
219 lines
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## Global
# Set the prefix used for all resources in the Helm chart. If not set,
# the prefix will be `<helm release name>`.
name: null
# The default array of objects containing image pull secret names that will be applied.
imagePullSecrets: []
# The default image policy for images: `IfNotPresent`, `Always`, `Never`
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## User Interface
# Number of replicas for the Deployment.
replicas: 1
# Title of the registry
title: "Docker registry UI"
# UI behave as a proxy of the registry
proxy: false
# The URL of your docker registry, may be a service (when proxy is on) or an external URL.
dockerRegistryUrl: null
# Override the pull URL
pullUrl: null
# Remove the menu that show the dialogs to add, remove and change the endpoint of your docker registry.
singleRegistry: true
# By default, the UI will check on every requests if your registry is secured or not (you will see `401` responses in your console). Set to `true` if your registry uses Basic Authentication and divide by two the number of call to your registry.
registrySecured: false
# Show number of tags per images on catalog page. This will produce + nb images requests, not recommended on large registries.
showCatalogNbTags: false
# Limit the number of elements in the catalog page.
catalogElementsLimit: 1000
# Expand by default all repositories in catalog
catalogDefaultExpanded: false
# Set the minimum repository/namespace to expand (e.g. `joxit/docker-registry-ui` `joxit/` is the repository/namespace). Can be 0 to disable branching.
catalogMinBranches: 1
# Set the maximum repository/namespace to expand (e.g. `joxit/docker-registry-ui` `joxit/` is the repository/namespace). Can be 0 to disable branching.
catalogMaxBranches: 1
# Allow delete of images
deleteImages: false
# Show content digest in docker tag list.
showContentDigest: false
# Set the default order for the taglist page, could be `num-asc;alpha-asc`, `num-desc;alpha-asc`, `num-asc;alpha-desc`, `num-desc;alpha-desc`, `alpha-asc;num-asc`, `alpha-asc;num-desc`, `alpha-desc;num-asc` or `alpha-desc;num-desc`.
taglistOrder: alpha-asc;num-desc
# Set the number of tags to display in one page.
taglistPageSize: 100
# Expose custom labels in history page, custom labels will be processed like maintainer label.
historyCustomLabels: []
# Update the default Nginx configuration and **set custom headers** for your backend docker registry. Only when `ui.proxy` is used.
# Example:
# nginxProxyHeaders:
# [ { my-heeader-name: my-header-value } ]
nginxProxyHeaders: []
# Update the default Nginx configuration and **forward custom headers** to your backend docker registry. Only when `ui.proxy` is used.
# Example:
# nginxProxyPassHeaders: [ my-first-header, my-second-header ]
nginxProxyPassHeaders: []
# Add header Control-Cache: no-store, no-cache on requests to registry server.
# This needs to update your registry configuration with : `Access-Control-Allow-Headers: ['Authorization', 'Accept', 'Cache-Control']`
useControlCacheHeader: false
# Use root or nginx user inside the container, when this is false the target port must be greater or equal to 1024.
runAsRoot: true
# Select the default theme to apply, values can be `auto`, `dark` and `light`
defaultTheme: "auto"
# Custom background color for the UI
background: ""
# Custom primary text color for the UI
primaryText: ""
# Custom netral color for the UI (icons)
neutralText: ""
# Custom accent color for the UI (buttons)
accentText: ""
# Custom hover background color for the UI
hoverBackground: ""
# Custom header background color for the UI
headerBackground: ""
# Custom header text color for the UI
headerText: ""
# Custom footer background color for the UI
footerBackground: ""
# Custom footer text color for the UI
footerText: ""
# Custom footer neutral color for the UI (links)
footerNeutralText: ""
# The name and tag of the docker image of the interface
image: joxit/docker-registry-ui:2.5.2
# Override default image pull secrets
imagePullSecrets: "-"
# Override default pull policy
imagePullPolicy: "-"
# The resource settings for user interface pod.
resources: {}
# Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
nodeSelector: {}
# Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
tolerations: []
# This value defines the [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity)
# for server pods.
affinity: {}
# Annotations to apply to the user interface deployment.
annotations: {}
# Optional YAML string that will be appended to the deployment spec.
additionalSpec: {}
# Type of service: `LoadBalancer`, `ClusterIP` or `NodePort`. If using `NodePort` service
# type, you must set the desired `nodePorts` setting below.
type: ClusterIP
# Ports that will be exposed on the service
port: 80
# The port to listhen on the container. If under 1024, the user must be root
targetPort: 80
# If using a `NodePort` service type, you must specify the desired `nodePort` for each exposed port.
nodePort: null
# Annotations to apply to the user interface service.
annotations: {}
# Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
additionalSpec: {}
# Enable the ingress for the user interface.
enabled: false
# Fully qualified domain name of a network host.
host: null
# Path is matched against the path of an incoming request.
path: /
# Determines the interpretation of the Path matching, must be Prefix to serve assets.
pathType: Prefix
# The name of an IngressClass cluster resource.
ingressClassName: nginx
# TLS configuration
tls: []
# Annotations to apply to the user interface ingress.
annotations: {}
# If you want a custom path, you can try this example:
# path: /ui(/|$)(.*)
# annotations:
# { nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2 }
## Registry Server
# Enable the registry server.
enabled: false
# The name and tag of the docker registry server image
image: registry:2.8.2
# Override default image pull secrets
imagePullSecrets: "-"
# Override default pull policy
imagePullPolicy: "-"
# Configuration for the data directory. When null it will create an emptyDir.
dataVolume: null
# The resource settings for registry server pod.
resources: {}
# Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
nodeSelector: {}
# Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
tolerations: []
# This value defines the [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity)
# for server pods.
affinity: {}
# Annotations to apply to the registry server deployment.
annotations: {}
# Optional YAML string that will be appended to the deployment spec.
additionalSpec: {}
# Extra Environmental Variables for Registry
extraEnv: []
# Enable basic auth for Registry.
enabled: false
# Basic auth realm.
realm: Docker registry
# Full path for htpasswd file. Note that filename should match the secret key.
htpasswdPath: /etc/docker/registry/auth/htpasswd
# htpasswd secret name volume to mount.
secretName: ''
# Type of service: `LoadBalancer`, `ClusterIP` or `NodePort`. If using `NodePort` service
# type, you must set the desired `nodePorts` setting below.
type: ClusterIP
# Ports that will be exposed on the service
port: 5000
# The port to listhen on the container.
targetPort: 5000
# If using a `NodePort` service type, you must specify the desired `nodePort` for each exposed port.
nodePort: null
# Annotations to apply to the registry server service.
annotations: {}
# Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
additionalSpec: {}
# Enable the ingress for the registry server.
enabled: false
# Fully qualified domain name of a network host.
host: null
# Path is matched against the path of an incoming request.
path: /v2/
# Determines the interpretation of the Path matching, must be Prefix to serve assets.
pathType: Prefix
# The name of an IngressClass cluster resource.
ingressClassName: nginx
# TLS configuration
tls: []
# Annotations to apply to the registry server ingress.
annotations: {}
# If you want a custom path, you can try this example:
# path: /api(/|$)(.*)
# annotations:
# { nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2 }