstractResource ^-- ProcessingResource
AbstractResource ^-- StorageResource
AbstractResource ^-- WorkflowResource
class ComputeResource {
Architecture string
Infrastructure string
class DataResource {
Type string
Quality string
OpenData bool
Static bool
UpdatePeriod date
PersonalData bool
AnonymizedPersonalData bool
SizeGB float64
Licence string
Example string
ProcessingResource "1 " *-- "1 " ProcessingUsage
class ProcessingUsage {
CPUs map[string]CPU
GPUs map[string]GPU
StorageGB float64
Hypothesis string
ScalingModel string
class ProcessingResource {
Infrastructure string
Service bool
Usage ProcessingUsage
OpenSource bool
License string
Maturity string
class StorageResource {
Type string
Accronym string
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " ComputeResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " DataResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " ProcessingResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " StorageResource
class WorkflowResource {
WorkflowID string
class ExploitResourceSet {}
AbstractCustomizedResource --^ AbstractResource
AbstractCustomizedResource --* ExploitResourceSet
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedComputeResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedDataResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedProcessingResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedStorageResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedWorkflowResource
class AbstractCustomizedResource {
// A customized resource is an
// extended abstract resource not use in catalog
ExplicitBookingDurationS float64
UsageStart date
UsageEnd date
SelectedPricing string
class CustomizedComputeResource {
CPUsLocated map[string]float64
GPUsLocated map[string]float64
RAMLocated float64
class CustomizedDataResource {
StorageGB float64
class CustomizedProcessingResource {
Container Container
class CustomizedStorageResource {
StorageGB bool
class CustomizedWorkflowResource {}
interface InstanceITF {
GetID() string
VerifyPartnership() bool // eval if there is one partnership per peer groups in every instance
GetPeerGroups() []ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string
InstanceITF -- ResourceInstance
ResourceInstance ^-- ComputeResourceInstance
ResourceInstance ^-- StorageResourceInstance
ResourceInstance "many " --* "1 " ResourcePartnerITF
class ResourceInstance {
ID string
Location Geopoint
Country CountryCode
AccessProtocol string
class ComputeResourceInstance {
SecurityLevel string
PowerSource string
CPUs map[string]CPU
GPUs map[string]GPU
class StorageResourceInstance {
Local bool
SecurityLevel string
SizeType string
SizeGB int
Encryption bool
Redundancy string
Throughput string
ResourcePartnerITF -- ResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- ComputeResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- DataResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- StorageResourcePartnership
interface ResourcePartnerITF {
GetPricing(id string) PricingProfileITF
GetPeerGroups() []ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string
ResourcePartnership "many " --* "1 " PricingProfileITF
class ResourcePartnership{
Namespace string
PeerGroups map[string][]string
class ComputeResourcePartnership {
MaxAllowedCPUsCores map[string]int
MaxAllowedGPUsMemoryGB map[string]float64
RAMSizeGB float64
class DataResourcePartnership {
MaxDownloadableGBAllowed float64
PersonalDataAllowed bool
AnonymizedPersonalDataAllowed bool
class StorageResourcePartnership {
MaxSizeGBAllowed float64
OnlyEncryptedAllowed bool
RefundType -- AccessPricingProfile
enum RefundType {
PricingProfileITF -- AccessPricingProfile
PricingProfileITF -- ExploitPricingProfile
PricingProfileITF -- WorkflowResourcePricingProfile
AccessPricingProfile ^-- DataResourcePricingProfile
AccessPricingProfile ^-- ProcessingResourcePricingProfile
ExploitPricingProfile ^-- ComputeResourcePricingProfile
ExploitPricingProfile ^-- StorageResourcePricingProfile
interface PricingProfileITF {
GetPrice(quantity float64, val float64, start date, end date, request) float64
IsPurchased() bool
class AccessPricingProfile {
ID string
Pricing PricingStrategy
DefaultRefundType RefundType
RefundRatio int // percentage of refund on price
class DataResourcePricingProfile {}
class ProcessingResourcePricingProfile {}
ExploitPrivilegeStrategy -- ExploitPricingProfile
enum ExploitPrivilegeStrategy {
AccessPricingProfile --* PricingStrategy
AccessPricingProfile ^-- ExploitPricingProfile
class ExploitPricingProfile {
AdditionnalRefundTypes RefundTypeint
PrivilegeStrategy ExploitPrivilegeStrategy
GarantedDelaySecond int
Exceeding bool
ExceedingRatio int // percentage of Exceeding based on price
class ComputeResourcePricingProfile {
OverrideCPUsPrices map[string]float64
OverrideGPUsPrices map[string]float64
OverrideRAMPrice float64
class StorageResourcePricingProfile {}
WorkflowResourcePricingProfile "1 " --* "many " ExploitResourceSet
class WorkflowResourcePricingProfile {
ID string
BuyingStrategy -- PricingStrategy
enum BuyingStrategy {
Strategy -- TimePricingStrategy
Strategy "0-1 " *-- " " PricingStrategy
interface Strategy {
GetStrategy () string
GetStrategyValue() int
enum TimePricingStrategy {
class PricingStrategy {
Price float64
TimePricingStrategy TimePricingStrategy
OverrideStrategy Strategy
PeerOrder "many " *-- "1 " Order
PeerItemOrder "many " *-- "1 " PeerOrder
PricedItemITF "many " *-- "1 " PeerItemOrder
PricedItemITF -- AbstractCustomizedResource
class Order {
OrderBy string
WorkflowExecutionIDs []string
Status string
Total float64
class PeerOrder {
PeerID string
Error string
Status string
BillingAddress string
Total float64
class PeerItemOrder {
Quantity int
BuyingStatus string
class BuyingStatus {}
WorkflowExecution "many " --* "1 " Workflow
Workflow "1 " --* "many " WorkflowScheduler
WorkflowScheduler "1 " --* "many " WorkflowExecution
class WorkflowExecution {
ExecDate date
EndDate date
State string
WorkflowID string
ToBookings() []Booking
class WorkflowScheduler* {
Message string
Warning string
Start date
End date
DurationS float64
Cron string
Schedules(workflowID string, request) []WorkflowExecution
Workflow "1 " --* "many " ExploitResourceSet
class Workflow {}
interface PricedItemITF {
getPrice(request) float64, error

doc/paymentflowV1.puml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
user -> client : schedule
client -> OrderAPIP1 : check book
OrderAPIP1 -> datacenterAPIP2 : check book
datacenterAPIP2 -> OrderAPIP1 : send ok
OrderAPIP1 -> datacenterAPIP2 : generate draft book
OrderAPIP1 -> client : send ok
client -> OrderAPIP1 : send scheduler
OrderAPIP1 -> OrderAPIP1 : draft executions
OrderAPIP1 -> OrderAPIP1 : draft order
OrderAPIP1 -> client : send drafted order
client -> user :
user -> client : select pricing profile
client -> OrderAPIP1 : update order
OrderAPIP1 -> datacenterAPIP2 : check book
datacenterAPIP2 -> OrderAPIP1 : send ok
OrderAPIP1 -> datacenterAPIP2 : generate draft book
OrderAPIP1 -> client : send order
user -> client : order
client -> OrderAPIP1 : order
OrderAPIP1 -> PaymentAPIBCP1 : send payment
PaymentAPIBCP1 -> OrderAPIP1 : send ok
OrderAPIP1 -> datacenterAPIP2 : undraft booking
OrderAPIP1 -> OrderAPIP1 : undraft execution
OrderAPIP1 -> OrderAPIP1 : undraft order
OrderAPIP1 -> client : send ok
client -> client : redirect

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ const (
RULE = tools.RULE
// will turn into standards api hostnames
@ -200,13 +202,12 @@ func SetConfig(mongoUrl string, database string, natsUrl string, lokiUrl string,
If not we will store it
Resource model is the model that will define the structure of the resources
accessor := (&resource_model.ResourceModel{}).GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil)
accessor := (&resource_model.ResourceModel{}).GetAccessor(nil)
for _, model := range []string{tools.DATA_RESOURCE.String(), tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE.String(), tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE.String(), tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE.String(), tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE.String()} {
data, code, _ := accessor.Search(nil, model)
data, code, _ := accessor.Search(nil, model, true)
if code == 404 || len(data) == 0 {
refs := map[string]string{}
m := map[string]resource_model.Model{}
// TODO Specify the model for each resource
// for now only processing is specified here (not an elegant way)
if model == tools.DATA_RESOURCE.String() || model == tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE.String() {
refs["path"] = "string"
@ -279,6 +280,59 @@ func NewRequest(collection LibDataEnum, user string, peerID string, groups []str
return &Request{collection: collection, user: user, peerID: peerID, groups: groups, caller: caller}
func ToScheduler(m interface{}) (n *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
return m.(*workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule)
func (r *Request) Schedule(wfID string, start string, end string, durationInS float64, cron string) (*workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule, error) {
scheduler := workflow_execution.NewScheduler(start, end, durationInS, cron)
if _, _, err := scheduler.Schedules(wfID, &tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return scheduler, nil
func (r *Request) CheckBooking(wfID string, start string, end string, durationInS float64, cron string) bool {
ok, _, _, err := workflow_execution.NewScheduler(start, end, durationInS, cron).CheckBooking(wfID, r.caller)
if err != nil {
return false
return ok
func (r *Request) DraftOrder(scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule) (*order.Order, error) {
o := &order.Order{}
if err := o.DraftOrder(scheduler, &tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return o, nil
func (r *Request) PaymentTunnel(o *order.Order, scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule) error {
return o.Pay(scheduler, &tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
* Search will search for the data in the database
* @param filters *dbs.Filters
@ -287,14 +341,19 @@ func NewRequest(collection LibDataEnum, user string, peerID string, groups []str
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibDataShallow
func (r *Request) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, word string) (data LibDataShallow) {
func (r *Request) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, word string, isDraft bool) (data LibDataShallow) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in Search : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)))
data = LibDataShallow{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadAll : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).Search(filters, word)
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}).Search(filters, word, isDraft)
if err != nil {
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -309,14 +368,19 @@ func (r *Request) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, word string) (data LibDataShallow
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibDataShallow
func (r *Request) LoadAll() (data LibDataShallow) {
func (r *Request) LoadAll(isDraft bool) (data LibDataShallow) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in LoadAll : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibDataShallow{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadAll : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).LoadAll()
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
if err != nil {
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -339,7 +403,12 @@ func (r *Request) LoadOne(id string) (data LibData) {
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).LoadOne(id)
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -364,7 +433,12 @@ func (r *Request) UpdateOne(set map[string]interface{}, id string) (data LibData
model := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).UpdateOne(model.Deserialize(set, model), id)
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}).UpdateOne(model.Deserialize(set, model), id)
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -387,7 +461,12 @@ func (r *Request) DeleteOne(id string) (data LibData) {
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in DeleteOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).DeleteOne(id)
d, code, err := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -411,7 +490,12 @@ func (r *Request) StoreOne(object map[string]interface{}) (data LibData) {
model := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).StoreOne(model.Deserialize(object, model))
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}).StoreOne(model.Deserialize(object, model))
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -435,7 +519,12 @@ func (r *Request) CopyOne(object map[string]interface{}) (data LibData) {
model := models.Model(r.collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(r.user, r.peerID, r.groups, r.caller).CopyOne(model.Deserialize(object, model))
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{
Caller: r.caller,
Username: r.user,
PeerID: r.peerID,
Groups: r.groups,
}).CopyOne(model.Deserialize(object, model))
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
@ -447,73 +536,80 @@ func (r *Request) CopyOne(object map[string]interface{}) (data LibData) {
// ================ CAST ========================= //
func (l *LibData) ToDataResource() *resources.DataResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.DATA_RESOURCE {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.DATA_RESOURCE {
return l.Data.(*resources.DataResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToComputeResource() *resources.ComputeResource {
if l.Data != nil && l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE {
if l.Data != nil && l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE {
return l.Data.(*resources.ComputeResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToStorageResource() *resources.StorageResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE {
return l.Data.(*resources.StorageResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToProcessingResource() *resources.ProcessingResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE {
return l.Data.(*resources.ProcessingResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflowResource() *resources.WorkflowResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE {
return l.Data.(*resources.WorkflowResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToPeer() *peer.Peer {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.PEER {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.PEER {
return l.Data.(*peer.Peer)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflow() *w2.Workflow {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW {
return l.Data.(*w2.Workflow)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkspace() *workspace.Workspace {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.WORKSPACE {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.WORKSPACE {
return l.Data.(*workspace.Workspace)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToCollaborativeArea() *collaborative_area.CollaborativeArea {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA {
return l.Data.(*collaborative_area.CollaborativeArea)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToRule() *rule.Rule {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA {
return l.Data.(*rule.Rule)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflowExecution() *workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution {
if l.Data.GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION {
return l.Data.(*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution)
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflowExecution() *workflow_execution.WorkflowExecutions {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION {
return l.Data.(*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecutions)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToOrder() *order.Order {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == tools.ORDER {
return l.Data.(*order.Order)
return nil

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ require (
require ( v1.0.1 // indirect v1.7.5 v2.2.0 // indirect v1.1.1 // indirect v1.4.4 // indirect
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ require ( v1.17.9 // indirect v0.1.0 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20140302213024-cf2a6f750c5b v1.5.0 // indirect v0.7.1 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ v2.3.1 h1:7MUKMpJYzOXtCUsTEoXOxsDV/UcHw6CPbaWMlthVNsc= v2.3.1/go.mod h1:5cqHsOHJIxkq44tBpRvtDe59GuVRVv/9/tyVDxd5ce4= v1.0.1 h1:VlbKKnNfV8bJzeqoa4cOKqO6bYr3WgKZxO8Z16+hsOM= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:G2ZrVWU2WbWT9wwq4/hrbKbnv/1ERSJQ0ibhJ6rlkpw= v1.7.5 h1:MJ+n3+rSxWQdqVJU8eBy9RqcdH6ePPn4PJHocVWUa+Q= v1.7.5/go.mod h1:1HSpZ526mYqKJcpT5Ti1kcGQ0L0SrXWIaptUWjFfv2E= v2.2.0 h1:DC2CZ1Ep5Y4k3ZQ899DldepgrayRUGE6BBZ/cd9Cj44= v2.2.0/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs= v3.3.17+incompatible/go.mod h1:uF7uidLiAD3TWHmW31ZFd/JWoc32PjwdhPthX9715RE=
@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI= v1.4.0 h1:WT9HwE9SGECu3lg4d/dIA+jxlljEa1/ffXKmRjqdmIQ= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:bvxc+MVxLKB4z00jd1z+Dvzr47oO32F/QSNjSBOlFxI= v1.8.1/go.mod h1:PppfXfuXeibc/6YijjN8zIbojt8czPbwD3XqdrwzmxQ= v0.0.0-20140302213024-cf2a6f750c5b h1:XBF8THPBy28s2ryI7+/Jf/847unLWxYMpJveX5Kox+0= v0.0.0-20140302213024-cf2a6f750c5b/go.mod h1:z1oqhOuuYpPHmUmAK2aNygKFlPdb4o3PppQnVTRFdrI= v0.1.13 h1:fFA4WZxdEF4tXPZVKMLwD8oUnCTTo08duU7wxecdEvA= v0.1.13/go.mod h1:7S9/ev0klgBDR4GtXTXX8a3vIGJpMovkB8vQcUbaXHg= v0.0.16/go.mod h1:kYGgaQfpe5nmfYZH+SKPsOc2e4SrIfOl2e/yFXSvRLM=

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
@ -14,49 +14,99 @@ import (
* Booking is a struct that represents a booking
type Booking struct {
workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution // WorkflowExecution contains the workflow execution data
ComputeResourceID string `json:"compute_resource_id,omitempty" bson:"compute_resource_id,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ComputeResourceID is the ID of the compute resource specified in the booking
utils.AbstractObject // AbstractObject contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
DestPeerID string `json:"dest_peer_id,omitempty"` // DestPeerID is the ID of the destination peer
ExecutionID string `json:"execution_id,omitempty" bson:"execution_id,omitempty" validate:"required"`
State common.ScheduledType `json:"state,omitempty" bson:"state,omitempty" validate:"required"` // State is the state of the booking
ExpectedStartDate time.Time `json:"expected_start_date,omitempty" bson:"expected_start_date,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ExpectedStartDate is the expected start date of the booking
ExpectedEndDate *time.Time `json:"expected_end_date,omitempty" bson:"expected_end_date,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ExpectedEndDate is the expected end date of the booking
RealStartDate *time.Time `json:"real_start_date,omitempty" bson:"real_start_date,omitempty"` // RealStartDate is the real start date of the booking
RealEndDate *time.Time `json:"real_end_date,omitempty" bson:"real_end_date,omitempty"` // RealEndDate is the real end date of the booking
ResourceType tools.DataType `json:"resource_type,omitempty" bson:"resource_type,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ResourceType is the type of the resource
ResourceID string `json:"compute_resource_id,omitempty" bson:"compute_resource_id,omitempty" validate:"required"` // could be a Compute or a Storage
// CheckBooking checks if a booking is possible on a specific compute resource
func (wfa *Booking) CheckBooking(id string, start time.Time, end *time.Time) (bool, error) {
func (wfa *Booking) Check(id string, start time.Time, end *time.Time, parrallelAllowed int) (bool, error) {
// check if
if end == nil {
// if no end... then Book like a savage
return true, nil
e := start.Add(time.Hour)
end = &e
e := *end
accessor := New(tools.BOOKING, "", "", nil, nil)
accessor := NewAccessor(nil)
res, code, err := accessor.Search(&dbs.Filters{
And: map[string][]dbs.Filter{ // check if there is a booking on the same compute resource by filtering on the compute_resource_id, the state and the execution date
"compute_resource_id": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: id}},
"workflowexecution.state": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: workflow_execution.SCHEDULED.EnumIndex()}},
"workflowexecution.execution_date": {
{Operator: dbs.LTE.String(), Value: primitive.NewDateTimeFromTime(e)},
"resource_id": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: id}},
"state": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: common.DRAFT.EnumIndex()}},
"expected_start_date": {
{Operator: dbs.LTE.String(), Value: primitive.NewDateTimeFromTime(*end)},
{Operator: dbs.GTE.String(), Value: primitive.NewDateTimeFromTime(start)},
}, "")
}, "", wfa.IsDraft)
if code != 200 {
return false, err
return len(res) == 0, nil
return len(res) <= parrallelAllowed, nil
// tool to convert the argo status to a state
func (wfa *Booking) ArgoStatusToState(status string) *Booking {
return wfa
func (d *Booking) GetDelayForLaunch() time.Duration {
return d.RealStartDate.Sub(d.ExpectedStartDate)
func (d *Booking) GetDelayForFinishing() time.Duration {
if d.ExpectedEndDate == nil {
return time.Duration(0)
return d.RealEndDate.Sub(d.ExpectedStartDate)
func (d *Booking) GetUsualDuration() time.Duration {
return d.ExpectedEndDate.Sub(d.ExpectedStartDate)
func (d *Booking) GetRealDuration() time.Duration {
if d.RealEndDate == nil || d.RealStartDate == nil {
return time.Duration(0)
return d.RealEndDate.Sub(*d.RealStartDate)
func (d *Booking) GetDelayOnDuration() time.Duration {
return d.GetRealDuration() - d.GetUsualDuration()
func (d *Booking) GetName() string {
return d.UUID + "_" + d.ExecDate.String()
return d.GetID() + "_" + d.ExpectedStartDate.String()
func (d *Booking) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.BOOKING, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *Booking) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *Booking) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (d *Booking) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return true
func (r *Booking) StoreDraftDefault() {
r.IsDraft = true
func (r *Booking) CanUpdate(set utils.DBObject) (bool, utils.DBObject) {
if !r.IsDraft && r.State != set.(*Booking).State || r.RealStartDate != set.(*Booking).RealStartDate || r.RealEndDate != set.(*Booking).RealEndDate {
return true, &Booking{
State: set.(*Booking).State,
RealStartDate: set.(*Booking).RealStartDate,
RealEndDate: set.(*Booking).RealEndDate,
} // only state can be updated
return r.IsDraft, set
func (r *Booking) CanDelete() bool {
return r.IsDraft // only draft bookings can be deleted

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import (
@ -15,15 +15,12 @@ type bookingMongoAccessor struct {
// New creates a new instance of the bookingMongoAccessor
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *bookingMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *bookingMongoAccessor {
return &bookingMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
Groups: groups,
User: username, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.BOOKING.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: tools.BOOKING,
@ -49,26 +46,29 @@ func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*Booking](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
if d.(*Booking).State == workflow_execution.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*Booking).ExecDate) {
d.(*Booking).State = workflow_execution.FORGOTTEN
if (d.(*Booking).ExpectedEndDate) == nil {
d.(*Booking).State = common.FORGOTTEN
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, id, a)
} else if d.(*Booking).State == common.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*&d.(*Booking).ExpectedStartDate) {
d.(*Booking).State = common.DELAYED
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, id, a)
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Booking](a.getExec(), a)
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Booking](a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Booking](filters, search, (&Booking{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), a)
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Booking](filters, search, (&Booking{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *bookingMongoAccessor) getExec() func(utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
if d.(*Booking).State == workflow_execution.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*Booking).ExecDate) {
d.(*Booking).State = workflow_execution.FORGOTTEN
if d.(*Booking).State == common.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*&d.(*Booking).ExpectedStartDate) {
d.(*Booking).State = common.DELAYED
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, d.GetID(), a)
return d

