
11 KiB

Docker Registry UI Chart

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This project aims to provide a simple and complete user interface for your private docker registry. You can customize the interface with various options. The major option is ui.singleRegistry which allows you to disable the dynamic selection of docker registeries.

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Project Page, Live Demo, Examples, Helm Chart



  • Helm 3.2+ (Helm 2 is not supported)
  • Kubernetes 1.19+ - This is the earliest version of Kubernetes tested. It is possible that this chart works with earlier versions but it is untested.


  1. Add my Helm repository (named joxit)
helm repo add joxit https://helm.joxit.dev
  1. Ensure you have access to the Helm chart and you see the latest chart version listed. If you have previously added the Helm repository, run helm repo update.
helm search repo joxit/docker-registry-ui
  1. Now you're ready to install the Docker Registry UI! To install Docker Registry UI with the default configuration using Helm 3.2 run the following command below. This will deploy the Docker Registry UI on the default namespace.
helm upgrade --install docker-registry-ui joxit/docker-registry-ui



Value Default Description
global.name null Set the prefix used for all resources in the Helm chart. If not set, the prefix will be <helm release name>.
global.imagePullSecrets [] The default array of objects containing image pull secret names that will be applied.
global.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent The default image policy for images: IfNotPresent, Always, Never

User Interface

Value Default Description
ui.replicas 1 Number of replicas for the Deployment.
ui.title "Docker registry UI" Title of the registry
ui.proxy false UI behave as a proxy of the registry
ui.dockerRegistryUrl null The URL of your docker registry, may be a service (when proxy is on) or an external URL.
ui.pullUrl null Override the pull URL
ui.singleRegistry true Remove the menu that show the dialogs to add, remove and change the endpoint of your docker registry.
ui.registrySecured false By default, the UI will check on every requests if your registry is secured or not (you will see 401 responses in your console). Set to true if your registry uses Basic Authentication and divide by two the number of call to your registry.
ui.showCatalogNbTags false Show number of tags per images on catalog page. This will produce + nb images requests, not recommended on large registries.
ui.catalogElementsLimit 1000 Limit the number of elements in the catalog page.
ui.catalogDefaultExpanded false Expand by default all repositories in catalog
ui.catalogMinBranches 1 Set the minimum repository/namespace to expand (e.g. joxit/docker-registry-ui joxit/ is the repository/namespace). Can be 0 to disable branching.
ui.catalogMaxBranches 1 Set the maximum repository/namespace to expand (e.g. joxit/docker-registry-ui joxit/ is the repository/namespace). Can be 0 to disable branching.
ui.deleteImages false Allow delete of images
ui.showContentDigest false Show content digest in docker tag list.
ui.taglistOrder alpha-asc;num-desc Set the default order for the taglist page, could be num-asc;alpha-asc, num-desc;alpha-asc, num-asc;alpha-desc, num-desc;alpha-desc, alpha-asc;num-asc, alpha-asc;num-desc, alpha-desc;num-asc or alpha-desc;num-desc.
ui.taglistPageSize 100 Set the number of tags to display in one page.
ui.historyCustomLabels [] Expose custom labels in history page, custom labels will be processed like maintainer label.
ui.nginxProxyHeaders [] Update the default Nginx configuration and set custom headers for your backend docker registry. Only when ui.proxy is used. Example: nginxProxyHeaders: [ { my-heeader-name: my-header-value } ]
ui.nginxProxyPassHeaders [] Update the default Nginx configuration and forward custom headers to your backend docker registry. Only when ui.proxy is used. Example: nginxProxyPassHeaders: [ my-first-header, my-second-header ]
ui.useControlCacheHeader false Add header Control-Cache: no-store, no-cache on requests to registry server. This needs to update your registry configuration with : Access-Control-Allow-Headers: ['Authorization', 'Accept', 'Cache-Control']
ui.runAsRoot true Use root or nginx user inside the container, when this is false the target port must be greater or equal to 1024.
ui.defaultTheme "auto" Select the default theme to apply, values can be auto, dark and light
ui.theme.background "" Custom background color for the UI
ui.theme.primaryText "" Custom primary text color for the UI
ui.theme.neutralText "" Custom netral color for the UI (icons)
ui.theme.accentText "" Custom accent color for the UI (buttons)
ui.theme.hoverBackground "" Custom hover background color for the UI
ui.theme.headerBackground "" Custom header background color for the UI
ui.theme.headerText "" Custom header text color for the UI
ui.theme.footerBackground "" Custom footer background color for the UI
ui.theme.footerText "" Custom footer text color for the UI
ui.theme.footerNeutralText "" Custom footer neutral color for the UI (links)
ui.image joxit/docker-registry-ui:2.5.2 The name and tag of the docker image of the interface
ui.imagePullSecrets "-" Override default image pull secrets
ui.imagePullPolicy "-" Override default pull policy
ui.resources {} The resource settings for user interface pod.
ui.nodeSelector {} Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
ui.tolerations [] Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
ui.affinity {} This value defines the affinity for server pods.
ui.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the user interface deployment.
ui.additionalSpec {} Optional YAML string that will be appended to the deployment spec.
ui.service.type ClusterIP Type of service: LoadBalancer, ClusterIP or NodePort. If using NodePort service type, you must set the desired nodePorts setting below.
ui.service.port 80 Ports that will be exposed on the service
ui.service.targetPort 80 The port to listhen on the container. If under 1024, the user must be root
ui.service.nodePort null If using a NodePort service type, you must specify the desired nodePort for each exposed port.
ui.service.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the user interface service.
ui.service.additionalSpec {} Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
ui.ingress.enabled false Enable the ingress for the user interface.
ui.ingress.host null Fully qualified domain name of a network host.
ui.ingress.path / Path is matched against the path of an incoming request.
ui.ingress.pathType Prefix Determines the interpretation of the Path matching, must be Prefix to serve assets.
ui.ingress.ingressClassName nginx The name of an IngressClass cluster resource.
ui.ingress.tls [] TLS configuration
ui.ingress.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the user interface ingress.

