*********************************************************************** Welcome to Grafana Loki Chart version: {{ .Chart.Version }} Chart Name: {{ .Chart.Name }} Loki version: {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} *********************************************************************** ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** Tip: Watch the deployment status using the command: kubectl get pods -w --namespace {{ $.Release.Namespace }} If pods are taking too long to schedule make sure pod affinity can be fulfilled in the current cluster. *********************************************************************** Installed components: *********************************************************************** {{- if .Values.monitoring.selfMonitoring.enabled }} * grafana-agent-operator {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" }} * loki {{- else -}} {{- if .Values.gateway.enabled }} * gateway {{- end }} {{- if .Values.minio.enabled }} * minio {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true" }} * read * write {{- if not .Values.read.legacyReadTarget }} * backend {{- end }} {{- else }} * compactor * index gateway * query scheduler * ruler * distributor * ingester * querier * query frontend {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" }} Loki has been deployed as a single binary. This means a single pod is handling reads and writes. You can scale that pod vertically by adding more CPU and memory resources. {{- end }} *********************************************************************** Sending logs to Loki *********************************************************************** {{- if .Values.gateway.enabled }} Loki has been configured with a gateway (nginx) to support reads and writes from a single component. {{- end }} You can send logs from inside the cluster using the cluster DNS: {{- if .Values.gateway.enabled }} http://{{ include "loki.gatewayFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local/loki/api/v1/push {{- else }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }}/loki/api/v1/push {{- end}} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.writeFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }}/loki/api/v1/push {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isDistributed" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.distributorFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:3100/loki/api/v1/push {{- end }} {{- end }} You can test to send data from outside the cluster by port-forwarding the gateway to your local machine: {{- if .Values.gateway.enabled }} kubectl port-forward --namespace {{ $.Release.Namespace }} svc/{{ include "loki.gatewayFullname" . }} 3100:{{ .Values.gateway.service.port }} & {{- else }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" }} kubectl port-forward --namespace {{ $.Release.Namespace }} svc/{{ include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" . }} 3100:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }} & {{- end}} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true" }} kubectl port-forward --namespace {{ $.Release.Namespace }} svc/{{ include "loki.writeFullname" . }} 3100:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }} & {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isDistributed" .) "true" }} kubectl port-forward --namespace {{ $.Release.Namespace }} svc/{{ include "loki.distributorFullname" . }} 3100:3100 & {{- end }} {{- end }} And then using URL as shown below: ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST -s "" \ --data-raw "{\"streams\": [{\"stream\": {\"job\": \"test\"}, \"values\": [[\"$(date +%s)000000000\", \"fizzbuzz\"]]}]}" {{- if .Values.loki.auth_enabled }} \ -H X-Scope-OrgId:foo {{- end}} ``` Then verify that Loki did received the data using the following command: ``` curl "" --data-urlencode 'query={job="test"}' {{- if .Values.loki.auth_enabled }} -H X-Scope-OrgId:foo {{- end}} | jq .data.result ``` *********************************************************************** Connecting Grafana to Loki *********************************************************************** If Grafana operates within the cluster, you'll set up a new Loki datasource by utilizing the following URL: {{- if .Values.gateway.enabled }} http://{{ include "loki.gatewayFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local/ {{- else }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }}/ {{- end}} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.readFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.loki.server.http_listen_port }}/ {{- end }} {{- if eq (include "loki.deployment.isDistributed" .) "true" }} http://{{ include "loki.queryFrontendFullname" . }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:3100/ {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.loki.auth_enabled }} *********************************************************************** Multi-tenancy *********************************************************************** Loki is configured with auth enabled (multi-tenancy) and expects tenant headers (`X-Scope-OrgID`) to be set for all API calls. You must configure Grafana's Loki datasource using the `HTTP Headers` section with the `X-Scope-OrgID` to target a specific tenant. For each tenant, you can create a different datasource. The agent of your choice must also be configured to propagate this header. For example, when using Promtail you can use the `tenant` stage. https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/send-data/promtail/stages/tenant/ When not provided with the `X-Scope-OrgID` while auth is enabled, Loki will reject reads and writes with a 404 status code `no org id`. You can also use a reverse proxy, to automatically add the `X-Scope-OrgID` header as suggested by https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/operations/authentication/ For more information, read our documentation about multi-tenancy: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/operations/multi-tenancy/ > When using curl you can pass `X-Scope-OrgId` header using `-H X-Scope-OrgId:foo` option, where foo can be replaced with the tenant of your choice. {{- end }}