View File

@ -69,25 +69,25 @@ func (ao *CollaborativeArea) Clear(peerID string) {
ao.CollaborativeAreaRule.CreatedAt = time.Now().UTC()
func (ao *CollaborativeArea) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
if ao.AllowedPeersGroup != nil || config.GetConfig().Whitelist {
if grps, ok := ao.AllowedPeersGroup[peerID]; ok || config.GetConfig().Whitelist {
func (ao *CollaborativeArea) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
if (ao.AllowedPeersGroup != nil || config.GetConfig().Whitelist) && request != nil {
if grps, ok := ao.AllowedPeersGroup[request.PeerID]; ok || config.GetConfig().Whitelist {
fmt.Println("grps", grps, "ok", ok, "config.GetConfig().Whitelist", config.GetConfig().Whitelist)
if slices.Contains(grps, "*") || (!ok && config.GetConfig().Whitelist) {
return true
for _, grp := range grps {
if slices.Contains(groups, grp) {
if slices.Contains(request.Groups, grp) {
return true
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups)
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(request)
func (d *CollaborativeArea) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *CollaborativeArea) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *CollaborativeArea) Trim() *CollaborativeArea {

View File

@ -26,19 +26,17 @@ type collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor struct {
ruleAccessor utils.Accessor
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor {
return &collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
workspaceAccessor: (&workspace.Workspace{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
workflowAccessor: (&w.Workflow{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
peerAccessor: (&peer.Peer{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
ruleAccessor: (&rule.Rule{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
workspaceAccessor: (&workspace.Workspace{}).GetAccessor(nil),
workflowAccessor: (&w.Workflow{}).GetAccessor(nil),
peerAccessor: (&peer.Peer{}).GetAccessor(nil),
ruleAccessor: (&rule.Rule{}).GetAccessor(nil),
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DB
_, id := (&peer.Peer{}).IsMySelf() // get the local peer
data.(*CollaborativeArea).Clear(id) // set the creator
// retrieve or proper peer
dd, code, err := a.peerAccessor.Search(nil, "0")
dd, code, err := a.peerAccessor.Search(nil, "0", true)
if code != 200 || len(dd) == 0 {
return nil, code, errors.New("Could not retrieve the peer" + err.Error())
@ -88,13 +86,13 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBO
return a.StoreOne(data)
func filterEnrich[T utils.ShallowDBObject](arr []string, a utils.Accessor) []T {
func filterEnrich[T utils.ShallowDBObject](arr []string, isDrafted bool, a utils.Accessor) []T {
var new []T
res, code, _ := a.Search(&dbs.Filters{
Or: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"": {{Operator: dbs.IN.String(), Value: arr}},
}, "")
}, "", isDrafted)
if code == 200 {
for _, r := range res {
new = append(new, r.(T))
@ -104,39 +102,39 @@ func filterEnrich[T utils.ShallowDBObject](arr []string, a utils.Accessor) []T {
// enrich is a function that enriches the CollaborativeArea with the shared objects
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) enrich(sharedWorkspace *CollaborativeArea) *CollaborativeArea {
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) enrich(sharedWorkspace *CollaborativeArea, isDrafted bool) *CollaborativeArea {
sharedWorkspace.SharedWorkspaces = append(sharedWorkspace.SharedWorkspaces,
filterEnrich[*workspace.Workspace](sharedWorkspace.Workspaces, a.workspaceAccessor)...)
filterEnrich[*workspace.Workspace](sharedWorkspace.Workspaces, isDrafted, a.workspaceAccessor)...)
sharedWorkspace.SharedWorkflows = append(sharedWorkspace.SharedWorkflows,
filterEnrich[*workflow.Workflow](sharedWorkspace.Workflows, a.workflowAccessor)...)
filterEnrich[*workflow.Workflow](sharedWorkspace.Workflows, isDrafted, a.workflowAccessor)...)
peerskey := []string{}
for k := range sharedWorkspace.AllowedPeersGroup {
peerskey = append(peerskey, k)
sharedWorkspace.SharedPeers = append(sharedWorkspace.SharedPeers,
filterEnrich[*peer.Peer](peerskey, a.peerAccessor)...)
filterEnrich[*peer.Peer](peerskey, isDrafted, a.peerAccessor)...)
sharedWorkspace.SharedRules = append(sharedWorkspace.SharedRules,
filterEnrich[*rule.Rule](sharedWorkspace.Rules, a.ruleAccessor)...)
filterEnrich[*rule.Rule](sharedWorkspace.Rules, isDrafted, a.ruleAccessor)...)
return sharedWorkspace
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*CollaborativeArea](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea)), 200, nil
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea), true), 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDrafted bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*CollaborativeArea](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea))
}, a)
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea), true)
}, isDrafted, a)
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDrafted bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*CollaborativeArea](filters, search, (&CollaborativeArea{}).GetObjectFilters(search),
func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea))
}, a)
return a.enrich(d.(*CollaborativeArea), true)
}, isDrafted, a)
@ -149,12 +147,12 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkspace(shared *CollaborativeAr
if eld.Workspaces != nil { // update all your workspaces in the eldest by replacing shared ref by an empty string
for _, v := range eld.Workspaces {
a.workspaceAccessor.UpdateOne(&workspace.Workspace{Shared: ""}, v)
if a.Caller != nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.WORKSPACE] == nil {
if a.GetCaller() != nil || a.GetCaller().URLS == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS[tools.WORKSPACE] == nil {
paccess := (&peer.Peer{}) // send to all peers
for k := range shared.AllowedPeersGroup { // delete the collaborative area on the peer
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKSPACE, tools.DELETE, nil, a.Caller)
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKSPACE, tools.DELETE, nil, a.GetCaller())
if err != nil && b == nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not send to peer " + k + ". Error: " + err.Error())
@ -165,7 +163,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkspace(shared *CollaborativeAr
if shared.Workspaces != nil {
for _, v := range shared.Workspaces { // update all the collaborative areas
workspace, code, _ := a.workspaceAccessor.UpdateOne(&workspace.Workspace{Shared: shared.UUID}, v) // add the shared ref to workspace
if a.Caller != nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.WORKSPACE] == nil {
if a.GetCaller() != nil || a.GetCaller().URLS == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS[tools.WORKSPACE] == nil {
for k := range shared.AllowedPeersGroup {
@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkspace(shared *CollaborativeAr
paccess := (&peer.Peer{}) // send to all peers, add the collaborative area on the peer
s := workspace.Serialize(workspace)
s["name"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", s["name"]) + "_" + k
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKSPACE, tools.POST, s, a.Caller)
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKSPACE, tools.POST, s, a.GetCaller())
if err != nil && b == nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not send to peer " + k + ". Error: " + err.Error())
@ -205,12 +203,12 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkflow(shared *CollaborativeAre
n := &w.Workflow{}
n.Shared = new
a.workflowAccessor.UpdateOne(n, v)
if a.Caller != nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.WORKFLOW] == nil {
if a.GetCaller() != nil || a.GetCaller().URLS == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS[tools.WORKFLOW] == nil {
paccess := (&peer.Peer{}) // send to all peers
for k := range shared.AllowedPeersGroup { // delete the shared workflow on the peer
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKFLOW, tools.DELETE, nil, a.Caller)
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, v, tools.WORKFLOW, tools.DELETE, nil, a.GetCaller())
if err != nil && b == nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not send to peer " + k + ". Error: " + err.Error())
@ -227,7 +225,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkflow(shared *CollaborativeAre
if !slices.Contains(s.Shared, id) {
s.Shared = append(s.Shared, id)
workflow, code, _ := a.workflowAccessor.UpdateOne(s, v)
if a.Caller != nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.WORKFLOW] == nil {
if a.GetCaller() != nil || a.GetCaller().URLS == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS[tools.WORKFLOW] == nil {
paccess := (&peer.Peer{})
@ -235,7 +233,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sharedWorkflow(shared *CollaborativeAre
if code == 200 {
s := workflow.Serialize(workflow) // add the shared workflow on the peer
s["name"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", s["name"]) + "_" + k
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, shared.UUID, tools.WORKFLOW, tools.POST, s, a.Caller)
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, shared.UUID, tools.WORKFLOW, tools.POST, s, a.GetCaller())
if err != nil && b == nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not send to peer " + k + ". Error: " + err.Error())
@ -260,7 +258,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) sendToPeer(shared *CollaborativeArea) {
func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) contactPeer(shared *CollaborativeArea, meth tools.METHOD) {
if a.Caller == nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA] == nil || a.Caller.Disabled {
if a.GetCaller() == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS == nil || a.GetCaller().URLS[tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA] == nil || a.GetCaller().Disabled {
@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ func (a *collaborativeAreaMongoAccessor) contactPeer(shared *CollaborativeArea,
shared.IsSent = meth == tools.POST
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, k, tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, meth, shared.Serialize(shared), a.Caller)
b, err := paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(k, k, tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, meth, shared.Serialize(shared), a.GetCaller())
if err != nil && b == nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not send to peer " + k + ". Error: " + err.Error())

View File

@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ func (r *Rule) GenerateID() {
r.UUID = uuid.New().String()
func (d *Rule) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.RULE, username, peerID, groups, caller)
func (d *Rule) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request)
func (d *Rule) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (d *Rule) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return true

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package rule
import (
@ -13,89 +12,51 @@ type ruleMongoAccessor struct {
// New creates a new instance of the ruleMongoAccessor
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *ruleMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *ruleMongoAccessor {
return &ruleMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
User: username,
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.RULE.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: tools.RULE,
// GetType returns the type of the rule
* Nothing special here, just the basic CRUD operations
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
// UpdateOne updates a rule in the database
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set.(*Rule), id, a, &Rule{})
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &Rule{})
// StoreOne stores a rule in the database
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data.(*Rule), a)
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, a)
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, a)
// LoadOne loads a rule from the database
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
var rule Rule
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadOne(id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return &rule, 200, nil
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*Rule](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
// LoadAll loads all rules from the database
func (a ruleMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
objs := []utils.ShallowDBObject{}
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadAll(a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not retrieve any from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
var results []Rule
if err = res_mongo.All(mongo.MngoCtx, &results); err != nil {
return nil, 404, err
for _, r := range results {
objs = append(objs, &r)
return objs, 200, nil
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Rule](a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
// Search searches for rules in the database, given some filters OR a search string
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
objs := []utils.ShallowDBObject{}
if (filters == nil || len(filters.And) == 0 || len(filters.Or) == 0) && search != "" {
filters = &dbs.Filters{
Or: map[string][]dbs.Filter{ // filter by name if no filters are provided
"": {{Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(), Value: search}},
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.Search(filters, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.Logger.Error().Msg("Could not store to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
var results []Rule
if err = res_mongo.All(mongo.MngoCtx, &results); err != nil {
return nil, 404, err
for _, r := range results {
objs = append(objs, &r)
return objs, 200, nil
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Rule](filters, search, (&Rule{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *ruleMongoAccessor) getExec() func(utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d

View File

@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ type ShallowCollaborativeArea struct {
Rules []string `json:"rules,omitempty" bson:"rules,omitempty"`
func (d *ShallowCollaborativeArea) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, username, peerID, groups, caller)
func (d *ShallowCollaborativeArea) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request)

View File

@ -11,15 +11,12 @@ type shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor struct {
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor {
return &shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username, // Set the caller
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request, // Set the caller
@ -46,14 +43,14 @@ func (a *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject
}, a)
func (a *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*ShallowCollaborativeArea](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d
}, a)
}, isDraft, a)
func (a *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *shallowSharedWorkspaceMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*ShallowCollaborativeArea](filters, search, (&ShallowCollaborativeArea{}).GetObjectFilters(search), func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d
}, a)
}, isDraft, a)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package common
type Container struct {
Image string `json:"image,omitempty" bson:"image,omitempty"` // Image is the container image TEMPO
Command string `json:"command,omitempty" bson:"command,omitempty"` // Command is the container command
Args string `json:"args,omitempty" bson:"args,omitempty"` // Args is the container arguments
Env map[string]string `json:"env,omitempty" bson:"env,omitempty"` // Env is the container environment variables
Volumes map[string]string `json:"volumes,omitempty" bson:"volumes,omitempty"` // Volumes is the container volumes
Exposes []Expose `bson:"exposes,omitempty" json:"exposes,omitempty"` // Expose is the execution
type Expose struct {
Port int `json:"port,omitempty" bson:"port,omitempty"` // Port is the port
Reverse string `json:"reverse,omitempty" bson:"reverse,omitempty"` // Reverse is the reverse
PAT int `json:"pat,omitempty" bson:"pat,omitempty"` // PAT is the PAT

models/common/devices.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package common
// CPU is a struct that represents a CPU
type CPU struct {
Model string `bson:"platform,omitempty" json:"platform,omitempty"`
FrequencyGhz float64 `bson:"frenquency,omitempty" json:"frenquency,omitempty"`
Cores int `bson:"cores,omitempty" json:"cores,omitempty"`
Architecture string `bson:"architecture,omitempty" json:"architecture,omitempty"`
type RAM struct {
SizeGb float64 `bson:"size,omitempty" json:"size,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
Ecc bool `bson:"ecc" json:"ecc" default:"true"`
type GPU struct {
Model string `bson:"platform,omitempty" json:"platform,omitempty"`
MemoryGb float64 `bson:"memory,omitempty" json:"memory,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
type InfrastructureType int
const (
DOCKER InfrastructureType = iota
func (t InfrastructureType) String() string {
return [...]string{"DOCKER", "KUBERNETES", "SLURM", "HW", "CONDOR"}[t]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package pricing
import (
type PricedItemITF interface {
GetID() string
GetType() tools.DataType
IsPurchased(request *tools.APIRequest) bool
GetCreatorID() string
GetLocationStart() *time.Time
GetLocationEnd() *time.Time
GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package pricing
import (
type PricingProfileITF interface {
GetID() string
GetPrice(quantity float64, val float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error)
IsPurchased() bool
GetOverrideStrategyValue() int
type RefundType int
const (
REFUND_DEAD_END RefundType = iota
type AccessPricingProfile[T Strategy] struct { // only use for acces such as : DATA && PROCESSING
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty"` // ID is the ID of the pricing
Pricing PricingStrategy[T] `json:"price,omitempty" bson:"price,omitempty"` // Price is the price of the resource
DefaultRefund RefundType `json:"default_refund" bson:"default_refund"` // DefaultRefund is the default refund type of the pricing
RefundRatio int32 `json:"refund_ratio" bson:"refund_ratio" default:"0"` // RefundRatio is the refund ratio if missing
func (b *AccessPricingProfile[T]) GetID() string {
return b.ID
func (b *AccessPricingProfile[T]) GetOverrideStrategyValue() int {
return -1
type ExploitPrivilegeStrategy int
const (
BASIC ExploitPrivilegeStrategy = iota
func (t ExploitPrivilegeStrategy) String() string {
return [...]string{"BASIC", "GARANTED_ON_DELAY", "GARANTED"}[t]
type ExploitPricingProfile[T Strategy] struct { // only use for exploit such as : STORAGE, COMPUTE, WORKFLOW
AdditionnalRefundTypes []RefundType `json:"refund_types" bson:"refund_types"` // RefundTypes is the refund types of the pricing
PrivilegeStrategy ExploitPrivilegeStrategy `json:"privilege_strategy,omitempty" bson:"privilege_strategy,omitempty"` // Strategy is the strategy of the pricing
GarantedDelaySecond uint
Exceeding bool
ExceedingRatio int32 `json:"exceeding_ratio" bson:"exceeding_ratio" default:"0"` // ExceedingRatio is the exceeding ratio of the bill

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package pricing
import (
type BuyingStrategy int
const (
UNLIMITED BuyingStrategy = iota
type Strategy interface {
GetStrategy() string
GetStrategyValue() int
type TimePricingStrategy int
const (
ONCE TimePricingStrategy = iota
func (t TimePricingStrategy) GetStrategy() string {
return [...]string{"ONCE", "PER_SECOND", "PER_MINUTE", "PER_HOUR", "PER_DAY", "PER_WEEK", "PER_MONTH"}[t]
func (t TimePricingStrategy) GetStrategyValue() int {
return int(t)
func getAverageTimeInSecond(averageTimeInSecond float64, start time.Time, end *time.Time) float64 {
now := time.Now()
after := now.Add(time.Duration(averageTimeInSecond) * time.Second)
fromAverageDuration := after.Sub(now).Seconds()
var tEnd time.Time
if end == nil {
tEnd = start.Add(1 * time.Hour)
} else {
tEnd = *end
fromDateDuration := tEnd.Sub(start).Seconds()
if fromAverageDuration > fromDateDuration {
return fromAverageDuration
return fromDateDuration
func BookingEstimation(t TimePricingStrategy, price float64, locationDurationInSecond float64, start time.Time, end *time.Time) (float64, error) {
locationDurationInSecond = getAverageTimeInSecond(locationDurationInSecond, start, end)
priceStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", price)
p, err := strconv.ParseFloat(priceStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
switch t {
case ONCE:
return p, nil
case PER_HOUR:
return p * float64(locationDurationInSecond/3600), nil
return p * float64(locationDurationInSecond/60), nil
return p * locationDurationInSecond, nil
case PER_DAY:
return p * float64(locationDurationInSecond/86400), nil
case PER_WEEK:
return p * float64(locationDurationInSecond/604800), nil
return p * float64(locationDurationInSecond/2592000), nil
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
// hmmmm
type PricingStrategy[T Strategy] struct {
Price float64 `json:"Price" bson:"Price" default:"0"` // Price is the Price of the pricing
BuyingStrategy BuyingStrategy `json:"buying_strategy" bson:"buying_strategy" default:"0"` // BuyingStrategy is the buying strategy of the pricing
TimePricingStrategy TimePricingStrategy `json:"time_pricing_strategy" bson:"time_pricing_strategy" default:"0"` // TimePricingStrategy is the time pricing strategy of the pricing
OverrideStrategy T `json:"override_strategy" bson:"override_strategy" default:"-1"` // Modulation is the modulation of the pricing
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) SetStrategy(Price float64, BuyingStrategy BuyingStrategy, TimePricingStrategy TimePricingStrategy) error {
if TimePricingStrategy == ONCE && (BuyingStrategy != UNLIMITED || BuyingStrategy != PAY_PER_USE) {
return errors.New("time pricing strategy can only be set to ONCE if buying strategy is UNLIMITED or PAY_PER_USE")
} else if BuyingStrategy == SUBSCRIPTION && (TimePricingStrategy == ONCE) {
return errors.New("subscription duration in second must be set if buying strategy is SUBSCRIPTION")
p.Price = Price
p.BuyingStrategy = BuyingStrategy
p.TimePricingStrategy = TimePricingStrategy
return nil
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) SetSpecificPerUseStrategy(strategy T) error {
if p.BuyingStrategy == UNLIMITED {
return errors.New("UNLIMITED buying strategy can't have a specific strategy, Price is set on buying")
p.OverrideStrategy = strategy
return nil
// QUANTITY can be how many of gb core per example
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, bookingTimeDuration float64, start time.Time, end *time.Time) (float64, error) {
if p.BuyingStrategy == SUBSCRIPTION {
return BookingEstimation(p.GetTimePricingStrategy(), p.Price*float64(amountOfData), bookingTimeDuration, start, end)
} else if p.BuyingStrategy == UNLIMITED {
return p.Price, nil
return p.Price * float64(amountOfData), nil
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) GetBuyingStrategy() BuyingStrategy {
return p.BuyingStrategy
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) GetTimePricingStrategy() TimePricingStrategy {
return p.TimePricingStrategy
func (p PricingStrategy[T]) GetOverrideStrategy() T {
return p.OverrideStrategy

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package common
type ScheduledType int
const (
DRAFT ScheduledType = iota
var str = [...]string{
func FromInt(i int) string {
return str[i]
func (d ScheduledType) String() string {
return str[d]
// EnumIndex - Creating common behavior-give the type a EnumIndex functio
func (d ScheduledType) EnumIndex() int {
return int(d)

models/common/size.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package common
type StorageSize int
// StorageType - Enum that defines the type of storage
const (
GB StorageSize = iota
var argoType = [...]string{
// New creates a new instance of the StorageResource struct
func (dma StorageSize) ToArgo() string {
return argoType[dma]
// enum of a data type
type StorageType int
const (
FILE = iota

