
58 lines
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@startuml process_branches
actor oc_scheduler as oc
participant graph as graph
participant argoBuilder as argo
entity list_branches as branches
entity graph as argoGraph
oc -> graph : loadGraphFrom(nom_workflow)
activate oc
activate graph
graph --> oc : Graph
oc -> graph : generateArgo()
graph -> graph : createBranches
graph -> argo : new ArgoBuilder(Graph,list_branches)
activate argo
argo -> argo : create list of nodes already written
note top : a node is a component in a link object,\n represented by its ID
argo -> argo
note bottom : We want to prepare the list of branches by removing\n nodes that appears several times\ne.g : two branches :\n1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4\n1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 5\nWe will iterate over each branch to create the component's YAML\n and don't want to create components 1 2 et 3 twice or more
loop branch in branches
group if Source first link is not in list node written
loop while link Source is shared
argo -> argo : create an object representing the component
argo -> argo : add component to list of created nodes
loop branch in branches
loop link in branch
group if link.Destination not in list of nodes already written
argo -> argoGraph : get component
argoGraph --> argo : component
argo -> argo : generate YAML depending on type (attributes)
argo -> argo : add ID to list of node already written
loop for each struct created
argo -> argo : Marshal into yaml
argo -> argo : write the marshalled string to a file