Registry Server

Value Default Description
registry.enabled false Enable the registry server.
registry.image registry:2.8.2 The name and tag of the docker registry server image
registry.imagePullSecrets "-" Override default image pull secrets
registry.imagePullPolicy "-" Override default pull policy
registry.dataVolume null Configuration for the data directory. When null it will create an emptyDir.
registry.resources {} The resource settings for registry server pod.
registry.nodeSelector {} Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
registry.tolerations [] Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
registry.affinity {} This value defines the affinity for server pods.
registry.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the registry server deployment.
registry.additionalSpec {} Optional YAML string that will be appended to the deployment spec.
registry.extraEnv [] Extra Environmental Variables for Registry
registry.auth.basic.enabled false Enable basic auth for Registry.
registry.auth.basic.realm Docker registry Basic auth realm.
registry.auth.basic.htpasswdPath /etc/docker/registry/auth/htpasswd Full path for htpasswd file. Note that filename should match the secret key.
registry.auth.basic.secretName '' htpasswd secret name volume to mount.
registry.service.type ClusterIP Type of service: LoadBalancer, ClusterIP or NodePort. If using NodePort service type, you must set the desired nodePorts setting below.
registry.service.port 5000 Ports that will be exposed on the service
registry.service.targetPort 5000 The port to listhen on the container.
registry.service.nodePort null If using a NodePort service type, you must specify the desired nodePort for each exposed port.
registry.service.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the registry server service.
registry.service.additionalSpec {} Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
registry.ingress.enabled false Enable the ingress for the registry server.
registry.ingress.host null Fully qualified domain name of a network host.
registry.ingress.path /v2/ Path is matched against the path of an incoming request.
registry.ingress.pathType Prefix Determines the interpretation of the Path matching, must be Prefix to serve assets.
registry.ingress.ingressClassName nginx The name of an IngressClass cluster resource.
registry.ingress.tls [] TLS configuration
registry.ingress.annotations {} Annotations to apply to the registry server ingress.