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package models
import (
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ var models = map[string]func() utils.DBObject{
tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &resource.StorageResource{} },
tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &resource.ProcessingResource{} },
tools.WORKFLOW.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &w2.Workflow{} },
tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{} },
tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &workflow_execution.WorkflowExecutions{} },
tools.WORKSPACE.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &w3.Workspace{} },
tools.RESOURCE_MODEL.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &resource_model.ResourceModel{} },
tools.PEER.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &peer.Peer{} },
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ var models = map[string]func() utils.DBObject{
tools.BOOKING.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &booking.Booking{} },
tools.WORKFLOW_HISTORY.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &w2.WorkflowHistory{} },
tools.WORKSPACE_HISTORY.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &w3.WorkspaceHistory{} },
tools.ORDER.String(): func() utils.DBObject { return &order.Order{} },
// Model returns the model object based on the model type

models/order/order.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
package order
import (
* Booking is a struct that represents a booking
type OrderStatus = int
const (
DRAFT OrderStatus = iota
type Order struct {
OrderBy string `json:"order_by" bson:"order_by" validate:"required"`
WorkflowExecutionIDs []string `json:"workflow_execution_ids" bson:"workflow_execution_ids" validate:"required"`
Status OrderStatus `json:"status" bson:"status" default:"0"`
SubOrders map[string]*PeerOrder `json:"sub_orders" bson:"sub_orders"`
Total float64 `json:"total" bson:"total" validate:"required"`
func (r *Order) StoreDraftDefault() {
r.IsDraft = true
func (r *Order) CanUpdate(set utils.DBObject) (bool, utils.DBObject) {
if !r.IsDraft && r.Status != set.(*Order).Status {
return true, &Order{Status: set.(*Order).Status} // only state can be updated
return r.IsDraft, set
func (r *Order) CanDelete() bool {
return r.IsDraft // only draft order can be deleted
func (o *Order) DraftOrder(scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule, request *tools.APIRequest) error {
// set the draft order from the model
if err := o.draftStoreFromModel(scheduler, request); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (o *Order) Pay(scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule, request *tools.APIRequest) error {
if _, err := o.draftBookOrder(scheduler, request); err != nil {
return err
o.Status = PENDING
_, code, err := o.GetAccessor(request).UpdateOne(o, o.GetID())
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not update the order" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
if err :=; err != nil { // pay the order
return err
} else {
o.IsDraft = false
for _, exec := range scheduler.WorkflowExecutions {
exec.IsDraft = false
_, code, err := utils.GenericUpdateOne(exec, exec.GetID(),
workflow_execution.NewAccessor(request), &workflow_execution.WorkflowExecutions{})
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not update the workflow execution" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
_, code, err = o.GetAccessor(request).UpdateOne(o, o.GetID())
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not update the order" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
return nil
func (o *Order) draftStoreFromModel(scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule, request *tools.APIRequest) error {
if request == nil {
return errors.New("no request found")
if scheduler.Workflow.Graph == nil { // if the workflow has no graph, return an error
return errors.New("no graph found")
o.IsDraft = true
o.OrderBy = request.Username
o.WorkflowExecutionIDs = []string{} // create an array of ids
for _, exec := range scheduler.WorkflowExecutions {
o.WorkflowExecutionIDs = append(o.WorkflowExecutionIDs, exec.GetID())
// set the name of the order
resourcesByPeer := map[string][]pricing.PricedItemITF{} // create a map of resources by peer
processings := scheduler.Workflow.GetPricedItem(scheduler.Workflow.IsProcessing) // get the processing items
datas := scheduler.Workflow.GetPricedItem(scheduler.Workflow.IsData) // get the data items
storages := scheduler.Workflow.GetPricedItem(scheduler.Workflow.IsStorage) // get the storage items
workflows := scheduler.Workflow.GetPricedItem(scheduler.Workflow.IsWorkflow) // get the workflow items
for _, items := range []map[string]pricing.PricedItemITF{processings, datas, storages, workflows} {
for _, item := range items {
if _, ok := resourcesByPeer[item.GetCreatorID()]; !ok {
resourcesByPeer[item.GetCreatorID()] = []pricing.PricedItemITF{}
resourcesByPeer[item.GetCreatorID()] = append(resourcesByPeer[item.GetCreatorID()], item)
for peerID, resources := range resourcesByPeer {
peerOrder := &PeerOrder{
Status: DRAFT,
PeerID: peerID,
for _, resource := range resources {
peerOrder.AddItem(resource, len(scheduler.WorkflowExecutions)) // TODO SPECIALS REF ADDITIONALS NOTES
o.SubOrders[peerOrder.GetID()] = peerOrder
// search an order with same user name and same session id
err := o.sumUpBill(request)
if err != nil {
return err
// should store the order
res, code, err := o.GetAccessor(request).Search(&dbs.Filters{
And: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"order_by": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: request.Username}},
}, "", o.IsDraft)
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not search the order" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
if len(res) > 0 {
_, code, err := utils.GenericUpdateOne(o, res[0].GetID(), o.GetAccessor(request), o)
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not update the order" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
} else {
_, code, err := utils.GenericStoreOne(o, o.GetAccessor(request))
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return errors.New("could not store the order" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
return nil
func (o *Order) draftBookOrder(scheduler *workflow_execution.WorkflowSchedule, request *tools.APIRequest) ([]*booking.Booking, error) {
draftedBookings := []*booking.Booking{}
if request == nil {
return draftedBookings, errors.New("no request found")
for _, exec := range scheduler.WorkflowExecutions {
bookings := exec.Book(scheduler.Workflow)
for _, booking := range bookings {
_, err := (&peer.Peer{}).LaunchPeerExecution(booking.DestPeerID, "",
tools.BOOKING, tools.POST, booking.Serialize(booking), request.Caller)
if err != nil {
return draftedBookings, errors.New("could not launch the peer execution : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
draftedBookings = append(draftedBookings, booking)
return draftedBookings, nil
func (o *Order) Quantity() int {
return len(o.WorkflowExecutionIDs)
func (d *Order) SetName() {
d.Name = d.UUID + "_order_" + "_" + time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05")
func (d *Order) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *Order) sumUpBill(request *tools.APIRequest) error {
for _, b := range d.SubOrders {
err := b.SumUpBill(request)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Total += b.Total
return nil
func (d *Order) pay(request *tools.APIRequest) error {
responses := make(chan *PeerOrder, len(d.SubOrders))
var wg *sync.WaitGroup
for _, b := range d.SubOrders {
go b.Pay(request, responses, wg)
errs := ""
gotAnUnpaid := false
count := 0
for range responses {
res := <-responses
if res != nil {
if res.Error != "" {
errs += res.Error
if res.Status != PAID {
gotAnUnpaid = true
d.Status = PARTIAL
d.SubOrders[res.GetID()] = res
if count == len(d.SubOrders) && !gotAnUnpaid {
d.Status = PAID
if errs != "" {
return errors.New(errs)
return nil
type PeerOrder struct {
Error string `json:"error,omitempty" bson:"error,omitempty"`
PeerID string `json:"peer_id,omitempty" bson:"peer_id,omitempty"`
Status OrderStatus `json:"status" bson:"status" default:"0"`
BillingAddress string `json:"billing_address,omitempty" bson:"billing_address,omitempty"`
Items []*PeerItemOrder `json:"items,omitempty" bson:"items,omitempty"`
Total float64 `json:"total,omitempty" bson:"total,omitempty"`
func (d *PeerOrder) Pay(request *tools.APIRequest, response chan *PeerOrder, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
d.Status = PENDING
go func() {
if d.Status == PAID {
for _, b := range d.Items {
if !b.Item.IsPurchased(request) {
accessor := purchase_resource.NewAccessor(request)
ResourceID: b.Item.GetID(),
ResourceType: b.Item.GetType(),
EndDate: b.Item.GetLocationEnd(),
if d.Status != PENDING {
response <- d
func (d *PeerOrder) SumUpBill(request *tools.APIRequest) error {
for _, b := range d.Items {
tot, err := b.GetPrice(request) // missing something
if err != nil {
return err
d.Total += tot
return nil
func (d *PeerOrder) AddItem(item pricing.PricedItemITF, quantity int) {
d.Items = append(d.Items, &PeerItemOrder{
Quantity: quantity,
Item: item,
func (d *PeerOrder) SetName() {
d.Name = d.UUID + "_order_" + d.PeerID + "_" + time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05")
type PeerItemOrder struct {
Quantity int `json:"quantity,omitempty" bson:"quantity,omitempty"`
Purchase purchase_resource.PurchaseResource `json:"purchase,omitempty" bson:"purchase,omitempty"`
Item pricing.PricedItemITF `json:"item,omitempty" bson:"item,omitempty"`
func (d *PeerItemOrder) GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error) {
accessor := purchase_resource.NewAccessor(request)
search, code, _ := accessor.Search(&dbs.Filters{
And: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"resource_id": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: d.Item.GetID()}},
}, "", d.Purchase.IsDraft)
if code == 200 && len(search) > 0 {
for _, s := range search {
if s.(*purchase_resource.PurchaseResource).EndDate == nil || time.Now().UTC().After(*s.(*purchase_resource.PurchaseResource).EndDate) {
return 0, nil
p, err := d.Item.GetPrice(request)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return p * float64(d.Quantity), nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package order
import (
type orderMongoAccessor struct {
utils.AbstractAccessor // AbstractAccessor contains the basic fields of an accessor (model, caller)
// New creates a new instance of the orderMongoAccessor
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *orderMongoAccessor {
return &orderMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.ORDER.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: tools.ORDER,
* Nothing special here, just the basic CRUD operations
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &Order{})
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return nil, 404, errors.New("Not implemented")
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return nil, 404, errors.New("Not implemented")
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*Order](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Order](a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Order](filters, search, (&Order{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *orderMongoAccessor) getExec() func(utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d

View File

@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ func (m PeerState) EnumIndex() int {
// Peer is a struct that represents a peer
type Peer struct {
Url string `json:"url,omitempty" bson:"url,omitempty" validate:"required"` // Url is the URL of the peer (base64url)
PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty" bson:"public_key,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the public key of the peer
Services map[string]int `json:"services,omitempty" bson:"services,omitempty"`
Url string `json:"url" bson:"url" validate:"required"` // Url is the URL of the peer (base64url)
WalletAddress string `json:"wallet_address" bson:"wallet_address" validate:"required"` // WalletAddress is the wallet address of the peer
PublicKey string `json:"public_key" bson:"public_key" validate:"required"` // PublicKey is the public key of the peer
State PeerState `json:"state" bson:"state" default:"0"`
ServicesState map[string]int `json:"services_state,omitempty" bson:"services_state,omitempty"`
FailedExecution []PeerExecution `json:"failed_execution" bson:"failed_execution"` // FailedExecution is the list of failed executions, to be retried
@ -62,13 +63,13 @@ func (ao *Peer) RemoveExecution(exec PeerExecution) {
// IsMySelf checks if the peer is the local peer
func (ao *Peer) IsMySelf() (bool, string) {
d, code, err := New(tools.PEER, "", "", nil, nil).Search(nil, SELF.String())
func (p *Peer) IsMySelf() (bool, string) {
d, code, err := NewAccessor(nil).Search(nil, SELF.String(), p.IsDraft)
if code != 200 || err != nil || len(d) == 0 {
return false, ""
id := d[0].GetID()
return ao.UUID == id, id
return p.UUID == id, id
// LaunchPeerExecution launches an execution on a peer
@ -76,11 +77,11 @@ func (p *Peer) LaunchPeerExecution(peerID string, dataID string, dt tools.DataTy
p.UUID = peerID
return cache.LaunchPeerExecution(peerID, dataID, dt, method, body, caller) // Launch the execution on the peer through the cache
func (d *Peer) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
data := New(tools.PEER, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *Peer) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
data := NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
return data
func (d *Peer) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
return true
func (r *Peer) CanDelete() bool {
return false // only draft order can be deleted

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (p *PeerCache) urlFormat(url string, dt tools.DataType) string {
// checkPeerStatus checks the status of a peer
func (p *PeerCache) checkPeerStatus(peerID string, appName string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) (*Peer, bool) {
api := tools.API{}
access := NewShallow()
access := NewShallowAccessor()
res, code, _ := access.LoadOne(peerID) // Load the peer from db
if code != 200 { // no peer no party
return nil, false
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func (p *PeerCache) checkPeerStatus(peerID string, appName string, caller *tools
fmt.Println("Checking peer status on", url, "...")
state, services := api.CheckRemotePeer(url)
fmt.Println("Checking peer status on", url, state, services) // Check the status of the peer
res.(*Peer).Services = services // Update the services states of the peer
res.(*Peer).ServicesState = services // Update the services states of the peer
access.UpdateOne(res, peerID) // Update the peer in the db
return res.(*Peer), state != tools.DEAD && services[appName] == 0 // Return the peer and its status
@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ func (p *PeerCache) LaunchPeerExecution(peerID string, dataID string,
DataID: dataID,
NewShallow().UpdateOne(mypeer, peerID) // Update the peer in the db
NewShallowAccessor().UpdateOne(mypeer, peerID) // Update the peer in the db
return nil, errors.New("peer is not reachable")
} else {
if mypeer == nil {
return nil, errors.New("peer not found")
// If the peer is reachable, launch the execution
url = p.urlFormat((mypeer.Url)+meth, dt) // Format the URL
tmp := mypeer.FailedExecution // Get the failed executions list
mypeer.FailedExecution = []PeerExecution{} // Reset the failed executions list
NewShallow().UpdateOne(mypeer, peerID) // Update the peer in the db
for _, v := range tmp { // Retry the failed executions
url = p.urlFormat((mypeer.Url)+meth, dt) // Format the URL
tmp := mypeer.FailedExecution // Get the failed executions list
mypeer.FailedExecution = []PeerExecution{} // Reset the failed executions list
NewShallowAccessor().UpdateOne(mypeer, peerID) // Update the peer in the db
for _, v := range tmp { // Retry the failed executions
go p.exec(v.Url, tools.ToMethod(v.Method), v.Body, caller)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type peerMongoAccessor struct {
// New creates a new instance of the peerMongoAccessor
func NewShallow() *peerMongoAccessor {
func NewShallowAccessor() *peerMongoAccessor {
return &peerMongoAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.PEER.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
@ -23,15 +23,12 @@ func NewShallow() *peerMongoAccessor {
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *peerMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *peerMongoAccessor {
return &peerMongoAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username,
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.PEER.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: tools.PEER,
@ -62,17 +59,17 @@ func (dca *peerMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
}, dca)
func (wfa *peerMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (wfa *peerMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Peer](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d
}, wfa)
}, isDraft, wfa)
func (wfa *peerMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (wfa *peerMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Peer](filters, search, wfa.getDefaultFilter(search),
func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d
}, wfa)
}, isDraft, wfa)
func (a *peerMongoAccessor) getDefaultFilter(search string) *dbs.Filters {
s, err := strconv.Atoi(search)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
package resources
import (
@ -11,68 +16,152 @@ import (
* it defines the resource compute
type ComputeResource struct {
Technology TechnologyEnum `json:"technology" bson:"technology" default:"0"` // Technology is the technology
Architecture string `json:"architecture,omitempty" bson:"architecture,omitempty"` // Architecture is the architecture
Access AccessEnum `json:"access" bson:"access" default:"0"` // Access is the access
Localisation string `json:"localisation,omitempty" bson:"localisation,omitempty"` // Localisation is the localisation
CPUs []*CPU `bson:"cpus,omitempty" json:"cpus,omitempty"` // CPUs is the list of CPUs
RAM *RAM `bson:"ram,omitempty" json:"ram,omitempty"` // RAM is the RAM
GPUs []*GPU `bson:"gpus,omitempty" json:"gpus,omitempty"` // GPUs is the list of GPUs
Architecture string `json:"architecture,omitempty" bson:"architecture,omitempty"` // Architecture is the architecture
Infrastructure common.InfrastructureType `json:"infrastructure,omitempty" bson:"infrastructure,omitempty"`
func (d *ComputeResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New[*ComputeResource](tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE, username, peerID, groups, caller, func() utils.DBObject { return &ComputeResource{} })
func (d *ComputeResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor[*ComputeResource](tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE, request, func() utils.DBObject { return &ComputeResource{} })
// CPU is a struct that represents a CPU
type CPU struct {
Cores uint `bson:"cores,omitempty" json:"cores,omitempty"` //TODO: validate
Architecture string `bson:"architecture,omitempty" json:"architecture,omitempty"` //TOOD: enum
Shared bool `bson:"shared,omitempty" json:"shared,omitempty"`
MinimumMemory uint `bson:"minimum_memory,omitempty" json:"minimum_memory,omitempty"`
Platform string `bson:"platform,omitempty" json:"platform,omitempty"`
type ComputeResourceInstance struct {
SecurityLevel string `json:"security_level,omitempty" bson:"security_level,omitempty"`
PowerSource string `json:"power_source,omitempty" bson:"power_source,omitempty"`
CPUs map[string]*common.CPU `bson:"cpus,omitempty" json:"cpus,omitempty"` // CPUs is the list of CPUs key is model
GPUs map[string]*common.GPU `bson:"gpus,omitempty" json:"gpus,omitempty"` // GPUs is the list of GPUs key is model
RAM *common.RAM `bson:"ram,omitempty" json:"ram,omitempty"` // RAM is the RAM
type RAM struct {
Size uint `bson:"size,omitempty" json:"size,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
Ecc bool `bson:"ecc,omitempty" json:"ecc,omitempty"`
type ComputeResourcePartnership struct {
MaxAllowedCPUsCores map[string]int `json:"allowed_cpus,omitempty" bson:"allowed_cpus,omitempty"`
MaxAllowedGPUsMemoryGB map[string]float64 `json:"allowed_gpus,omitempty" bson:"allowed_gpus,omitempty"`
MaxAllowedRAMSize float64 `json:"allowed_ram,omitempty" bson:"allowed_ram,omitempty"`
type GPU struct {
CudaCores uint `bson:"cuda_cores,omitempty" json:"cuda_cores,omitempty"`
Model string `bson:"model,omitempty" json:"model,omitempty"`
Memory uint `bson:"memory,omitempty" json:"memory,omitempty" description:"Units in MB"`
TensorCores uint `bson:"tensor_cores,omitempty" json:"tensor_cores,omitempty"`
type ComputeResourcePricingProfileOptions struct {
CPUCore int `json:"cpu_core" bson:"cpu_core" default:"1"`
GPUMemoryGB float64 `json:"gpu_memory_gb" bson:"gpu_memory_gb" default:"1"`
RAMSizeGB float64 `json:"ram_size_gb" bson:"ram_size_gb" default:"1"`
type TechnologyEnum int
const (
DOCKER TechnologyEnum = iota
func (t TechnologyEnum) String() string {
return [...]string{"DOCKER", "KUBERNETES", "SLURM", "HW", "CONDOR"}[t]
type ComputeResourcePricingProfile struct {
Options ComputeResourcePricingProfileOptions `json:"options,omitempty" bson:"options,omitempty"` // Options is the options of the pricing profile
// ExploitPricingProfile is the pricing profile of a compute it means that we exploit the resource for an amount of continuous time
OverrideCPUsPrices map[string]float64 `json:"cpus_prices,omitempty" bson:"cpus_prices,omitempty"` // CPUsPrices is the prices of the CPUs
OverrideGPUsPrices map[string]float64 `json:"gpus_prices,omitempty" bson:"gpus_prices,omitempty"` // GPUsPrices is the prices of the GPUs
OverrideRAMPrice float64 `json:"ram_price" bson:"ram_price" default:"-1"` // RAMPrice is the price of the RAM
type AccessEnum int
const (
SSH AccessEnum = iota
func (a AccessEnum) String() string {
return [...]string{"SSH", "SSH_KUBE_API", "SSH_SLURM", "SSH_DOCKER", "OPENCLOUD", "VPN"}[a]
func (p *ComputeResourcePricingProfile) IsPurchased() bool {
return p.Pricing.BuyingStrategy != pricing.PAY_PER_USE
func (p *ComputeResourcePricingProfile) GetOverrideStrategyValue() int {
return -1
// amountOfData is the number of CPUs, GPUs or RAM dependings on the params
func (p *ComputeResourcePricingProfile) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, explicitDuration float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
if len(params) < 1 {
return 0, errors.New("params must be set")
pp := float64(0)
model := params[1]
if strings.Contains(params[0], "cpus") && len(params) > 1 {
if _, ok := p.OverrideCPUsPrices[model]; ok {
p.Pricing.Price = p.OverrideCPUsPrices[model]
r, err := p.Pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData/float64(p.Options.CPUCore), explicitDuration, start, &end)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pp += r
if strings.Contains(params[0], "gpus") && len(params) > 1 {
if _, ok := p.OverrideGPUsPrices[model]; ok {
p.Pricing.Price = p.OverrideGPUsPrices[model]
r, err := p.Pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData/float64(p.Options.GPUMemoryGB), explicitDuration, start, &end)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pp += r
if strings.Contains(params[0], "ram") {
if p.OverrideRAMPrice >= 0 {
p.Pricing.Price = p.OverrideRAMPrice
r, err := p.Pricing.GetPrice(float64(amountOfData)/p.Options.RAMSizeGB, explicitDuration, start, &end)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pp += r
return pp, nil
type CustomizedComputeResource struct {
CPUsLocated map[string]float64 `json:"cpus_in_use" bson:"cpus_in_use"` // CPUsInUse is the list of CPUs in use
GPUsLocated map[string]float64 `json:"gpus_in_use" bson:"gpus_in_use"` // GPUsInUse is the list of GPUs in use
RAMLocated float64 `json:"ram_in_use" bson:"ram_in_use"` // RAMInUse is the RAM in use
func (r *CustomizedComputeResource) GetType() tools.DataType {
func (r *CustomizedComputeResource) GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error) {
if r.UsageStart == nil || r.UsageEnd == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Usage start and end must be set")
partner := r.GetPartnership(request)
if partner != nil && partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing) != nil {
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
pricing := partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing)
price := float64(0)
for _, l := range []map[string]float64{r.CPUsLocated, r.GPUsLocated} {
for model, amountOfData := range l {
cpus, err := pricing.GetPrice(float64(amountOfData), r.ExplicitBookingDurationS, *r.UsageStart, *r.UsageEnd, request, "cpus", model)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += cpus
ram, err := pricing.GetPrice(r.RAMLocated, r.ExplicitBookingDurationS, *r.UsageStart, *r.UsageEnd, request, "ram")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += ram
return price, nil
* FillWithDefaultProcessingUsage fills the order item with the default processing usage
* it depends on the processing usage only if nothing is set, during order
func (i *CustomizedComputeResource) FillWithDefaultProcessingUsage(usage *ProcessingUsage) {
for _, cpu := range usage.CPUs {
if _, ok := i.CPUsLocated[cpu.Model]; !ok {
i.CPUsLocated[cpu.Model] = 0
if i.CPUsLocated[cpu.Model] < float64(cpu.Cores) {
i.CPUsLocated[cpu.Model] = float64(cpu.Cores)
for _, cpu := range usage.GPUs {
i.GPUsLocated[cpu.Model] = 1
i.RAMLocated = usage.RAM.SizeGb

