# This template demonstrates a steps template and how to control sequential vs. parallel steps. # In this example, the hello1 completes before the hello2a, and hello2b steps, which run in parallel. apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: steps- spec: entrypoint: hello-hello-hello templates: - name: hello-hello-hello steps: - - name: hello1 template: print-message arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello1"}] - - name: hello2a template: print-message arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2a"}] - name: hello2b template: print-message arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2b"}] - name: print-message inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: busybox command: [echo] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"]