--- loki: schemaConfig: configs: - from: 2024-04-01 store: tsdb object_store: s3 schema: v13 index: prefix: loki_index_ period: 24h ingester: chunk_encoding: snappy tracing: enabled: true querier: # Default is 4, if you have enough memory and CPU you can increase, reduce if OOMing max_concurrent: 4 #gateway: # ingress: # enabled: true # hosts: # - host: FIXME # paths: # - path: / # pathType: Prefix deploymentMode: Distributed ingester: replicas: 3 querier: replicas: 3 maxUnavailable: 2 queryFrontend: replicas: 2 maxUnavailable: 1 queryScheduler: replicas: 2 distributor: replicas: 3 maxUnavailable: 2 compactor: replicas: 1 indexGateway: replicas: 2 maxUnavailable: 1 # optional experimental components bloomPlanner: replicas: 0 bloomBuilder: replicas: 0 bloomGateway: replicas: 0 # Enable minio for storage minio: enabled: true # Zero out replica counts of other deployment modes backend: replicas: 0 read: replicas: 0 write: replicas: 0 singleBinary: replicas: 0