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package resources
import (
@ -15,28 +18,114 @@ const (
* Struct of Usage Conditions
type UsageConditions struct {
Usage string `json:"usage,omitempty" bson:"usage,omitempty" description:"usage of the data"` // Usage is the usage of the data
Actors []string `json:"actors,omitempty" bson:"actors,omitempty" description:"actors of the data"` // Actors is the actors of the data
* DataResource is a struct that represents a data resource
* it defines the resource data
type DataResource struct {
resource_model.AbstractResource // AbstractResource contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
Type string `bson:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type is the type of the storage
UsageConditions UsageConditions `json:"usage_conditions,omitempty" bson:"usage_conditions,omitempty" description:"usage conditions of the data"` // UsageConditions is the usage conditions of the data
License DataLicense `json:"license" bson:"license" description:"license of the data" default:"0"` // License is the license of the data
Interest DataLicense `json:"interest" bson:"interest" description:"interest of the data" default:"0"` // Interest is the interest of the data
Example string `json:"example,omitempty" bson:"example,omitempty" description:"base64 encoded data"` // Example is an example of the data
Type string `bson:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"`
Quality string `bson:"quality,omitempty" json:"quality,omitempty"`
OpenData bool `bson:"open_data" json:"open_data" default:"false"` // Type is the type of the storage
Static bool `bson:"static" json:"static" default:"false"`
UpdatePeriod time.Time `bson:"update_period,omitempty" json:"update_period,omitempty"`
PersonalData bool `bson:"personal_data,omitempty" json:"personal_data,omitempty"`
AnonymizedPersonalData bool `bson:"anonymized_personal_data,omitempty" json:"anonymized_personal_data,omitempty"`
SizeGB float64 `json:"size_gb,omitempty" bson:"size_gb,omitempty"` // SizeGB is the size of the data License DataLicense `json:"license" bson:"license" description:"license of the data" default:"0"` // License is the license of the data
// ? Interest DataLicense `json:"interest" bson:"interest" description:"interest of the data" default:"0"` // Interest is the interest of the data
Example string `json:"example,omitempty" bson:"example,omitempty" description:"base64 encoded data"` // Example is an example of the data
func (d *DataResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New[*DataResource](tools.DATA_RESOURCE, username, peerID, groups, caller, func() utils.DBObject { return &DataResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *DataResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor[*DataResource](tools.DATA_RESOURCE, request, func() utils.DBObject { return &DataResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
type DataResourcePartnership struct {
MaxDownloadableGbAllowed float64 `json:"allowed_gb,omitempty" bson:"allowed_gb,omitempty"`
PersonalDataAllowed bool `json:"personal_data_allowed,omitempty" bson:"personal_data_allowed,omitempty"`
AnonymizedPersonalDataAllowed bool `json:"anonymized_personal_data_allowed,omitempty" bson:"anonymized_personal_data_allowed,omitempty"`
type DataResourcePricingStrategy int
const (
PER_DOWNLOAD DataResourcePricingStrategy = iota
func ToDataResourcePricingStrategy(i int) DataResourcePricingStrategy {
return DataResourcePricingStrategy(i)
func (t DataResourcePricingStrategy) GetStrategy() string {
return [...]string{"PER_DOWNLOAD", "PER_GB", "PER_MB", "PER_KB"}[t]
func (t DataResourcePricingStrategy) GetStrategyValue() int {
return int(t)
func (t DataResourcePricingStrategy) GetQuantity(amountOfDataGB float64) (float64, error) {
switch t {
return 1, nil
return amountOfDataGB * 1000, nil
return amountOfDataGB, nil
return amountOfDataGB / 1000, nil
return amountOfDataGB / 1000000, nil
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
type DataResourcePricingProfile struct {
pricing.AccessPricingProfile[DataResourcePricingStrategy] // AccessPricingProfile is the pricing profile of a data it means that we can access the data for an amount of time
func (p *DataResourcePricingProfile) GetOverrideStrategyValue() int {
return p.Pricing.OverrideStrategy.GetStrategyValue()
func (p *DataResourcePricingProfile) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, explicitDuration float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
return p.Pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, explicitDuration, start, &end)
func (p *DataResourcePricingProfile) IsPurchased() bool {
return p.Pricing.BuyingStrategy != pricing.PAY_PER_USE
type CustomizedDataResource struct {
StorageGB float64 `json:"storage_gb,omitempty" bson:"storage_gb,omitempty"`
func (r *CustomizedDataResource) GetType() tools.DataType {
return tools.DATA_RESOURCE
func (r *CustomizedDataResource) GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error) {
if r.UsageStart == nil || r.UsageEnd == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Usage start and end must be set")
partner := r.GetPartnership(request)
if partner != nil && partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing) != nil {
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
pricing := partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing)
var err error
amountOfData := float64(1)
if pricing.GetOverrideStrategyValue() >= 0 {
amountOfData, err = ToDataResourcePricingStrategy(pricing.GetOverrideStrategyValue()).GetQuantity(r.StorageGB)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, r.ExplicitBookingDurationS, *r.UsageStart, *r.UsageEnd, request)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package resources
import (
type ShallowResourceInterface interface {
GetType() tools.DataType
GetCreatorID() string
GetPricingID() string
GetLocationStart() *time.Time
GetLocationEnd() *time.Time
GetExplicitDurationInS() float64
SetStartUsage(start time.Time)
SetEndUsage(end time.Time)
GetPartnership(request *tools.APIRequest) ResourcePartnerITF
SetResourceModel(model *resource_model.ResourceModel)
type ResourceInterface interface {
GetCreatorID() string
VerifyPartnerships() bool
GetPartnership(request *tools.APIRequest) ResourcePartnerITF
SetAllowedInstances(request *tools.APIRequest)
SetResourceModel(model *resource_model.ResourceModel)
type InstanceITF interface {
GetID() string
VerifyPartnerships() bool
GetPeerGroups() ([]ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string)
type ResourcePartnerITF interface {
GetPricing(id string) pricing.PricingProfileITF
GetPeerGroups() map[string][]string

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package resources
import (
type ExploitedResourceSet struct {
DataResources []*CustomizedDataResource `bson:"-" json:"data_resources,omitempty"`
StorageResources []*CustomizedStorageResource `bson:"-" json:"storage_resources,omitempty"`
ProcessingResources []*CustomizedProcessingResource `bson:"-" json:"processing_resources,omitempty"`
ComputeResources []*CustomizedComputeResource `bson:"-" json:"compute_resources,omitempty"`
WorkflowResources []*CustomizedWorkflowResource `bson:"-" json:"workflow_resources,omitempty"`
type ResourceSet struct {
Datas []string `bson:"datas,omitempty" json:"datas,omitempty"`
Storages []string `bson:"storages,omitempty" json:"storages,omitempty"`
Processings []string `bson:"processings,omitempty" json:"processings,omitempty"`
Computes []string `bson:"computes,omitempty" json:"computes,omitempty"`
Workflows []string `bson:"workflows,omitempty" json:"workflows,omitempty"`
DataResources []*DataResource `bson:"-" json:"data_resources,omitempty"`
StorageResources []*StorageResource `bson:"-" json:"storage_resources,omitempty"`
ProcessingResources []*ProcessingResource `bson:"-" json:"processing_resources,omitempty"`
ComputeResources []*ComputeResource `bson:"-" json:"compute_resources,omitempty"`
WorkflowResources []*WorkflowResource `bson:"-" json:"workflow_resources,omitempty"`
func (r *ResourceSet) Clear() {
r.DataResources = nil
r.StorageResources = nil
r.ProcessingResources = nil
r.ComputeResources = nil
r.WorkflowResources = nil
func (r *ResourceSet) Fill(request *tools.APIRequest) {
for k, v := range map[utils.DBObject][]string{
(&DataResource{}): r.Datas,
(&ComputeResource{}): r.Computes,
(&StorageResource{}): r.Storages,
(&ProcessingResource{}): r.Processings,
(&WorkflowResource{}): r.Workflows,
} {
for _, id := range v {
d, _, e := k.GetAccessor(request).LoadOne(id)
if e == nil {
switch k.(type) {
case *DataResource:
r.DataResources = append(r.DataResources, d.(*DataResource))
case *ComputeResource:
r.ComputeResources = append(r.ComputeResources, d.(*ComputeResource))
case *StorageResource:
r.StorageResources = append(r.StorageResources, d.(*StorageResource))
case *ProcessingResource:
r.ProcessingResources = append(r.ProcessingResources, d.(*ProcessingResource))
case *WorkflowResource:
r.WorkflowResources = append(r.WorkflowResources, d.(*WorkflowResource))
type ItemExploitedResource struct {
Data *CustomizedDataResource `bson:"data,omitempty" json:"data,omitempty"`
Processing *CustomizedProcessingResource `bson:"processing,omitempty" json:"processing,omitempty"`
Storage *CustomizedStorageResource `bson:"storage,omitempty" json:"storage,omitempty"`
Compute *CustomizedComputeResource `bson:"compute,omitempty" json:"compute,omitempty"`
Workflow *CustomizedWorkflowResource `bson:"workflow,omitempty" json:"workflow,omitempty"`
func (w *ItemExploitedResource) SetItemEndUsage(end time.Time) {
for _, item := range []ShallowResourceInterface{w.Data, w.Processing, w.Storage, w.Compute, w.Workflow} {
if item != nil {
func (w *ItemExploitedResource) SetItemStartUsage(start time.Time) {
for _, item := range []ShallowResourceInterface{w.Data, w.Processing, w.Storage, w.Compute, w.Workflow} {
if item != nil {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package priced_resource
type PricedResource struct {

View File

@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
package resources
import (
type Container struct {
Image string `json:"image,omitempty" bson:"image,omitempty"` // Image is the container image
Command string `json:"command,omitempty" bson:"command,omitempty"` // Command is the container command
Args string `json:"args,omitempty" bson:"args,omitempty"` // Args is the container arguments
Env map[string]string `json:"env,omitempty" bson:"env,omitempty"` // Env is the container environment variables
Volumes map[string]string `json:"volumes,omitempty" bson:"volumes,omitempty"` // Volumes is the container volumes
type ProcessingUsage struct {
CPUs map[string]*common.CPU `bson:"cpus,omitempty" json:"cpus,omitempty"` // CPUs is the list of CPUs key is model
GPUs map[string]*common.GPU `bson:"gpus,omitempty" json:"gpus,omitempty"` // GPUs is the list of GPUs key is model
RAM *common.RAM `bson:"ram,omitempty" json:"ram,omitempty"` // RAM is the RAM
type Expose struct {
Port int `json:"port,omitempty" bson:"port,omitempty"` // Port is the port
Reverse string `json:"reverse,omitempty" bson:"reverse,omitempty"` // Reverse is the reverse
PAT int `json:"pat,omitempty" bson:"pat,omitempty"` // PAT is the PAT
StorageGb float64 `bson:"storage,omitempty" json:"storage,omitempty"` // Storage is the storage
Hypothesis string `bson:"hypothesis,omitempty" json:"hypothesis,omitempty"`
ScalingModel string `bson:"scaling_model,omitempty" json:"scaling_model,omitempty"` // ScalingModel is the scaling model
@ -25,19 +24,50 @@ type Expose struct {
* it defines the resource processing
type ProcessingResource struct {
IsService bool `json:"is_service,omitempty" bson:"is_service,omitempty"` // IsService is a flag that indicates if the processing is a service
CPUs []*CPU `bson:"cpus,omitempty" json:"cp_us,omitempty"` // CPUs is the list of CPUs
GPUs []*GPU `bson:"gpus,omitempty" json:"gp_us,omitempty"` // GPUs is the list of GPUs
RAM *RAM `bson:"ram,omitempty" json:"ram,omitempty"` // RAM is the RAM
Storage uint `bson:"storage,omitempty" json:"storage,omitempty"` // Storage is the storage
Parallel bool `bson:"parallel,omitempty" json:"parallel,omitempty"` // Parallel is a flag that indicates if the processing is parallel
ScalingModel uint `bson:"scaling_model,omitempty" json:"scaling_model,omitempty"` // ScalingModel is the scaling model
DiskIO string `bson:"disk_io,omitempty" json:"disk_io,omitempty"` // DiskIO is the disk IO
Container *Container `bson:"container,omitempty" json:"container,omitempty"` // Container is the container
Expose []Expose `bson:"expose,omitempty" json:"expose,omitempty"` // Expose is the execution
Infrastructure common.InfrastructureType `json:"infrastructure,omitempty" bson:"infrastructure,omitempty"`
IsService bool `json:"is_service,omitempty" bson:"is_service,omitempty"` // IsService is a flag that indicates if the processing is a service
Usage *ProcessingUsage `bson:"usage,omitempty" json:"usage,omitempty"` // Usage is the usage of the processing
OpenSource bool `json:"open_source" bson:"open_source" default:"false"`
License string `json:"license,omitempty" bson:"license,omitempty"`
Maturity string `json:"maturity,omitempty" bson:"maturity,omitempty"`
Container common.Container `json:"container,omitempty" bson:"container,omitempty"` // Container is the container
func (d *ProcessingResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New[*ProcessingResource](tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE, username, peerID, groups, caller, func() utils.DBObject { return &ProcessingResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
type CustomizedProcessingResource struct {
IsService bool
func (r *CustomizedProcessingResource) GetType() tools.DataType {
func (a *CustomizedProcessingResource) GetExplicitDurationInS() float64 {
if a.ExplicitBookingDurationS == 0 {
if a.IsService || a.UsageStart == nil {
if a.IsService {
return -1
return time.Duration(1 * time.Hour).Seconds()
return a.UsageEnd.Sub(*a.UsageStart).Seconds()
return a.ExplicitBookingDurationS
func (d *ProcessingResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor[*ProcessingResource](tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE, request, func() utils.DBObject { return &ProcessingResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
type ProcessingResourcePricingProfile struct {
pricing.AccessPricingProfile[pricing.TimePricingStrategy] // AccessPricingProfile is the pricing profile of a data it means that we can access the data for an amount of time
func (p *ProcessingResourcePricingProfile) IsPurchased() bool {
return p.Pricing.BuyingStrategy != pricing.PAY_PER_USE
func (p *ProcessingResourcePricingProfile) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, val float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
return p.Pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, val, start, &end)

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package purchase_resource
import (
type PurchaseResource struct {
EndDate *time.Time `json:"end_buying_date,omitempty" bson:"end_buying_date,omitempty"`
ResourceID string `json:"resource_id" bson:"resource_id" validate:"required"`
ResourceType tools.DataType `json:"resource_type" bson:"resource_type" validate:"required"`
func (d *PurchaseResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (r *PurchaseResource) CanUpdate(set utils.DBObject) (bool, utils.DBObject) {
return r.IsDraft, set // only draft buying can be updated
func (r *PurchaseResource) CanDelete() bool { // ENDBuyingDate is passed
if r.EndDate != nil {
return time.Now().UTC().After(*r.EndDate)
return false // only draft bookings can be deleted

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package purchase_resource
import (
type purchaseResourceMongoAccessor struct {
utils.AbstractAccessor // AbstractAccessor contains the basic fields of an accessor (model, caller)
// New creates a new instance of the bookingMongoAccessor
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor {
return &purchaseResourceMongoAccessor{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.BUYING_STATUS.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: tools.BUYING_STATUS,
* Nothing special here, just the basic CRUD operations
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &PurchaseResource{})
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*PurchaseResource](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
if d.(*PurchaseResource).EndDate != nil && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*PurchaseResource).EndDate) {
utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
return nil, 404, nil
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*PurchaseResource](a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*PurchaseResource](filters, search, (&PurchaseResource{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *purchaseResourceMongoAccessor) getExec() func(utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
if d.(*PurchaseResource).EndDate != nil && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*PurchaseResource).EndDate) {
utils.GenericDeleteOne(d.GetID(), a)
return nil
return d

