2024-09-04 12:09:26 +02:00

460 lines
15 KiB

package oclib
import (
w "cloud.o-forge.io/core/oc-lib/models/resources/workflow"
w2 "cloud.o-forge.io/core/oc-lib/models/workflow"
shared_workspace "cloud.o-forge.io/core/oc-lib/models/workspace/shared"
type Filters = dbs.Filters
type LibDataEnum int
// init accessible constant to retrieve data from the database
const (
INVALID LibDataEnum = iota
PEER = utils.PEER
RULE = utils.RULE
// will turn into standards api hostnames
func (d LibDataEnum) API() string {
return utils.DefaultAPI[d]
// will turn into standards name
func (d LibDataEnum) String() string {
return utils.Str[d]
// will turn into enum index
func (d LibDataEnum) EnumIndex() int {
return int(d)
// model to define the shallow data structure
type LibDataShallow struct {
Data []utils.ShallowDBObject `bson:"data" json:"data"`
Code int `bson:"code" json:"code"`
Err string `bson:"error" json:"error"`
// model to define the data structure
type LibData struct {
Data utils.DBObject `bson:"data" json:"data"`
Code int `bson:"code" json:"code"`
Err string `bson:"error" json:"error"`
// here is the singleton variable to store the paths that api will use
var paths map[LibDataEnum]string = map[LibDataEnum]string{}
// to get the paths
func GetPaths() map[LibDataEnum]string {
return paths
// to get the path
func GetPath(collection LibDataEnum) string {
return paths[collection]
// to add the path
func AddPath(collection LibDataEnum, path string) {
paths[collection] = path
func Init(appName string) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in Init : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
fmt.Printf("Panic recovered in Init : %v - %v\n", r, string(debug.Stack()))
config.SetAppName(appName) // set the app name to the logger to define the main log chan
// create a temporary console logger for init
// Expose subpackages
/* GetLogger returns the main logger
* @return zerolog.Logger
func GetLogger() zerolog.Logger {
return logs.GetLogger()
/* SetConfig will set the config and create a logger according to app configuration and initialize mongo accessor
* @param url string
* @param database string
* @param natsUrl string
* @param lokiUrl string
* @param logLevel string
* @return *Config
func SetConfig(mongoUrl string, database string, natsUrl string, lokiUrl string, logLevel string) *config.Config {
cfg := config.SetConfig(mongoUrl, database, natsUrl, lokiUrl, logLevel)
mongo.MONGOService.Init(models.GetModelsNames(), config.GetConfig()) // init the mongo service
Here we will check if the resource model is already stored in the database
If not we will store it
Resource model is the model that will define the structure of the resources
accessor := (&resource_model.ResourceModel{}).GetAccessor(nil)
for _, model := range []string{utils.DATA_RESOURCE.String(), utils.PROCESSING_RESOURCE.String(), utils.STORAGE_RESOURCE.String(), utils.DATACENTER_RESOURCE.String(), utils.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE.String()} {
data, code, _ := accessor.Search(nil, model)
if code == 404 || len(data) == 0 {
m := map[string]resource_model.Model{}
// TODO Specify the model for each resource
// for now only processing is specified here (not an elegant way)
if model == utils.PROCESSING_RESOURCE.String() {
m["image"] = resource_model.Model{
Type: "string",
ReadOnly: false,
m["command"] = resource_model.Model{
Type: "string",
ReadOnly: false,
m["args"] = resource_model.Model{
Type: "string",
ReadOnly: false,
m["execute"] = resource_model.Model{
Type: "map[int]map[string]string",
ReadOnly: false,
ResourceType: model,
Model: m,
return cfg
/* GetConfLoader
* Get the configuration loader for the application
* Parameters:
* - AppName: string : the name of the application
* Returns:
* - *onion.Onion : the configuration loader
* The configuration loader will load the configuration from the following sources:
* - the environment variables with the prefix APPNAME_
* - the file /etc/oc/appname.json
* - the file ./appname.json
* The configuration loader will merge the configuration from the different sources
* The configuration loader will give priority to the environment variables
* The configuration loader will give priority to the local file over the default file
func GetConfLoader() *onion.Onion {
return config.GetConfLoader()
* Search will search for the data in the database
* @param filters *dbs.Filters
* @param word string
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibDataShallow
func Search(filters *dbs.Filters, word string, collection LibDataEnum, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibDataShallow) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in Search : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)))
data = LibDataShallow{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadAll : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
d, code, err := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(caller).Search(filters, word)
if err != nil {
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code}
* LoadAll will load all the data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibDataShallow
func LoadAll(collection LibDataEnum, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibDataShallow) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in LoadAll : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibDataShallow{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadAll : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
d, code, err := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(caller).LoadAll()
if err != nil {
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibDataShallow{Data: d, Code: code}
* LoadOne will load one data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param id string
