.. | ||
enterprise-secrets.yaml | ||
overrides-enterprise-gcs.yaml | ||
This example gives you an example or getting started overrides value file for deploying Loki (Enterprise Licensed) using the Simple Scalable architecture in GKE and using GCS.
Installation of Helm Chart
These instructions assume you already have access to a Kubernetes cluster, GCS Bucket and GCP Service Account which has read/write permissions to that GCS Bucket.
Populate Secret Values
Populate the enterprise-secrets.yaml so that:
- The
secret has the contents of your GCP Service Account JSON key. - The
secret has the contents of your Grafana Enterprise Logs license key given to your by Grafana Labs.
Deploy the secrets file to your k8s cluster with the command:
kubectl apply -f enterprise-secrets.yaml
Configure the Helm Chart
Open overrides-enterprise-gcs.yaml and replace {YOUR_GCS_BUCKET}
with the name of your GCS bucket. If there are other things you'd like to configure, view the core Values.yaml file and override anything else you need to within the overrides-enterprise-gcs.yaml file.
Install the Helm chart
helm upgrade --install --values {PATH_TO_YOUR_OVERRIDES_YAML_FILE} {YOUR_RELEASE_NAME} grafana/loki-simple-scalable --namespace {KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}
Get the Token for Grafana to connect
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace {KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE} -l "job-name=enterprise-logs-tokengen" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl --namespace {KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE} logs $POD_NAME loki | grep Token
Take note of this token, you will need it when connecting Grafana Enterprise Logs to Grafana.