View File

@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
package resources
import (
// AbstractResource is the struct containing all of the attributes commons to all ressources
@ -10,86 +20,260 @@ import (
// Resource is the interface to be implemented by all classes inheriting from Resource to have the same behavior
type ResourceInterface interface {
Trim() *resource_model.AbstractResource
SetResourceModel(model *resource_model.ResourceModel)
* AbstractResource is a struct that represents a resource
* it defines the resource data
type abstractResource struct {
utils.AbstractObject // AbstractObject contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty" bson:"logo,omitempty" validate:"required"` // Logo is the logo of the resource
Description string `json:"description,omitempty" bson:"description,omitempty"` // Description is the description of the resource
ShortDescription string `json:"short_description,omitempty" bson:"short_description,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ShortDescription is the short description of the resource
Owners []utils.Owner `json:"owners,omitempty" bson:"owners,omitempty"` // Owners is the list of owners of the resource
ResourceModel *resource_model.ResourceModel `json:"resource_model,omitempty" bson:"resource_model,omitempty"` // ResourceModel is the model of the resource
UsageRestrictions string `bson:"usage_restrictions,omitempty" json:"usage_restrictions,omitempty"`
type ResourceSet struct {
Datas []string `bson:"datas,omitempty" json:"datas,omitempty"`
Storages []string `bson:"storages,omitempty" json:"storages,omitempty"`
Processings []string `bson:"processings,omitempty" json:"processings,omitempty"`
Computes []string `bson:"computes,omitempty" json:"computes,omitempty"`
Workflows []string `bson:"workflows,omitempty" json:"workflows,omitempty"`
DataResources []*DataResource `bson:"-" json:"data_resources,omitempty"`
StorageResources []*StorageResource `bson:"-" json:"storage_resources,omitempty"`
ProcessingResources []*ProcessingResource `bson:"-" json:"processing_resources,omitempty"`
ComputeResources []*ComputeResource `bson:"-" json:"compute_resources,omitempty"`
WorkflowResources []*WorkflowResource `bson:"-" json:"workflow_resources,omitempty"`
func (r *abstractResource) StoreDraftDefault() {
r.IsDraft = true
func (r *ResourceSet) Clear() {
r.DataResources = nil
r.StorageResources = nil
r.ProcessingResources = nil
r.ComputeResources = nil
r.WorkflowResources = nil
func (r *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) CanUpdate(set utils.DBObject) (bool, utils.DBObject) {
if r.IsDraft != set.IsDrafted() && set.IsDrafted() {
return true, set // only state can be updated
return r.IsDraft != set.IsDrafted() && set.IsDrafted(), set
func (r *ResourceSet) Fill(username string, peerID string, groups []string) {
for k, v := range map[utils.DBObject][]string{
(&DataResource{}): r.Datas,
(&ComputeResource{}): r.Computes,
(&StorageResource{}): r.Storages,
(&ProcessingResource{}): r.Processings,
(&WorkflowResource{}): r.Workflows,
} {
for _, id := range v {
d, _, e := k.GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil).LoadOne(id)
if e == nil {
switch k.(type) {
case *DataResource:
r.DataResources = append(r.DataResources, d.(*DataResource))
case *ComputeResource:
r.ComputeResources = append(r.ComputeResources, d.(*ComputeResource))
case *StorageResource:
r.StorageResources = append(r.StorageResources, d.(*StorageResource))
case *ProcessingResource:
r.ProcessingResources = append(r.ProcessingResources, d.(*ProcessingResource))
case *WorkflowResource:
r.WorkflowResources = append(r.WorkflowResources, d.(*WorkflowResource))
func (r *abstractResource) CanDelete() bool {
return r.IsDraft // only draft bookings can be deleted
func (ao *abstractResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return nil
func (ao *abstractResource) GetCreatorID() string {
return ao.CreatorID
func (abs *abstractResource) SetResourceModel(model *resource_model.ResourceModel) {
abs.ResourceModel = model
type AbstractResource[T InstanceITF] struct {
Instances []T `json:"instances,omitempty" bson:"instances,omitempty"` // Bill is the bill of the resource // Bill is the bill of the resource
func (abs *AbstractResource[T]) SetAllowedInstances(request *tools.APIRequest) {
abs.Instances = verifyAuthAction[T](abs.Instances, request)
func (abs *AbstractResource[T]) GetPartnership(request *tools.APIRequest) ResourcePartnerITF {
for _, instance := range abs.Instances {
partners, grps := instance.GetPeerGroups()
for i, p := range grps {
if request == nil {
if _, ok := p[request.PeerID]; ok {
return partners[i]
return nil
func (abs *AbstractResource[T]) VerifyPartnerships() bool {
// a peer can be part of only one partnership by instance
// may we need to define partnership in a different DB
for _, instance := range abs.Instances {
if !instance.VerifyPartnerships() {
return false
return true
func (d *AbstractResource[T]) Trim() {
if ok, _ := (&peer.Peer{AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{UUID: d.CreatorID}}).IsMySelf(); !ok {
// TODO clean up the peer groups that are not in the allowed peers group
for _, instance := range d.Instances {
type ItemResource struct {
Data *DataResource `bson:"data,omitempty" json:"data,omitempty"`
Processing *ProcessingResource `bson:"processing,omitempty" json:"processing,omitempty"`
Storage *StorageResource `bson:"storage,omitempty" json:"storage,omitempty"`
Compute *ComputeResource `bson:"compute,omitempty" json:"compute,omitempty"`
Workflow *WorkflowResource `bson:"workflow,omitempty" json:"workflow,omitempty"`
func (abs *AbstractResource[T]) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return len(verifyAuthAction[T](abs.Instances, request)) > 0 || abs.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(request)
func (i *ItemResource) GetAbstractRessource() *resource_model.AbstractResource {
type AbstractCustomizedResource[T InstanceITF] struct {
ExplicitBookingDurationS float64 `json:"explicit_location_duration_s,omitempty" bson:"explicit_location_duration_s,omitempty"`
UsageStart *time.Time `json:"start,omitempty" bson:"start,omitempty"`
UsageEnd *time.Time `json:"end,omitempty" bson:"end,omitempty"`
SelectedInstance T `json:"selected_instance,omitempty" bson:"selected_instance,omitempty"`
SelectedPricing string `json:"selected_pricing,omitempty" bson:"selected_pricing,omitempty"`
if i.Data != nil {
return &i.Data.AbstractResource
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) SetStartUsage(start time.Time) {
if abs.UsageStart == nil {
abs.UsageStart = &start
if i.Processing != nil {
return &i.Processing.AbstractResource
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) SetEndUsage(end time.Time) {
if abs.UsageEnd == nil {
abs.UsageEnd = &end
if i.Storage != nil {
return &i.Storage.AbstractResource
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) IsPurchased(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return abs.GetPartnership(request).GetPricing(abs.SelectedPricing).IsPurchased()
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetLocationEnd() *time.Time {
return abs.UsageEnd
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetLocationStart() *time.Time {
return abs.UsageStart
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetExplicitDurationInS() float64 {
if abs.ExplicitBookingDurationS == 0 {
if abs.UsageEnd == nil || abs.UsageStart == nil {
return time.Duration(1 * time.Hour).Seconds()
return abs.UsageEnd.Sub(*abs.UsageStart).Seconds()
if i.Compute != nil {
return &i.Compute.AbstractResource
return abs.ExplicitBookingDurationS
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetPricingID() string {
return abs.SelectedPricing
func (r *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error) {
if r.UsageStart == nil || r.UsageEnd == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Usage start and end must be set")
if i.Workflow != nil {
return &i.Workflow.AbstractResource
partner := r.GetPartnership(request)
if partner != nil && partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing) != nil {
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
return partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing).GetPrice(1, 0, *r.UsageStart, *r.UsageEnd, request)
func (abs *AbstractCustomizedResource[T]) GetPartnership(request *tools.APIRequest) ResourcePartnerITF {
partners, grps := abs.SelectedInstance.GetPeerGroups()
for i, p := range grps {
if request == nil {
if _, ok := p[request.PeerID]; ok {
return partners[i]
return nil
func verifyAuthAction[T InstanceITF](baseInstance []T, request *tools.APIRequest) []T {
instances := []T{}
for _, instance := range baseInstance {
_, peerGroups := instance.GetPeerGroups()
for _, peers := range peerGroups {
if request == nil {
if grps, ok := peers[request.PeerID]; ok || config.GetConfig().Whitelist {
if (ok && slices.Contains(grps, "*")) || (!ok && config.GetConfig().Whitelist) {
instances = append(instances, instance)
for _, grp := range grps {
if slices.Contains(request.Groups, grp) {
instances = append(instances, instance)
return instances
type ResourceInstance[T ResourcePartnerITF] struct {
UUID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty"`
Location geopoint.GeoPoint `json:"location,omitempty" bson:"location,omitempty"`
Country countries.CountryCode `json:"country,omitempty" bson:"country,omitempty"`
// Url string `json:"url,omitempty" bson:"url,omitempty"`
AccessProtocol string `json:"access_protocol,omitempty" bson:"access_protocol,omitempty"`
Partnerships []T `json:"partner_resource,omitempty" bson:"partner_resource,omitempty"`
func (ri *ResourceInstance[T]) GetID() string {
return ri.UUID
func (r *ResourceInstance[T]) VerifyPartnerships() bool {
peersMultiple := map[string]int{}
for _, p := range r.Partnerships {
for k, g := range p.GetPeerGroups() {
for _, v := range g {
if _, ok := peersMultiple[k+"_"+v]; !ok {
peersMultiple[k+"_"+v] = 0
for _, p := range peersMultiple {
if p > 1 {
return false
return true
func (ri *ResourceInstance[T]) GetPeerGroups() ([]ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string) {
groups := []map[string][]string{}
partners := []ResourcePartnerITF{}
for _, p := range ri.Partnerships {
partners = append(partners, p)
groups = append(groups, p.GetPeerGroups())
return partners, groups
func (ri *ResourceInstance[T]) ClearPeerGroups() {
for _, p := range ri.Partnerships {
type ResourcePartnerShip[T pricing.PricingProfileITF] struct {
Namespace string `json:"namespace" bson:"namespace" default:"default-namespace"`
PeerGroups map[string][]string `json:"peer_groups,omitempty" bson:"peer_groups,omitempty"`
PricingProfiles map[string]T `json:"pricing,omitempty" bson:"pricing,omitempty"`
func (rp *ResourcePartnerShip[T]) GetPricing(id string) pricing.PricingProfileITF {
return rp.PricingProfiles[id]
func (rp *ResourcePartnerShip[T]) GetPeerGroups() map[string][]string {
return rp.PeerGroups
func (rp *ResourcePartnerShip[T]) ClearPeerGroups() {
rp.PeerGroups = map[string][]string{}
-> when a workflow should book a resource
-> it must be able to book a resource for a particular time
-> the resource should be available for the time
-> we must be able to parameter the resource for the time
-> before bookin'

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package resources
import (
@ -14,15 +16,15 @@ type resourceMongoAccessor[T ResourceInterface] struct {
// New creates a new instance of the computeMongoAccessor
func New[T ResourceInterface](t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller, g func() utils.DBObject) *resourceMongoAccessor[T] {
func NewAccessor[T ResourceInterface](t tools.DataType, request *tools.APIRequest, g func() utils.DBObject) *resourceMongoAccessor[T] {
if !slices.Contains([]tools.DataType{tools.COMPUTE_RESOURCE, tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE, tools.PROCESSING_RESOURCE, tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE, tools.DATA_RESOURCE}, t) {
return nil
return &resourceMongoAccessor[T]{
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
ResourceModelAccessor: resource_model.New(),
ResourceModelAccessor: resource_model.NewAccessor(),
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username, // Set the caller
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Request: request,
Type: t,
generateData: g,
@ -39,12 +41,14 @@ func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int,
func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set.(T).Trim(), id, dca, dca.generateData()) // TODO CHANGE
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, dca, dca.generateData())
func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data.(T).Trim(), dca)
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, dca)
func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
@ -53,33 +57,36 @@ func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObjec
func (dca *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[T](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
resources, _, err := dca.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, dca.GetType().String())
resources, _, err := dca.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, dca.GetType().String(), false)
if err == nil && len(resources) > 0 {
return d, 200, nil
}, dca)
func (wfa *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
resources, _, err := wfa.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, wfa.GetType().String())
func (wfa *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
resources, _, err := wfa.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, wfa.GetType().String(), isDraft)
return utils.GenericLoadAll[T](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
if err == nil && len(resources) > 0 {
return d
}, wfa)
}, isDraft, wfa)
func (wfa *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
resources, _, err := wfa.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, wfa.GetType().String())
func (wfa *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
resources, _, err := wfa.ResourceModelAccessor.Search(nil, wfa.GetType().String(), false)
return utils.GenericSearch[T](filters, search, wfa.getResourceFilter(search),
func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
if err == nil && len(resources) > 0 {
return d
}, wfa)
}, isDraft, wfa)
func (abs *resourceMongoAccessor[T]) getResourceFilter(search string) *dbs.Filters {

View File

@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ package resource_model
import (
type WebResource struct {
@ -16,94 +12,6 @@ type WebResource struct {
Path string `bson:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"` // Path is the path of the URL
* AbstractResource is a struct that represents a resource
* it defines the resource data
type AbstractResource struct {
utils.AbstractObject // AbstractObject contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
ShortDescription string `json:"short_description,omitempty" bson:"short_description,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ShortDescription is the short description of the resource
Description string `json:"description,omitempty" bson:"description,omitempty"` // Description is the description of the resource
Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty" bson:"logo,omitempty" validate:"required"` // Logo is the logo of the resource
Owner string `json:"owner,omitempty" bson:"owner,omitempty" validate:"required"` // Owner is the owner of the resource
OwnerLogo string `json:"owner_logo,omitempty" bson:"owner_logo,omitempty"` // OwnerLogo is the owner logo of the resource
SourceUrl string `json:"source_url,omitempty" bson:"source_url,omitempty" validate:"required"` // SourceUrl is the source URL of the resource
PeerID string `json:"peer_id,omitempty" bson:"peer_id,omitempty" validate:"required"` // PeerID is the ID of the peer getting this resource
License string `json:"license,omitempty" bson:"license,omitempty"` // License is the license of the resource
ResourceModel *ResourceModel `json:"resource_model,omitempty" bson:"resource_model,omitempty"` // ResourceModel is the model of the resource
AllowedPeersGroup map[string][]string `json:"allowed_peers_group,omitempty" bson:"allowed_peers_group,omitempty"` // AllowedPeersGroup is the group of allowed peers
Price string `json:"price,omitempty" bson:"price,omitempty"` // Price is the price of access to the resource
Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty" bson:"currency,omitempty"` // Currency is the currency of the price
func (ao *AbstractResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return nil
func (abs *AbstractResource) SetResourceModel(model *ResourceModel) {
abs.ResourceModel = model
func (abs *AbstractResource) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
if grps, ok := abs.AllowedPeersGroup[peerID]; ok || config.GetConfig().Whitelist {
if (ok && slices.Contains(grps, "*")) || (!ok && config.GetConfig().Whitelist) {
return true
for _, grp := range grps {
if slices.Contains(groups, grp) {
return true
return abs.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups)
* GetModelType returns the type of the model key
func (abs *AbstractResource) GetModelType(cat string, key string) interface{} {
if abs.ResourceModel == nil || abs.ResourceModel.Model == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := abs.ResourceModel.Model[key]; !ok {
return nil
return abs.ResourceModel.Model[cat][key].Type
* GetModelKeys returns the keys of the model
func (abs *AbstractResource) GetModelKeys() []string {
keys := make([]string, 0)
for k := range abs.ResourceModel.Model {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
* GetModelReadOnly returns the readonly of the model key
func (abs *AbstractResource) GetModelReadOnly(cat string, key string) interface{} {
if abs.ResourceModel == nil || abs.ResourceModel.Model == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := abs.ResourceModel.Model[key]; !ok {
return nil
return abs.ResourceModel.Model[cat][key].ReadOnly
func (d *AbstractResource) Trim() *AbstractResource {
if ok, _ := (&peer.Peer{AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{UUID: d.PeerID}}).IsMySelf(); !ok {
d.AllowedPeersGroup = map[string][]string{}
return d
type Model struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" bson:"type,omitempty"` // Type is the type of the model
ReadOnly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty" bson:"readonly,omitempty"` // ReadOnly is the readonly of the model
@ -115,38 +23,26 @@ type Model struct {
* Warning: This struct is not user available, it is only used by the system
type ResourceModel struct {
UUID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty" validate:"required"`
ResourceType string `json:"resource_type,omitempty" bson:"resource_type,omitempty" validate:"required"`
VarRefs map[string]string `json:"var_refs,omitempty" bson:"var_refs,omitempty"` // VarRefs is the variable references of the model
Model map[string]map[string]Model `json:"model,omitempty" bson:"model,omitempty"`
func (ao *ResourceModel) GetID() string {
return ao.UUID
func (d *ResourceModel) StoreDraftDefault() {
d.Name = d.ResourceType + " Resource Model"
d.IsDraft = false
func (ao *ResourceModel) UpToDate(user string, create bool) {}
func (r *ResourceModel) GenerateID() {
r.UUID = uuid.New().String()
func (d *ResourceModel) GetName() string {
return d.UUID
func (abs *ResourceModel) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (abs *ResourceModel) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return true
func (d *ResourceModel) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
func (d *ResourceModel) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return &ResourceModelMongoAccessor{
PeerID: peerID,
Groups: groups,
User: username,
Caller: caller,
Request: request,

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type ResourceModelMongoAccessor struct {
* Nothing special here, just the basic CRUD operations
func New() *ResourceModelMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor() *ResourceModelMongoAccessor {
return &ResourceModelMongoAccessor{
@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ func (a *ResourceModelMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, er
}, a)
func (a *ResourceModelMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *ResourceModelMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*ResourceModel](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return d
}, a)
}, isDraft, a)
func (a *ResourceModelMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *ResourceModelMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*ResourceModel](filters, search,
Or: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"resource_type": {{Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(), Value: search}},
}, func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return d }, a)
}, func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return d }, isDraft, a)

View File

@ -1,61 +1,137 @@
package resources
import (
type StorageSize int
// StorageType - Enum that defines the type of storage
const (
GB StorageSize = iota
var argoType = [...]string{
// New creates a new instance of the StorageResource struct
func (dma StorageSize) ToArgo() string {
return argoType[dma]
// enum of a data type
type StorageType int
const (
FILE = iota
* StorageResource is a struct that represents a storage resource
* it defines the resource storage
type StorageResource struct {
resource_model.AbstractResource // AbstractResource contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
Type StorageType `bson:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type is the type of the storage
Acronym string `bson:"acronym,omitempty" json:"acronym,omitempty"` // Acronym is the acronym of the storage
SizeType StorageSize `bson:"size_type" json:"size_type" default:"0"` // SizeType is the type of the storage size
Size uint `bson:"size,omitempty" json:"size,omitempty"` // Size is the size of the storage
Local bool `bson:"local" json:"local"` // Local is a flag that indicates if the storage is local
Encryption bool `bson:"encryption,omitempty" json:"encryption,omitempty"` // Encryption is a flag that indicates if the storage is encrypted
Redundancy string `bson:"redundancy,omitempty" json:"redundancy,omitempty"` // Redundancy is the redundancy of the storage
Throughput string `bson:"throughput,omitempty" json:"throughput,omitempty"` // Throughput is the throughput of the storage
AbstractResource[*StorageResourceInstance] // AbstractResource contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
Type common.StorageType `bson:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type is the type of the storage
Acronym string `bson:"acronym,omitempty" json:"acronym,omitempty"` // Acronym is the acronym of the storage
func (d *StorageResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New[*StorageResource](tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE, username, peerID, groups, caller, func() utils.DBObject { return &StorageResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *StorageResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor[*StorageResource](tools.STORAGE_RESOURCE, request, func() utils.DBObject { return &StorageResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
type StorageResourceInstance struct {
Local bool `bson:"local" json:"local"`
SecurityLevel string `bson:"security_level,omitempty" json:"security_level,omitempty"`
SizeType common.StorageSize `bson:"size_type" json:"size_type" default:"0"` // SizeType is the type of the storage size
SizeGB uint `bson:"size,omitempty" json:"size,omitempty"` // Size is the size of the storage
Encryption bool `bson:"encryption,omitempty" json:"encryption,omitempty"` // Encryption is a flag that indicates if the storage is encrypted
Redundancy string `bson:"redundancy,omitempty" json:"redundancy,omitempty"` // Redundancy is the redundancy of the storage
Throughput string `bson:"throughput,omitempty" json:"throughput,omitempty"` // Throughput is the throughput of the storage
func (i *StorageResourceInstance) GetID() string {
return i.UUID
type StorageResourcePartnership struct {
MaxSizeGBAllowed float64 `json:"allowed_gb,omitempty" bson:"allowed_gb,omitempty"`
OnlyEncryptedAllowed bool `json:"personal_data_allowed,omitempty" bson:"personal_data_allowed,omitempty"`
type PrivilegeStoragePricingStrategy int
const (
BASIC_STORAGE PrivilegeStoragePricingStrategy = iota
func (t PrivilegeStoragePricingStrategy) String() string {
type StorageResourcePricingStrategy int
const (
PER_DATA_STORED StorageResourcePricingStrategy = iota
func (t StorageResourcePricingStrategy) GetStrategy() string {
func (t StorageResourcePricingStrategy) GetStrategyValue() int {
return int(t)
func ToStorageResourcePricingStrategy(i int) StorageResourcePricingStrategy {
return StorageResourcePricingStrategy(i)
func (t StorageResourcePricingStrategy) GetQuantity(amountOfDataGB float64) (float64, error) {
switch t {
return amountOfDataGB, nil
return amountOfDataGB * 1000, nil
return amountOfDataGB, nil
return (amountOfDataGB * 1000), nil
return amountOfDataGB * 1000000, nil
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
type StorageResourcePricingProfile struct {
pricing.ExploitPricingProfile[StorageResourcePricingStrategy] // ExploitPricingProfile is the pricing profile of a storage it means that we exploit the resource for an amount of continuous time
func (p *StorageResourcePricingProfile) IsPurchased() bool {
return p.Pricing.BuyingStrategy != pricing.PAY_PER_USE
func (p *StorageResourcePricingProfile) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, val float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
return p.Pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, val, start, &end)
type CustomizedStorageResource struct {
StorageGB float64 `json:"storage_gb,omitempty" bson:"storage_gb,omitempty"`
func (r *CustomizedStorageResource) GetType() tools.DataType {
func (r *CustomizedStorageResource) GetPrice(request *tools.APIRequest) (float64, error) {
if r.UsageStart == nil || r.UsageEnd == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Usage start and end must be set")
partner := r.GetPartnership(request)
if partner != nil && partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing) != nil {
return 0, errors.New("Pricing strategy not found")
pricing := partner.GetPricing(r.SelectedPricing)
var err error
amountOfData := float64(1)
if pricing.GetOverrideStrategyValue() >= 0 {
amountOfData, err = ToStorageResourcePricingStrategy(pricing.GetOverrideStrategyValue()).GetQuantity(r.StorageGB)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, r.ExplicitBookingDurationS, *r.UsageStart, *r.UsageEnd, request)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,103 @@
package resources
import (
// WorkflowResource is a struct that represents a workflow resource
// it defines the resource workflow
type WorkflowResource struct {
// we don't have any information about the accessor
type abstractWorkflowResource struct {
WorkflowID string `bson:"workflow_id,omitempty" json:"workflow_id,omitempty"` // WorkflowID is the ID of the native workflow
func (d *WorkflowResource) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New[*WorkflowResource](tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE, username, peerID, groups, caller, func() utils.DBObject { return &WorkflowResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
// WorkflowResource is a struct that represents a workflow resource
// it defines the resource workflow
type WorkflowResource struct {
type CustomizedWorkflowResource struct {
func (r *CustomizedWorkflowResource) GetType() tools.DataType {
func (d *WorkflowResource) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor[*WorkflowResource](tools.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE, request, func() utils.DBObject { return &WorkflowResource{} }) // Create a new instance of the accessor
type WorkflowResourcePricingProfile struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty"`
func (p *WorkflowResourcePricingProfile) GetOverrideStrategyValue() int {
return -1
func (p *WorkflowResourcePricingProfile) GetID() string {
return p.ID
func (p *WorkflowResourcePricingProfile) IsPurchased() bool {
return false
* Missing wich Instance is selected
func (p *WorkflowResourcePricingProfile) GetPrice(amountOfData float64, val float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
// load workflow
price := float64(0)
pp, err := getPrice[*CustomizedDataResource](p.DataResources, amountOfData, val, start, end, request, params...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
pp, err = getPrice[*CustomizedStorageResource](p.StorageResources, amountOfData, val, start, end, request, params...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
pp, err = getPrice[*CustomizedProcessingResource](p.ProcessingResources, amountOfData, val, start, end, request, params...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
pp, err = getPrice[*CustomizedComputeResource](p.ComputeResources, amountOfData, val, start, end, request, params...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
pp, err = getPrice[*CustomizedWorkflowResource](p.WorkflowResources, amountOfData, val, start, end, request, params...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
return price, nil
func getPrice[T ShallowResourceInterface](arr []T, amountOfData float64, val float64, start time.Time, end time.Time, request *tools.APIRequest, params ...string) (float64, error) {
// load workflow
price := float64(0)
for _, data := range arr {
partner := data.GetPartnership(request)
pricing := partner.GetPricing(data.GetPricingID())
pp, err := pricing.GetPrice(amountOfData, val, start, end, request)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
price += pp
return price, nil