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibData
func LoadOne(collection LibDataEnum, id string, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibData) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in LoadOne : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in LoadOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
d, code, err := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(caller).LoadOne(id)
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code}
* UpdateOne will update one data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param set map[string]interface{}
* @param id string
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibData
func UpdateOne(collection LibDataEnum, set map[string]interface{}, id string, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibData) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in UpdateOne : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in UpdateOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
model := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(caller).UpdateOne(model.Deserialize(set), id)
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code}
* DeleteOne will delete one data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param id string
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibData
func DeleteOne(collection LibDataEnum, id string, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibData) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in DeleteOne : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in DeleteOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
d, code, err := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex()).GetAccessor(caller).DeleteOne(id)
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code}
* StoreOne will store one data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param object map[string]interface{}
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibData
func StoreOne(collection LibDataEnum, object map[string]interface{}, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibData) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in StoreOne : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in StoreOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
model := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(caller).StoreOne(model.Deserialize(object))
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code}
* CopyOne will copy one data from the database
* @param collection LibDataEnum
* @param object map[string]interface{}
* @param c ...*tools.HTTPCaller
* @return data LibData
func CopyOne(collection LibDataEnum, object map[string]interface{}, c ...*tools.HTTPCaller) (data LibData) {
defer func() { // recover the panic
if r := recover(); r != nil {
tools.UncatchedError = append(tools.UncatchedError, errors.New("Panic recovered in CopyOne : "+fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)+" - "+string(debug.Stack())))
data = LibData{Data: nil, Code: 500, Err: "Panic recovered in UpdateOne : " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", r) + " - " + string(debug.Stack())}
var caller *tools.HTTPCaller // define the caller
if len(c) > 0 {
caller = c[0]
model := models.Model(collection.EnumIndex())
d, code, err := model.GetAccessor(caller).CopyOne(model.Deserialize(object))
if err != nil {
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code, Err: err.Error()}
data = LibData{Data: d, Code: code}
// ================ CAST ========================= //
func (l *LibData) ToDataResource() *data.DataResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.DATA_RESOURCE.String() {
return l.Data.(*data.DataResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToDatacenterResource() *datacenter.DatacenterResource {
if l.Data != nil && l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.DATACENTER_RESOURCE.String() {
return l.Data.(*datacenter.DatacenterResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToStorageResource() *storage.StorageResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.STORAGE_RESOURCE.String() {
return l.Data.(*storage.StorageResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToProcessingResource() *processing.ProcessingResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.PROCESSING_RESOURCE.String() {
return l.Data.(*processing.ProcessingResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflowResource() *w.WorkflowResource {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.WORKFLOW_RESOURCE.String() {
return l.Data.(*w.WorkflowResource)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToPeer() *peer.Peer {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.PEER.String() {
return l.Data.(*peer.Peer)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflow() *w2.Workflow {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.WORKFLOW.String() {
return l.Data.(*w2.Workflow)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkspace() *workspace.Workspace {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.WORKSPACE.String() {
return l.Data.(*workspace.Workspace)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToSharedWorkspace() *shared_workspace.SharedWorkspace {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.SHARED_WORKSPACE.String() {
return l.Data.(*shared_workspace.SharedWorkspace)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToRule() *rule.Rule {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.SHARED_WORKSPACE.String() {
return l.Data.(*rule.Rule)
return nil
func (l *LibData) ToWorkflowExecution() *workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution {
if l.Data.GetAccessor(nil).GetType() == utils.WORKFLOW_EXECUTION.String() {
return l.Data.(*workflow_execution.WorkflowExecution)
return nil