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class AbstractObject {
ID string
Name string
IsDraft bool // is consider as a draft
UpdateDate date
LastPeerWriter string
CreatorID string
AccessMode int // public or private
AbstractObject ^-- AbstractResource
AbstractObject ^-- Order
AbstractObject ^-- Booking
AbstractObject ^-- BuyingStatus
AbstractObject ^-- WorkflowExecution
AbstractObject ^-- Workflow
class AbstractResource {
Logo string
Description string
ShortDescription string
Owners []string
UsageRestrictions string
VerifyAuth(request) bool
AbstractResource "1 " --* "many " InstanceITF
AbstractCustomizedResource "1 " --* "1 " InstanceITF
AbstractResource ^-- ComputeResource
AbstractResource ^-- DataResource
AbstractResource ^-- ProcessingResource
AbstractResource ^-- StorageResource
AbstractResource ^-- WorkflowResource
class ComputeResource {
Architecture string
Infrastructure string
class DataResource {
Type string
Quality string
OpenData bool
Static bool
UpdatePeriod date
PersonalData bool
AnonymizedPersonalData bool
SizeGB float64
Licence string
Example string
ProcessingResource "1 " *-- "1 " ProcessingUsage
class ProcessingUsage {
CPUs map[string]CPU
GPUs map[string]GPU
StorageGB float64
Hypothesis string
ScalingModel string
class ProcessingResource {
Infrastructure string
Service bool
Usage ProcessingUsage
OpenSource bool
License string
Maturity string
class StorageResource {
Type string
Accronym string
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " ComputeResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " DataResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " ProcessingResource
WorkflowResource "1 " --* "many " StorageResource
class WorkflowResource {
WorkflowID string
class ExploitResourceSet {}
AbstractCustomizedResource --^ AbstractResource
AbstractCustomizedResource --* ExploitResourceSet
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedComputeResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedDataResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedProcessingResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedStorageResource
ExploitResourceSet ^-- CustomizedWorkflowResource
class AbstractCustomizedResource {
// A customized resource is an
// extended abstract resource not use in catalog
ExplicitBookingDurationS float64
UsageStart date
UsageEnd date
SelectedPricing string
class CustomizedComputeResource {
CPUsLocated map[string]float64
GPUsLocated map[string]float64
RAMLocated float64
class CustomizedDataResource {
StorageGB float64
class CustomizedProcessingResource {
Container Container
class CustomizedStorageResource {
StorageGB bool
class CustomizedWorkflowResource {}
interface InstanceITF {
GetID() string
VerifyPartnership() bool // eval if there is one partnership per peer groups in every instance
GetPeerGroups() []ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string
InstanceITF -- ResourceInstance
ResourceInstance ^-- ComputeResourceInstance
ResourceInstance ^-- StorageResourceInstance
ResourceInstance "many " --* "1 " ResourcePartnerITF
class ResourceInstance {
ID string
Location Geopoint
Country CountryCode
AccessProtocol string
class ComputeResourceInstance {
SecurityLevel string
PowerSource string
CPUs map[string]CPU
GPUs map[string]GPU
class StorageResourceInstance {
Local bool
SecurityLevel string
SizeType string
SizeGB int
Encryption bool
Redundancy string
Throughput string
ResourcePartnerITF -- ResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- ComputeResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- DataResourcePartnership
ResourcePartnership ^-- StorageResourcePartnership
interface ResourcePartnerITF {
GetPricing(id string) PricingProfileITF
GetPeerGroups() []ResourcePartnerITF, []map[string][]string
ResourcePartnership "many " --* "1 " PricingProfileITF
class ResourcePartnership{
Namespace string
PeerGroups map[string][]string
class ComputeResourcePartnership {
MaxAllowedCPUsCores map[string]int
MaxAllowedGPUsMemoryGB map[string]float64
RAMSizeGB float64
class DataResourcePartnership {
MaxDownloadableGBAllowed float64
PersonalDataAllowed bool
AnonymizedPersonalDataAllowed bool
class StorageResourcePartnership {
MaxSizeGBAllowed float64
OnlyEncryptedAllowed bool
RefundType -- AccessPricingProfile
enum RefundType {
PricingProfileITF -- AccessPricingProfile
PricingProfileITF -- ExploitPricingProfile
PricingProfileITF -- WorkflowResourcePricingProfile
AccessPricingProfile ^-- DataResourcePricingProfile
AccessPricingProfile ^-- ProcessingResourcePricingProfile
ExploitPricingProfile ^-- ComputeResourcePricingProfile
ExploitPricingProfile ^-- StorageResourcePricingProfile
interface PricingProfileITF {
GetPrice(quantity float64, val float64, start date, end date, request) float64
IsBuying() bool
class AccessPricingProfile {
ID string
Pricing PricingStrategy
DefaultRefundType RefundType
RefundRatio int // percentage of refund on price
class DataResourcePricingProfile {}
class ProcessingResourcePricingProfile {}
ExploitPrivilegeStrategy -- ExploitPricingProfile
enum ExploitPrivilegeStrategy {
AccessPricingProfile --* PricingStrategy
AccessPricingProfile ^-- ExploitPricingProfile
class ExploitPricingProfile {
AdditionnalRefundTypes RefundTypeint
PrivilegeStrategy ExploitPrivilegeStrategy
GarantedDelaySecond int
Exceeding bool
ExceedingRatio int // percentage of Exceeding based on price
class ComputeResourcePricingProfile {
OverrideCPUsPrices map[string]float64
OverrideGPUsPrices map[string]float64
OverrideRAMPrice float64
class StorageResourcePricingProfile {}
WorkflowResourcePricingProfile "1 " --* "many " ExploitResourceSet
class WorkflowResourcePricingProfile {
ID string
BuyingStrategy -- PricingStrategy
enum BuyingStrategy {
Strategy -- TimePricingStrategy
Strategy "0-1 " *-- " " PricingStrategy
interface Strategy {
GetStrategy () string
GetStrategyValue() int
enum TimePricingStrategy {
class PricingStrategy {
Price float64
TimePricingStrategy TimePricingStrategy
OverrideStrategy Strategy
PeerOrder "many " *-- "1 " Order
PeerItemOrder "many " *-- "1 " PeerOrder
PricedItemITF "many " *-- "1 " PeerItemOrder
PricedItemITF -- AbstractCustomizedResource
class Order {
OrderBy string
WorkflowExecutionIDs []string
Status string
Total float64
class PeerOrder {
PeerID string
Error string
Status string
BillingAddress string
Total float64
class PeerItemOrder {
Quantity int
BuyingStatus string
class BuyingStatus {}
WorkflowExecution "many " --* "1 " Workflow
Workflow "1 " --* "many " WorkflowScheduler
WorkflowScheduler "1 " --* "many " WorkflowExecution
class WorkflowExecution {
ExecDate date
EndDate date
State string
WorkflowID string
ToBookings() []Booking
class WorkflowScheduler* {
Message string
Warning string
Start date
End date
DurationS float64
Cron string
Schedules(workflowID string, request) []WorkflowExecution
Workflow "1 " --* "many " ExploitResourceSet
class Workflow {}
interface PricedItemITF {
getPrice(request) float64, error
@enduml |