View File

@ -2,17 +2,13 @@ package utils
import (
mgb ""
// single instance of the validator used in every model Struct to validate the fields
@ -31,12 +27,15 @@ const (
* every data in base root model should inherit from this struct (only exception is the ResourceModel)
type AbstractObject struct {
UUID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name,omitempty" validate:"required"`
UpdateDate time.Time `json:"update_date" bson:"update_date"`
LastPeerWriter string `json:"last_peer_writer" bson:"last_peer_writer"`
CreatorID string `json:"creator_id" bson:"creator_id" default:"unknown"`
AccessMode AccessMode `json:"access_mode" bson:"access_mode" default:"0"`
UUID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name,omitempty" validate:"required"`
IsDraft bool `json:"is_draft" bson:"is_draft" default:"false"`
CreatorID string `json:"creator_id" bson:"creator_id" default:"unknown"`
CreationDate time.Time `json:"creation_date" bson:"creation_date"`
UpdateDate time.Time `json:"update_date" bson:"update_date"`
UpdaterID string `json:"updater_id" bson:"updater_id"`
AccessMode AccessMode `json:"access_mode" bson:"access_mode" default:"0"`
func (r *AbstractObject) GenerateID() {
@ -45,6 +44,22 @@ func (r *AbstractObject) GenerateID() {
func (r *AbstractObject) StoreDraftDefault() {
r.IsDraft = false
func (r *AbstractObject) CanUpdate(set DBObject) (bool, DBObject) {
return true, set
func (r *AbstractObject) CanDelete() bool {
return true
func (r *AbstractObject) IsDrafted() bool {
return r.IsDraft
// GetID implements ShallowDBObject.
func (ao AbstractObject) GetID() string {
return ao.UUID
@ -57,14 +72,15 @@ func (ao AbstractObject) GetName() string {
func (ao *AbstractObject) UpToDate(user string, create bool) {
ao.UpdateDate = time.Now()
ao.LastPeerWriter = user
ao.UpdaterID = user
if create {
ao.CreationDate = time.Now()
ao.CreatorID = user
func (ao *AbstractObject) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
return ao.AccessMode == Public || ao.CreatorID == username
func (ao *AbstractObject) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return ao.AccessMode == Public || (request != nil && ao.CreatorID == request.Username)
func (ao *AbstractObject) GetObjectFilters(search string) *dbs.Filters {
@ -96,171 +112,43 @@ func (dma *AbstractObject) Serialize(obj DBObject) map[string]interface{} {
type AbstractAccessor struct {
Logger zerolog.Logger // Logger is the logger of the accessor, it's a specilized logger for the accessor
Type tools.DataType // Type is the data type of the accessor
Caller *tools.HTTPCaller // Caller is the http caller of the accessor (optionnal) only need in a peer connection
PeerID string // PeerID is the id of the peer
Groups []string // Groups is the list of groups that can access the accessor
User string // User is the user that is using the accessor
Request *tools.APIRequest // Caller is the http caller of the accessor (optionnal) only need in a peer connection
ResourceModelAccessor Accessor
func (r *AbstractAccessor) GetRequest() *tools.APIRequest {
return r.Request
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetUser() string {
return dma.User
if dma.Request == nil {
return ""
return dma.Request.Username
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetPeerID() string {
return dma.PeerID
if dma.Request == nil {
return ""
return dma.Request.PeerID
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetGroups() []string {
return dma.Groups
if dma.Request == nil {
return []string{}
return dma.Request.Groups
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetLogger() *zerolog.Logger {
return &dma.Logger
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) VerifyAuth() string {
return ""
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetType() tools.DataType {
return dma.Type
func (dma *AbstractAccessor) GetCaller() *tools.HTTPCaller {
return dma.Caller
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
func GenericStoreOne(data DBObject, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
data.UpToDate(a.GetUser(), true)
f := dbs.Filters{
Or: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"": {{
Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(),
Value: data.GetName(),
"": {{
Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(),
Value: data.GetName(),
if !data.VerifyAuth(a.GetUser(), a.GetPeerID(), a.GetGroups()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("You are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
if cursor, _, _ := a.Search(&f, ""); len(cursor) > 0 {
return nil, 409, errors.New(a.GetType().String() + " with name " + data.GetName() + " already exists")
err := validate.Struct(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, 422, err
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.StoreOne(data, data.GetID(), a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not store " + data.GetName() + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
func GenericDeleteOne(id string, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
res, code, err := a.LoadOne(id)
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if !res.VerifyAuth(a.GetUser(), a.GetPeerID(), a.GetGroups()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("You are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
_, code, err = mongo.MONGOService.DeleteOne(id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not delete " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return res, 200, nil
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
// json expected in entry is a flatted object no need to respect the inheritance hierarchy
func GenericUpdateOne(set DBObject, id string, a Accessor, new DBObject) (DBObject, int, error) {
r, c, err := a.LoadOne(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, c, err
r.UpToDate(a.GetUser(), false)
if !r.VerifyAuth(a.GetUser(), a.GetPeerID(), a.GetGroups()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("You are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
change := set.Serialize(set) // get the changes
loaded := r.Serialize(r) // get the loaded object
for k, v := range change { // apply the changes, with a flatten method
loaded[k] = v
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.UpdateOne(new.Deserialize(loaded, new), id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not update " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)
func GenericLoadOne[T DBObject](id string, f func(DBObject) (DBObject, int, error), a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
var data T
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadOne(id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if !data.VerifyAuth(a.GetUser(), a.GetPeerID(), a.GetGroups()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("You are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
return f(data)
func genericLoadAll[T DBObject](res *mgb.Cursor, code int, err error, f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, a Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
objs := []ShallowDBObject{}
var results []T
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve any from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if err = res.All(mongo.MngoCtx, &results); err != nil {
return nil, 404, err
for _, r := range results {
if !r.VerifyAuth(a.GetUser(), a.GetPeerID(), a.GetGroups()) {
objs = append(objs, f(r))
return objs, 200, nil
func GenericLoadAll[T DBObject](f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, wfa Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadAll(wfa.GetType().String())
fmt.Println("res_mongo", res_mongo)
return genericLoadAll[T](res_mongo, code, err, f, wfa)
func GenericSearch[T DBObject](filters *dbs.Filters, search string, defaultFilters *dbs.Filters,
f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, wfa Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
if (filters == nil || len(filters.And) == 0 || len(filters.Or) == 0) && search != "" {
filters = defaultFilters
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.Search(filters, wfa.GetType().String())
return genericLoadAll[T](res_mongo, code, err, f, wfa)
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
// json expected in entry is a flatted object no need to respect the inheritance hierarchy
func GenericRawUpdateOne(set DBObject, id string, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.UpdateOne(set, id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not update " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)
if dma.Request == nil {
return nil
return dma.Request.Caller

View File

@ -1,8 +1,160 @@
package utils
type Price struct {
Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty" bson:"price,omitempty"`
Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty" bson:"currency,omitempty"`
import (
mgb ""
type Owner struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name,omitempty"`
Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty" bson:"logo,omitempty"`
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
func GenericStoreOne(data DBObject, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
data.UpToDate(a.GetUser(), true)
f := dbs.Filters{
Or: map[string][]dbs.Filter{
"": {{
Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(),
Value: data.GetName(),
"": {{
Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(),
Value: data.GetName(),
if !data.VerifyAuth(a.GetRequest()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
if cursor, _, _ := a.Search(&f, "", data.IsDrafted()); len(cursor) > 0 {
return nil, 409, errors.New(a.GetType().String() + " with name " + data.GetName() + " already exists")
err := validate.Struct(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, 422, err
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.StoreOne(data, data.GetID(), a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not store " + data.GetName() + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
func GenericDeleteOne(id string, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
res, code, err := a.LoadOne(id)
if !res.CanDelete() {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to delete this collaborative area")
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if !res.VerifyAuth(a.GetRequest()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
_, code, err = mongo.MONGOService.DeleteOne(id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not delete " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return res, 200, nil
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
// json expected in entry is a flatted object no need to respect the inheritance hierarchy
func GenericUpdateOne(set DBObject, id string, a Accessor, new DBObject) (DBObject, int, error) {
r, c, err := a.LoadOne(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, c, err
ok, newSet := r.CanUpdate(set)
if !ok {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to delete this collaborative area")
set = newSet
r.UpToDate(a.GetUser(), false)
if !r.VerifyAuth(a.GetRequest()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
change := set.Serialize(set) // get the changes
loaded := r.Serialize(r) // get the loaded object
for k, v := range change { // apply the changes, with a flatten method
loaded[k] = v
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.UpdateOne(new.Deserialize(loaded, new), id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not update " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)
func GenericLoadOne[T DBObject](id string, f func(DBObject) (DBObject, int, error), a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
var data T
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadOne(id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve " + id + " from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if !data.VerifyAuth(a.GetRequest()) {
return nil, 403, errors.New("you are not allowed to access this collaborative area")
return f(data)
func genericLoadAll[T DBObject](res *mgb.Cursor, code int, err error, onlyDraft bool, f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, a Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
objs := []ShallowDBObject{}
var results []T
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not retrieve any from db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
if err = res.All(mongo.MngoCtx, &results); err != nil {
return nil, 404, err
for _, r := range results {
if !r.VerifyAuth(a.GetRequest()) || f(r) == nil || (onlyDraft && !r.IsDrafted()) || (!onlyDraft && r.IsDrafted()) {
objs = append(objs, f(r))
return objs, 200, nil
func GenericLoadAll[T DBObject](f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, onlyDraft bool, wfa Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.LoadAll(wfa.GetType().String())
fmt.Println("res_mongo", res_mongo)
return genericLoadAll[T](res_mongo, code, err, onlyDraft, f, wfa)
func GenericSearch[T DBObject](filters *dbs.Filters, search string, defaultFilters *dbs.Filters,
f func(DBObject) ShallowDBObject, onlyDraft bool, wfa Accessor) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
if (filters == nil || len(filters.And) == 0 || len(filters.Or) == 0) && search != "" {
filters = defaultFilters
res_mongo, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.Search(filters, wfa.GetType().String())
return genericLoadAll[T](res_mongo, code, err, onlyDraft, f, wfa)
// GenericLoadOne loads one object from the database (generic)
// json expected in entry is a flatted object no need to respect the inheritance hierarchy
func GenericRawUpdateOne(set DBObject, id string, a Accessor) (DBObject, int, error) {
id, code, err := mongo.MONGOService.UpdateOne(set, id, a.GetType().String())
if err != nil {
a.GetLogger().Error().Msg("Could not update " + id + " to db. Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, code, err
return a.LoadOne(id)

View File

@ -20,23 +20,28 @@ type DBObject interface {
GetID() string
GetName() string
IsDrafted() bool
CanUpdate(set DBObject) (bool, DBObject)
CanDelete() bool
UpToDate(user string, create bool)
VerifyAuth(username string, PeerID string, groups []string) bool
VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool
Deserialize(j map[string]interface{}, obj DBObject) DBObject
Serialize(obj DBObject) map[string]interface{}
GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) Accessor
GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) Accessor
// Accessor is an interface that defines the basic methods for an Accessor
type Accessor interface {
GetRequest() *tools.APIRequest
GetType() tools.DataType
GetUser() string
GetPeerID() string
GetGroups() []string
GetLogger() *zerolog.Logger
GetCaller() *tools.HTTPCaller
Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error)
LoadAll() ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error)
Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error)
LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]ShallowDBObject, int, error)
LoadOne(id string) (DBObject, int, error)
DeleteOne(id string) (DBObject, int, error)
CopyOne(data DBObject) (DBObject, int, error)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package graph
import (
@ -13,7 +15,84 @@ type Graph struct {
Links []GraphLink `bson:"links" json:"links" default:"{}" validate:"required"` // Links is the list of links between elements in the graph
func (g *Graph) GetResource(id string) (string, utils.DBObject) {
func (g *Graph) GetAverageTimeRelatedToProcessingActivity(start time.Time, processings []*resources.CustomizedProcessingResource, resource resources.ShallowResourceInterface, f func(GraphItem) resources.ShallowResourceInterface) (float64, float64) {
nearestStart := float64(10000000000)
oneIsInfinite := false
longestDuration := float64(0)
for _, link := range g.Links {
for _, processing := range processings {
var source string // source is the source of the link
if link.Destination.ID == processing.GetID() && f(g.Items[link.Source.ID]) != nil && f(g.Items[link.Source.ID]).GetID() == resource.GetID() { // if the destination is the processing and the source is not a compute
source = link.Source.ID
} else if link.Source.ID == processing.GetID() && f(g.Items[link.Source.ID]) != nil && f(g.Items[link.Source.ID]).GetID() == resource.GetID() { // if the source is the processing and the destination is not a compute
source = link.Destination.ID
if source != "" {
if processing.UsageStart != nil {
near := float64(processing.UsageStart.Sub(start).Seconds())
if near < nearestStart {
nearestStart = near
if processing.UsageEnd != nil {
duration := float64(processing.UsageEnd.Sub(*processing.UsageStart).Seconds())
if longestDuration < duration {
longestDuration = duration
} else {
oneIsInfinite = true
if oneIsInfinite {
return nearestStart, -1
return nearestStart, longestDuration
func (g *Graph) SetItemStartUsage(graphItemID string, start time.Time) {
func (g *Graph) SetItemEndUsage(graphItemID string, end time.Time) {
* GetAverageTimeBeforeStart is a function that returns the average time before the start of a processing
func (g *Graph) GetAverageTimeProcessingBeforeStart(average float64, processingID string) float64 {
currents := []float64{} // list of current time
for _, link := range g.Links { // for each link
var source string // source is the source of the link
if link.Destination.ID == processingID && g.Items[link.Source.ID].Processing == nil { // if the destination is the processing and the source is not a compute
source = link.Source.ID
} else if link.Source.ID == processingID && g.Items[link.Source.ID].Processing == nil { // if the source is the processing and the destination is not a compute
source = link.Destination.ID
if source == "" { // if source is empty, continue
_, item := g.GetResource(source) // get the resource of the source
current := item.GetExplicitDurationInS() // get the explicit duration of the item
if current < 0 { // if current is negative, its means that duration of a before could be infinite continue
return current
current += g.GetAverageTimeProcessingBeforeStart(current, source) // get the average time before start of the source
currents = append(currents, current) // append the current to the currents
var max float64 // get the max time to wait dependancies to finish
for _, current := range currents {
if current > max {
max = current
return max
func (g *Graph) GetResource(id string) (string, resources.ShallowResourceInterface) {
if item, ok := g.Items[id]; ok {
if item.Data != nil {
return tools.DATA_RESOURCE.String(), item.Data
@ -32,11 +111,41 @@ func (g *Graph) GetResource(id string) (string, utils.DBObject) {
// GraphItem is a struct that represents an item in a graph
type GraphItem struct {
ID string `bson:"id" json:"id" validate:"required"` // ID is the unique identifier of the item
Width float64 `bson:"width" json:"width" validate:"required"` // Width is the graphical width of the item
Height float64 `bson:"height" json:"height" validate:"required"` // Height is the graphical height of the item
Position Position `bson:"position" json:"position" validate:"required"` // Position is the graphical position of the item
*resources.ItemResource // ItemResource is the resource of the item affected to the item
ID string `bson:"id" json:"id" validate:"required"` // ID is the unique identifier of the item
Width float64 `bson:"width" json:"width" validate:"required"` // Width is the graphical width of the item
Height float64 `bson:"height" json:"height" validate:"required"` // Height is the graphical height of the item
Position Position `bson:"position" json:"position" validate:"required"` // Position is the graphical position of the item
*resources.ItemExploitedResource // ItemResource is the resource of the item affected to the item
func (g *GraphItem) GetResource() resources.ShallowResourceInterface {
if g.Data != nil {
return g.Data
} else if g.Compute != nil {
return g.Compute
} else if g.Workflow != nil {
return g.Workflow
} else if g.Processing != nil {
return g.Processing
} else if g.Storage != nil {
return g.Storage
return nil
func (g *GraphItem) GetPricedItem() pricing.PricedItemITF {
if g.Data != nil {
return g.Data
} else if g.Compute != nil {
return g.Compute
} else if g.Workflow != nil {
return g.Workflow
} else if g.Processing != nil {
return g.Processing
} else if g.Storage != nil {
return g.Storage
return nil
// GraphLink is a struct that represents a link between two items in a graph
@ -46,6 +155,20 @@ type GraphLink struct {
Style *GraphLinkStyle `bson:"style,omitempty" json:"style,omitempty"` // Style is the graphical style of the link
// tool function to check if a link is a link between a compute and a resource
func (l *GraphLink) IsComputeLink(g Graph) (bool, string) {
if g.Items == nil {
return false, ""
if d, ok := g.Items[l.Source.ID]; ok && d.Compute != nil {
return true, d.Compute.UUID
if d, ok := g.Items[l.Destination.ID]; ok && d.Compute != nil {
return true, d.Compute.UUID
return false, ""
// GraphLinkStyle is a struct that represents the style of a link in a graph
type GraphLinkStyle struct {
Color int64 `bson:"color" json:"color"` // Color is the graphical color of the link (int description of a color, can be transpose as hex)
@ -64,7 +187,7 @@ type GraphLinkStyle struct {
// Position is a struct that represents a graphical position
type Position struct {
ID string `json:"id" bson:"id"` // ID reprents ItemID (optionnal), TODO: rename to ItemID
ID string `json:"id" bson:"id"` // ID reprents ItemID (optionnal)
X float64 `json:"x" bson:"x" validate:"required"` // X is the graphical x position
Y float64 `json:"y" bson:"y" validate:"required"` // Y is the graphical y position

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ package workflow
import (
@ -19,29 +21,61 @@ import (
type AbstractWorkflow struct {
Graph *graph.Graph `bson:"graph,omitempty" json:"graph,omitempty"` // Graph UI & logic representation of the workflow
ScheduleActive bool `json:"schedule_active" bson:"schedule_active"` // ScheduleActive is a flag that indicates if the schedule is active, if not the workflow is not scheduled and no execution or booking will be set
Schedule *WorkflowSchedule `bson:"schedule,omitempty" json:"schedule,omitempty"` // Schedule is the schedule of the workflow
Shared []string `json:"shared,omitempty" bson:"shared,omitempty"` // Shared is the ID of the shared workflow
Graph *graph.Graph `bson:"graph,omitempty" json:"graph,omitempty"` // Graph UI & logic representation of the workflow
ScheduleActive bool `json:"schedule_active" bson:"schedule_active"` // ScheduleActive is a flag that indicates if the schedule is active, if not the workflow is not scheduled and no execution or booking will be set
// Schedule *WorkflowSchedule `bson:"schedule,omitempty" json:"schedule,omitempty"` // Schedule is the schedule of the workflow
Shared []string `json:"shared,omitempty" bson:"shared,omitempty"` // Shared is the ID of the shared workflow
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetWorkflows() (list_computings []graph.GraphItem) {
func (d *Workflow) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetGraphItems(f func(item graph.GraphItem) bool) (list_datas []graph.GraphItem) {
for _, item := range w.Graph.Items {
if item.Workflow != nil {
list_computings = append(list_computings, item)
if f(item) {
list_datas = append(list_datas, item)
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetComputeByRelatedProcessing(processingID string) []*resources.ComputeResource {
storages := []*resources.ComputeResource{}
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetResources(f func(item graph.GraphItem) bool) map[string]resources.ShallowResourceInterface {
list_datas := map[string]resources.ShallowResourceInterface{}
for _, item := range w.Graph.Items {
if f(item) {
res := item.GetResource()
list_datas[res.GetID()] = res
return list_datas
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetPricedItem(f func(item graph.GraphItem) bool) map[string]pricing.PricedItemITF {
list_datas := map[string]pricing.PricedItemITF{}
for _, item := range w.Graph.Items {
if f(item) {
res := item.GetResource()
ord := item.GetPricedItem()
list_datas[res.GetID()] = ord
return list_datas
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetByRelatedProcessing(processingID string, g func(item graph.GraphItem) bool) []resources.ShallowResourceInterface {
storages := []resources.ShallowResourceInterface{}
for _, link := range w.Graph.Links {
nodeID := link.Destination.ID // we considers that the processing is the destination
node := w.Graph.Items[link.Source.ID].Compute // we are looking for the storage as source
if node == nil { // if the source is not a storage, we consider that the destination is the storage
nodeID = link.Source.ID // and the processing is the source
node = w.Graph.Items[link.Destination.ID].Compute // we are looking for the storage as destination
nodeID := link.Destination.ID
var node resources.ShallowResourceInterface
if g(w.Graph.Items[link.Source.ID]) {
item := w.Graph.Items[link.Source.ID]
node = item.GetResource()
if node == nil && g(w.Graph.Items[link.Destination.ID]) { // if the source is not a storage, we consider that the destination is the storage
nodeID = link.Source.ID
item := w.Graph.Items[link.Destination.ID] // and the processing is the source
node = item.GetResource() // we are looking for the storage as destination
if processingID == nodeID && node != nil { // if the storage is linked to the processing
storages = append(storages, node)
@ -50,43 +84,24 @@ func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetComputeByRelatedProcessing(processingID string) []
return storages
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetStoragesByRelatedProcessing(processingID string) []*resources.StorageResource {
storages := []*resources.StorageResource{}
for _, link := range w.Graph.Links {
nodeID := link.Destination.ID // we considers that the processing is the destination
node := w.Graph.Items[link.Source.ID].Storage // we are looking for the storage as source
if node == nil { // if the source is not a storage, we consider that the destination is the storage
nodeID = link.Source.ID // and the processing is the source
node = w.Graph.Items[link.Destination.ID].Storage // we are looking for the storage as destination
if processingID == nodeID && node != nil { // if the storage is linked to the processing
storages = append(storages, node)
return storages
func (wf *AbstractWorkflow) IsProcessing(item graph.GraphItem) bool {
return item.Processing != nil
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) GetProcessings() (list_computings []graph.GraphItem) {
for _, item := range w.Graph.Items {
if item.Processing != nil {
list_computings = append(list_computings, item)
func (wf *AbstractWorkflow) IsCompute(item graph.GraphItem) bool {
return item.Compute != nil
// tool function to check if a link is a link between a compute and a resource
func (w *AbstractWorkflow) isDCLink(link graph.GraphLink) (bool, string) {
if w.Graph == nil || w.Graph.Items == nil {
return false, ""
if d, ok := w.Graph.Items[link.Source.ID]; ok && d.Compute != nil {
return true, d.Compute.UUID
if d, ok := w.Graph.Items[link.Destination.ID]; ok && d.Compute != nil {
return true, d.Compute.UUID
return false, ""
func (wf *AbstractWorkflow) IsData(item graph.GraphItem) bool {
return item.Data != nil
func (wf *AbstractWorkflow) IsStorage(item graph.GraphItem) bool {
return item.Storage != nil
func (wf *AbstractWorkflow) IsWorkflow(item graph.GraphItem) bool {
return item.Workflow != nil
@ -98,18 +113,51 @@ type Workflow struct {
AbstractWorkflow // AbstractWorkflow contains the basic fields of a workflow
func (ao *Workflow) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (w *Workflow) GetNearestStart(start time.Time) float64 {
near := float64(10000000000)
for _, item := range w.Graph.Items {
if item.GetResource().GetLocationStart() == nil {
newS := item.GetResource().GetLocationStart()
if newS.Sub(start).Seconds() < near {
near = newS.Sub(start).Seconds()
// get the nearest start from start var
return near
func (w *Workflow) GetLongestTime(end *time.Time) float64 {
if end == nil {
return -1
longestTime := float64(0)
for _, item := range w.GetGraphItems(w.IsProcessing) {
if item.GetResource().GetLocationEnd() == nil {
newS := item.GetResource().GetLocationEnd()
if longestTime < newS.Sub(*end).Seconds() {
longestTime = newS.Sub(*end).Seconds()
// get the nearest start from start var
return longestTime
func (ao *Workflow) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
isAuthorized := false
if len(ao.Shared) > 0 {
for _, shared := range ao.Shared {
shared, code, _ := shallow_collaborative_area.New(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, username, peerID, groups, nil).LoadOne(shared)
shared, code, _ := shallow_collaborative_area.NewAccessor(request).LoadOne(shared)
if code != 200 || shared == nil {
isAuthorized = false
isAuthorized = shared.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups)
isAuthorized = shared.VerifyAuth(request)
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups) || isAuthorized
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(request) || isAuthorized
@ -120,19 +168,19 @@ func (wfa *Workflow) CheckBooking(caller *tools.HTTPCaller) (bool, error) {
if wfa.Graph == nil { // no graph no booking
return false, nil
accessor := (&resources.ComputeResource{}).GetAccessor("", "", []string{}, caller)
accessor := (&resources.ComputeResource{}).GetAccessor(&tools.APIRequest{Caller: caller})
for _, link := range wfa.Graph.Links {
if ok, dc_id := wfa.isDCLink(link); ok { // check if the link is a link between a compute and a resource
dc, code, _ := accessor.LoadOne(dc_id)
if ok, compute_id := link.IsComputeLink(*wfa.Graph); ok { // check if the link is a link between a compute and a resource
compute, code, _ := accessor.LoadOne(compute_id)
if code != 200 {
// CHECK BOOKING ON PEER, compute could be a remote one
peerID := dc.(*resources.ComputeResource).PeerID
peerID := compute.(*resources.ComputeResource).CreatorID
if peerID == "" {
return false, errors.New("no peer id")
} // no peer id no booking, we need to know where to book
_, err := (&peer.Peer{}).LaunchPeerExecution(peerID, dc_id, tools.BOOKING, tools.GET, nil, caller)
_, err := (&peer.Peer{}).LaunchPeerExecution(peerID, compute_id, tools.BOOKING, tools.GET, nil, caller)
if err != nil {
return false, err
@ -140,7 +188,3 @@ func (wfa *Workflow) CheckBooking(caller *tools.HTTPCaller) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func (d *Workflow) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.WORKFLOW, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import (
type WorkflowHistory struct{ Workflow }
func (d *WorkflowHistory) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.WORKSPACE_HISTORY, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *WorkflowHistory) GetAccessor(request tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessorHistory(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (r *WorkflowHistory) GenerateID() {
r.UUID = uuid.New().String()

View File

@ -1,183 +1,55 @@
package workflow
import (
cron ""
type workflowMongoAccessor struct {
utils.AbstractAccessor // AbstractAccessor contains the basic fields of an accessor (model, caller)
utils.AbstractAccessor // AbstractAccessor contains the basic fields of an accessor (model, caller)
computeResourceAccessor utils.Accessor
collaborativeAreaAccessor utils.Accessor
executionAccessor utils.Accessor
workspaceAccessor utils.Accessor
func NewAccessorHistory(request *tools.APIRequest) *workflowMongoAccessor {
return new(tools.WORKFLOW_HISTORY, request)
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *workflowMongoAccessor {
return new(tools.WORKFLOW, request)
// New creates a new instance of the workflowMongoAccessor
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *workflowMongoAccessor {
func new(t tools.DataType, request *tools.APIRequest) *workflowMongoAccessor {
return &workflowMongoAccessor{
computeResourceAccessor: (&resources.ComputeResource{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
collaborativeAreaAccessor: (&shallow_collaborative_area.ShallowCollaborativeArea{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
executionAccessor: (&workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
workspaceAccessor: (&workspace.Workspace{}).GetAccessor(username, peerID, groups, nil),
computeResourceAccessor: (&resources.ComputeResource{}).GetAccessor(request),
collaborativeAreaAccessor: (&shallow_collaborative_area.ShallowCollaborativeArea{}).GetAccessor(request),
workspaceAccessor: (&workspace.Workspace{}).GetAccessor(request),
AbstractAccessor: utils.AbstractAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username,
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: t,
* getExecutions is a function that returns the executions of a workflow
* it returns an array of workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) getExecutions(id string, data *Workflow) ([]*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution, error) {
workflows_execution := []*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{}
if data.Schedule != nil { // only set execution on a scheduled workflow
if data.Schedule.Start == nil { // if no start date, return an error
return workflows_execution, errors.New("should get a start date on the scheduler.")
if data.Schedule.End != nil && data.Schedule.End.IsZero() { // if end date is zero, set it to nil
data.Schedule.End = nil
if len(data.Schedule.Cron) > 0 { // if cron is set then end date should be set
if data.Schedule.End == nil {
return workflows_execution, errors.New("a cron task should have an end date.")
cronStr := strings.Split(data.Schedule.Cron, " ") // split the cron string to treat it
if len(cronStr) < 6 { // if the cron string is less than 6 fields, return an error because format is : ss mm hh dd MM dw (6 fields)
return nil, errors.New("Bad cron message: " + data.Schedule.Cron + ". Should be at least ss mm hh dd MM dw")
subCron := strings.Join(cronStr[:6], " ")
// cron should be parsed as ss mm hh dd MM dw t (min 6 fields)
specParser := cron.NewParser(cron.Second | cron.Minute | cron.Hour | cron.Dom | cron.Month | cron.Dow) // create a new cron parser
sched, err := specParser.Parse(subCron) // parse the cron string
if err != nil {
return workflows_execution, errors.New("Bad cron message: " + err.Error())
// loop through the cron schedule to set the executions
for s := sched.Next(*data.Schedule.Start); !s.IsZero() && s.Before(*data.Schedule.End); s = sched.Next(s) {
obj := &workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{
AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{
Name: data.Schedule.Name, // set the name of the execution
ExecDate: &s, // set the execution date
EndDate: data.Schedule.End, // set the end date
State: 1, // set the state to 1 (scheduled)
WorkflowID: id, // set the workflow id dependancy of the execution
workflows_execution = append(workflows_execution, obj) // append the execution to the array
} else { // if no cron, set the execution to the start date
obj := &workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{ // create a new execution
AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{
Name: data.Schedule.Name,
ExecDate: data.Schedule.Start,
EndDate: data.Schedule.End,
State: 1,
WorkflowID: id,
workflows_execution = append(workflows_execution, obj) // append the execution to the array
return workflows_execution, nil
// DeleteOne deletes a workflow from the database, delete depending executions and bookings
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
a.execution(id, &Workflow{
AbstractWorkflow: AbstractWorkflow{ScheduleActive: false},
}, true) // delete the executions
res, code, err := utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
if res != nil && code == 200 {
a.execute(res.(*Workflow), true, false) // up to date the workspace for the workflow
a.share(res.(*Workflow), true, a.Caller)
a.share(res.(*Workflow), true, a.GetCaller())
return res, code, err
* book is a function that books a workflow on the peers
* it takes the workflow id, the real data and the executions
* it returns an error if the booking fails
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) book(id string, realData *Workflow, execs []*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution) error {
if a.Caller == nil || a.Caller.URLS == nil || a.Caller.URLS[tools.BOOKING] == nil {
return errors.New("no caller defined")
methods := a.Caller.URLS[tools.BOOKING]
if _, ok := methods[tools.POST]; !ok {
return errors.New("no path found")
res, code, _ := a.LoadOne(id)
if code != 200 {
return errors.New("could not load workflow")
r := res.(*Workflow)
g := r.Graph
if realData.Graph != nil { // if the graph is set, set it to the real data
g = realData.Graph
if g != nil && g.Links != nil && len(g.Links) > 0 { // if the graph is set and has links then book the workflow (even on ourselves)
isDCFound := []string{}
for _, link := range g.Links {
if ok, dc_id := realData.isDCLink(link); ok { // check if the link is a link between a compute and a resource booking is only on compute
if slices.Contains(isDCFound, dc_id) {
} // if the compute is already found, skip it
isDCFound = append(isDCFound, dc_id)
dc, code, _ := a.computeResourceAccessor.LoadOne(dc_id)
if code != 200 {
peerID := dc.(*resources.ComputeResource).PeerID
if peerID == "" { // no peer id no booking
_, err := (&peer.Peer{}).LaunchPeerExecution(peerID, "", tools.BOOKING, tools.POST,
(&workflow_execution.WorkflowExecutions{ // it's the standard model for booking see OC-PEER
WorkflowID: id, // set the workflow id "WHO"
ResourceID: dc_id, // set the compute id "WHERE"
Executions: execs, // set the executions to book "WHAT"
}).Serialize(), a.Caller)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("BOOKING", err)
return err
return nil
* share is a function that shares a workflow to the peers if the workflow is shared
@ -197,10 +69,12 @@ func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) share(realData *Workflow, delete bool, caller *t
if ok, _ := paccess.IsMySelf(); ok { // if the peer is the current peer, never share because it will create a loop
if delete { // if the workflow is deleted, share the deletion
if delete { // if the workflow is deleted, share the deletion orderResourceAccessor utils.Accessor
history := NewHistory()
_, err = paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(p, res.GetID(), tools.WORKFLOW, tools.DELETE, map[string]interface{}{}, caller)
_, err = paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(p, res.GetID(), tools.WORKFLOW, tools.DELETE,
map[string]interface{}{}, caller)
} else { // if the workflow is updated, share the update
_, err = paccess.LaunchPeerExecution(p, res.GetID(), tools.WORKFLOW, tools.PUT,
res.Serialize(res), caller)
@ -212,99 +86,30 @@ func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) share(realData *Workflow, delete bool, caller *t
* execution is a create or delete function for the workflow executions depending on the schedule of the workflow
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) execution(id string, realData *Workflow, delete bool) (int, error) {
nats := tools.NewNATSCaller() // create a new nats caller because executions are sent to the nats for daemons
"state": 1, // only delete the scheduled executions only scheduled if executions are in progress or ended, they should not be deleted for registration
"workflow_id": id,
}, tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION.String())
err :=, realData, []*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{}) // delete the booking of the workflow on the peers
fmt.Println("DELETE BOOKING", err)
nats.SetNATSPub(tools.WORKFLOW.String(), tools.REMOVE, realData) // send the deletion to the nats
if err != nil {
return 409, err
execs, err := a.getExecutions(id, realData) // get the executions of the workflow
if err != nil {
return 422, err
if !realData.ScheduleActive || delete { // if the schedule is not active, delete the executions
execs = []*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution{}
err =, realData, execs) // book the workflow on the peers
fmt.Println("BOOKING", err)
if err != nil {
return 409, err // if the booking fails, return an error for integrity between peers
fmt.Println("BOOKING", delete)
for _, obj := range execs {
_, code, err := a.executionAccessor.StoreOne(obj)
fmt.Println("EXEC", code, err)
if code != 200 {
return code, err
nats.SetNATSPub(tools.WORKFLOW.String(), tools.CREATE, realData) // send the creation to the nats
return 200, nil
// UpdateOne updates a workflow in the database
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
res, code, err := a.LoadOne(id)
if code != 200 {
return nil, 409, err
// avoid the update if the schedule is the same
avoid := set.(*Workflow).Schedule == nil || (res.(*Workflow).Schedule != nil && res.(*Workflow).ScheduleActive == set.(*Workflow).ScheduleActive && res.(*Workflow).Schedule.Start == set.(*Workflow).Schedule.Start && res.(*Workflow).Schedule.End == set.(*Workflow).Schedule.End && res.(*Workflow).Schedule.Cron == set.(*Workflow).Schedule.Cron)
res, code, err = utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &Workflow{})
res, code, err := utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &Workflow{})
if code != 200 {
return nil, code, err
workflow := res.(*Workflow)
if !avoid { // if the schedule is not avoided, update the executions
if code, err := a.execution(id, workflow, false); code != 200 {
return nil, code, errors.New("could not update the executions : " + err.Error())
fmt.Println("UPDATE", workflow.ScheduleActive, workflow.Schedule)
if workflow.ScheduleActive && workflow.Schedule != nil { // if the workflow is scheduled, update the executions
now := time.Now().UTC()
if (workflow.Schedule.End != nil && now.After(*workflow.Schedule.End)) || (workflow.Schedule.End == nil && workflow.Schedule.Start != nil && now.After(*workflow.Schedule.Start)) { // if the start date is passed, then you can book
workflow.ScheduleActive = false
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(workflow, id, a)
} // if the start date is passed, update the executions
a.execute(workflow, false, false) // update the workspace for the workflow
a.share(workflow, false, a.Caller) // share the update to the peers
a.execute(workflow, false, false) // update the workspace for the workflow
a.share(workflow, false, a.GetCaller()) // share the update to the peers
return res, code, nil
// StoreOne stores a workflow in the database
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
d := data.(*Workflow)
if d.ScheduleActive && d.Schedule != nil { // if the workflow is scheduled, update the executions
now := time.Now().UTC()
if (d.Schedule.End != nil && now.After(*d.Schedule.End)) || (d.Schedule.End == nil && d.Schedule.Start != nil && now.After(*d.Schedule.Start)) { // if the start date is passed, then you can book
d.ScheduleActive = false
} // if the start date is passed, update the executions
res, code, err := utils.GenericStoreOne(d, a)
if err != nil || code != 200 {
return nil, code, err
workflow := res.(*Workflow)
a.share(workflow, false, a.Caller) // share the creation to the peers
//store the executions
if code, err := a.execution(res.GetID(), workflow, false); err != nil {
return nil, code, err
a.execute(workflow, false, false) // store the workspace for the workflow
a.share(workflow, false, a.GetCaller()) // share the creation to the peers
a.execute(workflow, false, false) // store the workspace for the workflow
return res, code, nil
@ -322,7 +127,7 @@ func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) execute(workflow *Workflow, delete bool, active
"": {{Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(), Value: workflow.Name + "_workspace"}},
resource, _, err := a.workspaceAccessor.Search(filters, "")
resource, _, err := a.workspaceAccessor.Search(filters, "", workflow.IsDraft)
if delete { // if delete is set to true, delete the workspace
for _, r := range resource {
@ -358,22 +163,15 @@ func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) execute(workflow *Workflow, delete bool, active
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*Workflow](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
w := d.(*Workflow)
if w.ScheduleActive && w.Schedule != nil { // if the workflow is scheduled, update the executions
now := time.Now().UTC()
if (w.Schedule.End != nil && now.After(*w.Schedule.End)) || (w.Schedule.End == nil && w.Schedule.Start != nil && now.After(*w.Schedule.Start)) { // if the start date is passed, then you can book
w.ScheduleActive = false
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, id, a)
} // if the start date is passed, update the executions
a.execute(w, false, true) // if no workspace is attached to the workflow, create it
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Workflow](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return &d.(*Workflow).AbstractObject }, a)
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Workflow](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return &d.(*Workflow).AbstractObject }, isDraft, a)
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Workflow](filters, search, (&Workflow{}).GetObjectFilters(search), func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return d }, a)
func (a *workflowMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Workflow](filters, search, (&Workflow{}).GetObjectFilters(search), func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject { return d }, isDraft, a)

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package workflow
import "time"
// WorkflowSchedule is a struct that contains the scheduling information of a workflow
type ScheduleMode int
const (
TASK ScheduleMode = iota
* WorkflowSchedule is a struct that contains the scheduling information of a workflow
* It contains the mode of the schedule (Task or Service), the name of the schedule, the start and end time of the schedule and the cron expression
type WorkflowSchedule struct {
Mode int64 `json:"mode" bson:"mode" validate:"required"` // Mode is the mode of the schedule (Task or Service)
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name" validate:"required"` // Name is the name of the schedule
Start *time.Time `json:"start" bson:"start" validate:"required,ltfield=End"` // Start is the start time of the schedule, is required and must be less than the End time
End *time.Time `json:"end,omitempty" bson:"end,omitempty"` // End is the end time of the schedule
Cron string `json:"cron,omitempty" bson:"cron,omitempty"` // here the cron format : ss mm hh dd MM dw task

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ func TestStoreOneWorkflow(t *testing.T) {
AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{Name: "testWorkflow"},
wma := New(tools.WORKFLOW, "", "", nil, nil)
wma := NewAccessor(nil)
id, _, _ := wma.StoreOne(&w)
assert.NotEmpty(t, id)
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ func TestLoadOneWorkflow(t *testing.T) {
AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{Name: "testWorkflow"},
wma := New(tools.WORKFLOW, "", "", nil, nil)
wma := NewAccessor(nil)
new_w, _, _ := wma.StoreOne(&w)
assert.Equal(t, w, new_w)

View File

@ -1,124 +1,136 @@
package workflow_execution
import (
// ScheduledType - Enum for the different states of a workflow execution
type ScheduledType int
const (
SCHEDULED ScheduledType = iota + 1
var str = [...]string{
func FromInt(i int) string {
return str[i]
func (d ScheduledType) String() string {
return str[d]
// EnumIndex - Creating common behavior-give the type a EnumIndex functio
func (d ScheduledType) EnumIndex() int {
return int(d)
* WorkflowExecutions is a struct that represents a list of workflow executions
* Warning: No user can write (del, post, put) a workflow execution, it is only used by the system
* workflows generate their own executions
type WorkflowExecutions struct {
WorkflowID string `json:"workflow_id" bson:"workflow_id"`
ResourceID string `json:"resource_id" bson:"resource_id"`
Executions []*WorkflowExecution `json:"executions" bson:"executions"`
utils.AbstractObject // AbstractObject contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
ExecDate time.Time `json:"execution_date,omitempty" bson:"execution_date,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ExecDate is the execution date of the workflow, is required
EndDate *time.Time `json:"end_date,omitempty" bson:"end_date,omitempty"` // EndDate is the end date of the workflow
State common.ScheduledType `json:"state" bson:"state" default:"0"` // State is the state of the workflow
WorkflowID string `json:"workflow_id" bson:"workflow_id,omitempty"` // WorkflowID is the ID of the workflow
// New - Creates a new instance of the WorkflowExecutions from a map
func (dma *WorkflowExecutions) Deserialize(j map[string]interface{}) *WorkflowExecutions {
b, err := json.Marshal(j)
if err != nil {
return nil
func (r *WorkflowExecutions) StoreDraftDefault() {
r.IsDraft = true
func (r *WorkflowExecutions) CanUpdate(set utils.DBObject) (bool, utils.DBObject) {
if r.State != set.(*WorkflowExecutions).State {
return true, &WorkflowExecutions{State: set.(*WorkflowExecutions).State} // only state can be updated
json.Unmarshal(b, dma)
return dma
return r.IsDraft, set // only draft buying can be updated
// Serialize - Returns the WorkflowExecutions as a map
func (dma *WorkflowExecutions) Serialize() map[string]interface{} {
var m map[string]interface{}
b, err := json.Marshal(dma)
if err != nil {
return nil
func (r *WorkflowExecutions) CanDelete() bool {
return r.IsDraft // only draft bookings can be deleted
func (wfa *WorkflowExecutions) Equals(we *WorkflowExecutions) bool {
return wfa.ExecDate.Equal(we.ExecDate) && wfa.WorkflowID == we.WorkflowID
func (ws *WorkflowExecutions) PurgeDraft(request *tools.APIRequest) error {
if ws.EndDate == nil {
// if no end... then Book like a savage
e := ws.ExecDate.Add(time.Hour)
ws.EndDate = &e
json.Unmarshal(b, &m)
return m
* WorkflowExecution is a struct that represents a workflow execution
* Warning: No user can write (del, post, put) a workflow execution, it is only used by the system
* workflows generate their own executions
type WorkflowExecution struct {
utils.AbstractObject // AbstractObject contains the basic fields of an object (id, name)
ExecDate *time.Time `json:"execution_date,omitempty" bson:"execution_date,omitempty" validate:"required"` // ExecDate is the execution date of the workflow, is required
EndDate *time.Time `json:"end_date,omitempty" bson:"end_date,omitempty"` // EndDate is the end date of the workflow
State ScheduledType `json:"state" bson:"state" default:"0"` // State is the state of the workflow
WorkflowID string `json:"workflow_id" bson:"workflow_id,omitempty"` // WorkflowID is the ID of the workflow
func (wfa *WorkflowExecution) Equals(we *WorkflowExecution) bool {
return wfa.ExecDate.Equal(*we.ExecDate) && wfa.WorkflowID == we.WorkflowID
accessor := ws.GetAccessor(request)
res, code, err := accessor.Search(&dbs.Filters{
And: map[string][]dbs.Filter{ // check if there is a booking on the same compute resource by filtering on the compute_resource_id, the state and the execution date
"state": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: common.DRAFT.EnumIndex()}},
"workflow_id": {{Operator: dbs.EQUAL.String(), Value: ws.WorkflowID}},
"execution_date": {
{Operator: dbs.LTE.String(), Value: primitive.NewDateTimeFromTime(*ws.EndDate)},
{Operator: dbs.GTE.String(), Value: primitive.NewDateTimeFromTime(ws.ExecDate)},
}, "", ws.IsDraft)
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return err
for _, r := range res {
return nil
// tool to transform the argo status to a state
func (wfa *WorkflowExecution) ArgoStatusToState(status string) *WorkflowExecution {
func (wfa *WorkflowExecutions) ArgoStatusToState(status string) *WorkflowExecutions {
status = strings.ToLower(status)
switch status {
case "succeeded": // Succeeded
wfa.State = SUCCESS
wfa.State = common.SUCCESS
case "pending": // Pending
wfa.State = SCHEDULED
wfa.State = common.SCHEDULED
case "running": // Running
wfa.State = STARTED
wfa.State = common.STARTED
default: // Failed
wfa.State = FAILURE
wfa.State = common.FAILURE
return wfa
func (r *WorkflowExecution) GenerateID() {
func (r *WorkflowExecutions) GenerateID() {
r.UUID = uuid.New().String()
func (d *WorkflowExecution) GetName() string {
func (d *WorkflowExecutions) GetName() string {
return d.UUID + "_" + d.ExecDate.String()
func (d *WorkflowExecution) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *WorkflowExecutions) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *WorkflowExecution) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (d *WorkflowExecutions) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
return true
func (d *WorkflowExecutions) Book(wf *workflow.Workflow) []*booking.Booking {
booking := []*booking.Booking{}
for _, p := range wf.ProcessingResources {
booking = append(booking, d.toItemBooking(wf.GetByRelatedProcessing(p.GetID(), wf.IsStorage))...)
booking = append(booking, d.toItemBooking(wf.GetByRelatedProcessing(p.GetID(), wf.IsProcessing))...)
return booking
func (d *WorkflowExecutions) toItemBooking(ss []resources.ShallowResourceInterface) []*booking.Booking {
items := []*booking.Booking{}
for _, s := range ss {
start := d.ExecDate
if s := s.GetLocationStart(); s != nil {
start = *s
end := start.Add(time.Duration(s.GetExplicitDurationInS()) * time.Second)
bookingItem := &booking.Booking{
State: common.DRAFT,
ResourceID: s.GetID(),
ResourceType: s.GetType(),
DestPeerID: s.GetCreatorID(),
ExpectedStartDate: start,
ExpectedEndDate: &end,
items = append(items, bookingItem)
return items

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package workflow_execution
import (
@ -13,57 +15,62 @@ type workflowExecutionMongoAccessor struct {
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor {
return &workflowExecutionMongoAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username, // Set the caller
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(tools.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
func (wfa *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, wfa)
return nil, 404, errors.New("not implemented")
func (wfa *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, wfa, &WorkflowExecution{})
return nil, 404, errors.New("not implemented")
func (wfa *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, wfa)
return nil, 404, errors.New("not implemented")
func (wfa *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericStoreOne(data, wfa)
return nil, 404, errors.New("not implemented")
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*WorkflowExecution](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
if d.(*WorkflowExecution).State == SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*WorkflowExecution).ExecDate) {
d.(*WorkflowExecution).State = FORGOTTEN
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*WorkflowExecutions](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
if d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State == common.DRAFT && time.Now().UTC().After(d.(*WorkflowExecutions).ExecDate) {
utils.GenericDeleteOne(d.GetID(), a)
return nil, 404, errors.New("Not found")
if d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State == common.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(d.(*WorkflowExecutions).ExecDate) {
d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State = common.FORGOTTEN
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, id, a)
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*WorkflowExecution](a.getExec(), a)
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*WorkflowExecutions](a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*WorkflowExecution](filters, search, (&WorkflowExecution{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), a)
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*WorkflowExecutions](filters, search, (&WorkflowExecutions{}).GetObjectFilters(search), a.getExec(), isDraft, a)
func (a *workflowExecutionMongoAccessor) getExec() func(utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
return func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
if d.(*WorkflowExecution).State == SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(*d.(*WorkflowExecution).ExecDate) {
d.(*WorkflowExecution).State = FORGOTTEN
if d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State == common.DRAFT && time.Now().UTC().After(d.(*WorkflowExecutions).ExecDate) {
utils.GenericDeleteOne(d.GetID(), a)
return nil
if d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State == common.SCHEDULED && time.Now().UTC().After(d.(*WorkflowExecutions).ExecDate) {
d.(*WorkflowExecutions).State = common.FORGOTTEN
utils.GenericRawUpdateOne(d, d.GetID(), a)
return d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
package workflow_execution
import (
* WorkflowSchedule is a struct that contains the scheduling information of a workflow
* It contains the mode of the schedule (Task or Service), the name of the schedule, the start and end time of the schedule and the cron expression
// it's a flying object only use in a session time. It's not stored in the database
type WorkflowSchedule struct {
Workflow *workflow.Workflow `json:"workflow,omitempty"` // Workflow is the workflow dependancy of the schedule
WorkflowExecutions []*WorkflowExecutions `json:"workflow_executions,omitempty"` // WorkflowExecutions is the list of executions of the workflow
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Message is the message of the schedule
Warning string `json:"warning,omitempty"` // Warning is the warning message of the schedule
Start time.Time `json:"start" validate:"required,ltfield=End"` // Start is the start time of the schedule, is required and must be less than the End time
End *time.Time `json:"end,omitempty"` // End is the end time of the schedule, is required and must be greater than the Start time
DurationS float64 `json:"duration_s" default:"-1"` // End is the end time of the schedule
Cron string `json:"cron,omitempty"` // here the cron format : ss mm hh dd MM dw task
func NewScheduler(start string, end string, durationInS float64, cron string) *WorkflowSchedule {
s, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", start)
if err != nil {
return nil
ws := &WorkflowSchedule{
Start: s,
DurationS: durationInS,
Cron: cron,
e, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", end)
if err == nil {
ws.End = &e
return ws
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) CheckBooking(wfID string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) (bool, *workflow.Workflow, []*WorkflowExecutions, error) {
if caller == nil && caller.URLS == nil && caller.URLS[tools.BOOKING] == nil || caller.URLS[tools.BOOKING][tools.POST] == "" {
return false, nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("no caller defined")
access := workflow.NewAccessor(nil)
res, code, err := access.LoadOne(wfID)
if code != 200 {
return false, nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("could not load the workflow with id: " + err.Error())
wf := res.(*workflow.Workflow)
wf, err = ws.planifyWorkflow(wf)
if err != nil {
return false, wf, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, err
ws.DurationS = wf.GetLongestTime(ws.End)
ws.Message = "We estimate that the workflow will start at " + ws.Start.String() + " and last " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", ws.DurationS) + "seconds."
if ws.End != nil && ws.Start.Add(time.Duration(wf.GetLongestTime(ws.End))*time.Second).After(*ws.End) {
ws.Warning = "The workflow may be too long to be executed in the given time frame, we will try to book it anyway\n"
execs, err := ws.getExecutions(wf)
if err != nil {
return false, wf, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, err
for _, exec := range execs {
bookings := exec.Book(wf)
for _, booking := range bookings {
_, err := (&peer.Peer{}).LaunchPeerExecution(booking.DestPeerID, "",
tools.BOOKING, tools.POSTCHECK, booking.Serialize(booking), caller)
if err != nil {
return false, wf, execs, err
return true, wf, execs, nil
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) Schedules(wfID string, request *tools.APIRequest) (*workflow.Workflow, []*WorkflowExecutions, error) {
if request == nil {
return nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("no request found")
c := request.Caller
if c == nil || c.URLS == nil || c.URLS[tools.BOOKING] == nil {
return nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("no caller defined")
methods := c.URLS[tools.BOOKING]
if _, ok := methods[tools.POST]; !ok {
return nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("no path found")
ok, wf, executions, err := ws.CheckBooking(wfID, request.Caller)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("could not book the workflow" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
ws.Workflow = wf
ws.WorkflowExecutions = executions
for _, exec := range executions {
err := exec.PurgeDraft(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, []*WorkflowExecutions{}, errors.New("could not book the workflow" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
// Should DELETE the previous execution2
utils.GenericStoreOne(exec, NewAccessor(request))
return wf, executions, nil
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) planifyWorkflow(wf *workflow.Workflow) (*workflow.Workflow, error) {
processings := []*resources.CustomizedProcessingResource{}
for _, item := range wf.GetGraphItems(wf.IsProcessing) {
realItem := item.GetResource().(*resources.CustomizedProcessingResource)
timeFromStartS := wf.Graph.GetAverageTimeProcessingBeforeStart(0, realItem.GetID())
started := ws.Start.Add(time.Duration(timeFromStartS) * time.Second)
wf.Graph.SetItemStartUsage(item.ID, started)
wf.Graph.SetItemEndUsage(item.ID, started.Add(time.Duration(realItem.ExplicitBookingDurationS)))
processings = append(processings, realItem)
for _, item := range wf.GetGraphItems(wf.IsData) {
wf.Graph.SetItemStartUsage(item.ID, ws.Start)
wf.Graph.SetItemEndUsage(item.ID, *ws.End)
for _, f := range []func(graph.GraphItem) bool{wf.IsStorage, wf.IsCompute} {
for _, item := range wf.GetGraphItems(f) {
nearestStart, longestDuration := wf.Graph.GetAverageTimeRelatedToProcessingActivity(ws.Start, processings, item.GetResource(),
func(i graph.GraphItem) resources.ShallowResourceInterface {
if f(i) {
return i.GetResource()
} else {
return nil
started := ws.Start.Add(time.Duration(nearestStart) * time.Second)
wf.Graph.SetItemStartUsage(item.ID, started)
if longestDuration >= 0 {
wf.Graph.SetItemEndUsage(item.ID, started.Add(time.Duration(longestDuration)))
for _, item := range wf.GetGraphItems(wf.IsWorkflow) {
access := workflow.NewAccessor(nil)
res, code, err := access.LoadOne(item.GetResource().GetID())
if code != 200 || err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("could not load the workflow with id: " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", err.Error()))
innerWF := res.(*workflow.Workflow)
innerWF, err = ws.planifyWorkflow(innerWF)
started := ws.Start.Add(time.Duration(innerWF.GetNearestStart(ws.Start)) * time.Second)
wf.Graph.SetItemStartUsage(item.ID, started)
durationE := time.Duration(innerWF.GetLongestTime(ws.End))
if durationE < 0 {
ended := ws.Start.Add(durationE * time.Second)
wf.Graph.SetItemEndUsage(item.ID, ended)
return wf, nil
BOOKING IMPLIED TIME, not of subscription but of execution
so is processing time execution time applied on computes
data can improve the processing time
time should implied a security time border (10sec) if not from the same executions
* getExecutions is a function that returns the executions of a workflow
* it returns an array of workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) getExecutions(workflow *workflow.Workflow) ([]*WorkflowExecutions, error) {
workflows_executions := []*WorkflowExecutions{}
dates, err := ws.getDates()
if err != nil {
return workflows_executions, err
for _, date := range dates {
obj := &WorkflowExecutions{
AbstractObject: utils.AbstractObject{
Name: workflow.Name + "_execution_" + date.Start.String(), // set the name of the execution
ExecDate: date.Start, // set the execution date
EndDate: date.End, // set the end date
State: common.DRAFT, // set the state to 1 (scheduled)
WorkflowID: workflow.GetID(), // set the workflow id dependancy of the execution
workflows_executions = append(workflows_executions, obj)
return workflows_executions, nil
func (ws *WorkflowSchedule) getDates() ([]Schedule, error) {
schedule := []Schedule{}
if len(ws.Cron) > 0 { // if cron is set then end date should be set
if ws.End == nil {
return schedule, errors.New("a cron task should have an end date.")
if ws.DurationS <= 0 {
ws.DurationS = ws.End.Sub(ws.Start).Seconds()
cronStr := strings.Split(ws.Cron, " ") // split the cron string to treat it
if len(cronStr) < 6 { // if the cron string is less than 6 fields, return an error because format is : ss mm hh dd MM dw (6 fields)
return schedule, errors.New("Bad cron message: (" + ws.Cron + "). Should be at least ss mm hh dd MM dw")
subCron := strings.Join(cronStr[:6], " ")
// cron should be parsed as ss mm hh dd MM dw t (min 6 fields)
specParser := cron.NewParser(cron.Second | cron.Minute | cron.Hour | cron.Dom | cron.Month | cron.Dow) // create a new cron parser
sched, err := specParser.Parse(subCron) // parse the cron string
if err != nil {
return schedule, errors.New("Bad cron message: " + err.Error())
// loop through the cron schedule to set the executions
for s := sched.Next(ws.Start); !s.IsZero() && s.Before(*ws.End); s = sched.Next(s) {
e := s.Add(time.Duration(ws.DurationS) * time.Second)
schedule = append(schedule, Schedule{
Start: s,
End: &e,
} else { // if no cron, set the execution to the start date
schedule = append(schedule, Schedule{
Start: ws.Start,
End: ws.End,
return schedule, nil
type Schedule struct {
Start time.Time
End *time.Time

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package workspace
import (
@ -16,17 +18,20 @@ type Workspace struct {
Shared string `json:"shared,omitempty" bson:"shared,omitempty"` // Shared is the ID of the shared workspace
func (d *Workspace) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.WORKSPACE, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *Workspace) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessor(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (ao *Workspace) VerifyAuth(username string, peerID string, groups []string) bool {
func (ao *Workspace) VerifyAuth(request *tools.APIRequest) bool {
fmt.Println("Workspace.VerifyAuth", ao.Shared)
if ao.Shared != "" {
shared, code, _ := shallow_collaborative_area.New(tools.COLLABORATIVE_AREA, username, peerID, groups, nil).LoadOne(ao.Shared)
shared, code, _ := shallow_collaborative_area.NewAccessor(request).LoadOne(ao.Shared)
fmt.Println("Workspace.VerifyAuth", shared, code)
if code != 200 || shared == nil {
return false
return shared.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups)
return shared.VerifyAuth(request)
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(username, peerID, groups)
fmt.Println("Workspace.VerifyAuth", ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(request))
return ao.AbstractObject.VerifyAuth(request)

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import (
type WorkspaceHistory struct{ Workspace }
func (d *WorkspaceHistory) GetAccessor(username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) utils.Accessor {
return New(tools.WORKFLOW_HISTORY, username, peerID, groups, caller) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (d *WorkspaceHistory) GetAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) utils.Accessor {
return NewAccessorHistory(request) // Create a new instance of the accessor
func (r *WorkspaceHistory) GenerateID() {
r.UUID = uuid.New().String()

View File

@ -18,15 +18,21 @@ type workspaceMongoAccessor struct {
// New creates a new instance of the workspaceMongoAccessor
func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, caller *tools.HTTPCaller) *workspaceMongoAccessor {
func NewAccessorHistory(request *tools.APIRequest) *workspaceMongoAccessor {
return new(tools.WORKSPACE_HISTORY, request)
func NewAccessor(request *tools.APIRequest) *workspaceMongoAccessor {
return new(tools.WORKSPACE, request)
// New creates a new instance of the workspaceMongoAccessor
func new(t tools.DataType, request *tools.APIRequest) *workspaceMongoAccessor {
return &workspaceMongoAccessor{
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Caller: caller,
PeerID: peerID,
User: username,
Groups: groups, // Set the caller
Type: t,
Logger: logs.CreateLogger(t.String()), // Create a logger with the data type
Request: request,
Type: t,
@ -36,7 +42,7 @@ func New(t tools.DataType, username string, peerID string, groups []string, call
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) DeleteOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
res, code, err := utils.GenericDeleteOne(id, a)
if code == 200 && res != nil {
a.share(res.(*Workspace), tools.DELETE, a.Caller) // Share the deletion to the peers
a.share(res.(*Workspace), tools.DELETE, a.GetCaller()) // Share the deletion to the peers
return res, code, err
@ -46,7 +52,7 @@ func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils
d := set.(*Workspace) // Get the workspace from the set
if d.Active { // If the workspace is active, deactivate all the other workspaces
res, _, err := a.LoadAll()
res, _, err := a.LoadAll(true)
if err == nil {
for _, r := range res {
if r.GetID() != id {
@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) UpdateOne(set utils.DBObject, id string) (utils
res, code, err := utils.GenericUpdateOne(set, id, a, &Workspace{})
if code == 200 && res != nil {
a.share(res.(*Workspace), tools.PUT, a.Caller)
a.share(res.(*Workspace), tools.PUT, a.GetCaller())
return res, code, err
@ -70,8 +76,8 @@ func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) StoreOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject,
"": {{Operator: dbs.LIKE.String(), Value: data.GetName() + "_workspace"}},
res, _, err := a.Search(filters, "") // Search for the workspace
if err == nil && len(res) > 0 { // If the workspace already exists, return an error
res, _, err := a.Search(filters, "", true) // Search for the workspace
if err == nil && len(res) > 0 { // If the workspace already exists, return an error
return nil, 409, errors.New("A workspace with the same name already exists")
// reset the resources
@ -87,23 +93,23 @@ func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) CopyOne(data utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, i
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) LoadOne(id string) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadOne[*Workspace](id, func(d utils.DBObject) (utils.DBObject, int, error) {
d.(*Workspace).Fill(a.GetUser(), a.PeerID, a.Groups)
return d, 200, nil
}, a)
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) LoadAll() ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) LoadAll(isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericLoadAll[*Workspace](func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
d.(*Workspace).Fill(a.GetUser(), a.PeerID, a.Groups)
return d
}, a)
}, isDraft, a)
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) Search(filters *dbs.Filters, search string, isDraft bool) ([]utils.ShallowDBObject, int, error) {
return utils.GenericSearch[*Workspace](filters, search, (&Workspace{}).GetObjectFilters(search), func(d utils.DBObject) utils.ShallowDBObject {
d.(*Workspace).Fill(a.GetUser(), a.PeerID, a.Groups)
return d
}, a)
}, isDraft, a)
@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ func (a *workspaceMongoAccessor) share(realData *Workspace, method tools.METHOD,
shallow := &shallow_collaborative_area.ShallowCollaborativeArea{}
access := (shallow).GetAccessor(a.GetUser(), a.PeerID, a.Groups, nil)
access := (shallow).GetAccessor(a.GetRequest())
res, code, _ := access.LoadOne(realData.Shared)
if code != 200 {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ import (
beego ""
type APIRequest struct {
Username string
PeerID string
Groups []string
Caller *HTTPCaller
* API is the Health Check API
* it defines the health check methods

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ const (
var NOAPI = ""
@ -48,6 +50,8 @@ var DefaultAPI = [...]string{
// Bind the standard data name to the data type
@ -68,6 +72,8 @@ var Str = [...]string{
func FromInt(i int) string {

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ const (
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ const (
// String returns the string of the enum
func (m METHOD) String() string {
// EnumIndex returns the index of the enum
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ func (m METHOD) EnumIndex() int {
// ToMethod returns the method from a string
func ToMethod(str string) METHOD {
for _, s := range []METHOD{GET, PUT, POST, DELETE,
if s.String() == str {
return s